Maybe not the best way to wear statement sleeves…
OK, in my head, this was a really cute look, right? I thought the floral print of the skirt with the sage green of the top would create a nice botanical-themed outfit. And, those statement sleeves would carry the show! Boy, was I wrong! Isn’t it funny how you can wear something and feel like a million bucks? Then, you see a photo and realize it was all wrong from the beginning!

Working those proportions…
I knew I needed to balance the volume (and there is a lot) of this shirt with a more sleek bottom. This slight a-line sort of pencil denim skirt (that’s a lot of descriptors) is really comfortable (spandex is our friend) and is on sale right now. Believe it or not, this is the misses size rather than a petite. I know the petite range will be too short for my comfort. Now, here’s the real tea! I put this outfit together weeks ago and packed it all away soon after (except for the shoes and jewelry). So, this outfit was going on the blog no matter what!

That top though…
Believe it or not, I bought that top back in January. I was intrigued with the sleeves, the pintucking, and just the different look of it. I like this top and will definitely style it differently later this year. It’s on major sale (also final sale) right now in black. I will say it does run very large! The website says it’s 100% cotton. It feels more like a ramie or even ramie/cotton blend to me. Either way, it wrinkles quite easily! I do like it, but a stiff wind will get you lots of notice! Now, I’m really going to sound like an old lady! I get that Banana Republic is trying for a certain look, but their new website is a bit of a pain. It’s a very chic look, but I’m wondering at the choice of white for fonts. I was trying to filter for something as I was looking for this top. It took me a hot minute to find that goofy button. And another thing, the header moves along with the page. That bugs me…anyone else?

Giving me Laura Petrie vibes…
As I look at it, I think this is what Laura Petrie would have worn on The Dick Van Dyke Show when she was pregnant with Richie. Seriously, can’t you just see her in a voluminous top like this (to hide that bump) and her little cigarette pants? This top is going to be forever known as the Laura Petrie top! Isn’t it funny when you think about how much couldn’t be shown back then? Remember how Lucy and Desi as well as Rob and Laura had to sleep in twin beds? My, how times have changed!

Statement sleeves…
I really like statement sleeves of this kind. I am not a puffy sleeve person. My shoulders are broad, and my upper arms keep waving long after I’m done. So, puffy sleeves don’t do me any favors. I also am not a fan of the let’s put a ruffle here just because we need a statement sleeve moment. I like statement sleeves that are organic to the design. I guess that means I like understated statement sleeves…now, that’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever heard one!

Wearing it again…
As I said earlier, I will definitely wear this top again. I think it would look cute worn open over dark jeans. I probably wouldn’t wear leggings (never say never though) because it’s not overly long. I like my bum to be covered when I wear leggings. In other posts, I’ve written about being able to tell if I liked my outfit by the look on my face. As I look at the photos, I think I actually must have thought I was nailing it!! Those aren’t faked, pained smiles! Hahaha! Joke’s on me, I guess! You know what? I’m also seeing “Sister Act” in this look! Don’t those pleats on the shoulders just scream choir robes?

The Lewk!

I’m sure I’ve worn these sandals on the blog before, but I obviously can’t find them! These are old and from Franco Sarto (I also have them in brown). My opal ring was a gift from Nigel and is years old. The earrings are from J Jill earlier this spring but are not available on the website.
Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Wrap it up, Marsha!
I’m not sure how long these full balloon type statement sleeves will be in vogue. That doesn’t bother me as I’ve only got a couple of them. I think the balloons will deflate with wear and washing. So, can we talk? Do you ever think you’ve got a fabulous ensemble only to discover it was just a big old stinker? What do you think of statement sleeves? And, do you like Banana Republic’s new website? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to answer as soon as I can!

Oops…I forgot…
This month’s 10 on the 10th is extra special! Leslie is back! So, please make sure you check out her blog on the tenth to see her answers!

Thank you!
I am so very thankful to all of you who read my blog. If you enjoy my blog, you can also find me on Instagram here. I also have a Facebook page, but I don’t really do much there. Is Facebook even a thing anymore? And, if you want to share my blog with others, I’d be very grateful!

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also co-host Final Friday Print Mixing with Michelle on the last Friday of the month. I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties! Boy, that’s a lot of co-hosting!
I constantly have outfits that look great in my head and then I see a photo and think – no way!!! I swear the camera lies, ha!!! That blouse is a good one and I bet it would look fabulous with jeans, even a half tuck with your skirt would be worth a try!
Thanks, Kellyann! The problem is this shirt is just short enough it will not stay tucked. I may have to pin it to my undies!!! But, I am definitely going to play with it once I have it out of whatever box it is currently in!!!
Oh my goodness, you look stunning! I love a big statement piece and this top definitely it!
Xo Logan
Oh, Logan!!! I’m gobsmacked you think I look stunning! Thank you so much! You are definitely right that this is a statement piece! I will be wearing it for years to come and will always and forever smile when I think of your comment (I will always think of it as the Laura Petrie shirt, too)!
Thanks so much for coming by!
I often struggle with flowy/ wide tops like that too! I love them and they are usually so comfortable but they are hard to style. I’ve also had the reverse happen where I don’t think an outfit looks flattering or “right” together and then see a photo and think it looks really great! It’s so odd how our eyes and cameras do not line up in what they see.
Hmmm…you know, I agree with you. There are outfits I put together and think, “This will be a total disaster,” and it turns out to be something I really like. This top isn’t even all that comfortable because you have to be careful it doesn’t blow up and show everyone what the Good Lord gave you!!!
Thanks, Joanne!
I love the look of big ol’ sleeves but I always feel sort of swallowed up by them. Like my head looks too small or something. LOL. I think you are right that it would look great with dark jeans – I think I might leave it buttoned up and not open though. I think that might just add to the volume?I am no fashionista though so I am not sure. Anyway, I do love the shirt!
You may be right on the volume. The problem with this shirt is it’s just a touch too short to tuck in and stay in (even on my short body). When I was in sixth grade (which was a million and one years ago), my mom bought me a shirt with big sleeves. I wore that thing to threads!!! Maybe that’s part of why I found myself buying this top!
Thanks, Erin!
That blouse looks fabulous on you! I never liked big sleeves on myself but wow you really pull it off perfectly.
Thank you so much! You have made my day, Meagan!! I don’t like the sleeves that are puffy at the shoulder…which is kinda silly as this one is puffy everywhere but the shoulder!!!
That’s one of the reasons I always think we should take a photo of our outfits, They can look so different than how we saw them in the mirror. But I don’t think this is a true fail. Then again, I’m a fix-it girl.
Maybe you just need a pop of color with a belt, some earrings and your shoes? Either way, even a fail outfit is not a bad thing. How boring if we only ever wore safe outfits.
I don’t think it’s a complete fail either, but there is definitely room for improvement. Hopefully, I will remember to revisit it after it is exhumed from the 1,000,000 boxes stacked here and there! It is such a fun shirt…I just need to play with it more!
Thanks, Jodie!
I absolutely love that top but think you’re right that it needs balance. Teaming it with black cigarette pants would be absolutely the business. And I always think that taking a photo of an outfit tells you a lot. I have learnt so much about this through the years I’ve blogged. Anyway, do show us this top again with jeans or pants as I do really love it x
I definitely will try lots of new things with it. I only wish I had long thin legs that look good in black cigarette pants! Alas and alack, I do not so I need to figure something else out!!
Thanks, Penny!
I’m a sucker for statement sleeves and that top is so cute! I would pair it with tailored pants and tuck it in with a belt or try belting the top itself with a narrow belt. Have a great weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! It’s got these funky short sides so it’s difficult to tuck, but a belt might work. I’m going to make that thing work, I swear!!!
Marsha, I love the top and I love the skirt and I can totally see why you wanted to pair them together. But I think you are right that maybe worn open as a topper piece the shirt might look better. I struggle with big poofy statement sleeves as well because I also am very broad shouldered…I don’t need anything extra highlighting that or else I start to look like an NFL linebacker in drag!
I also like Kellyann’s suggestion to try it with a half tuck over jeans. It will rein in the volume some to create a different silhouette. I am also thinking it would look cute as a jacket over a fitted sundress.
My SIA outfit for this time was similar to yours here in that I thought it looked wicked cute in the mirror and Jeff loved it, too. But when I looked at the photographs, I quickly realized how very unflattering parts of the outfit are. And it’s probably just the combination not the individual pieces. They work well styled differently! So we try new ways before ditching the clothes! Haha.
Also, I hopped on over to the BR website and YIKES! It is terrible to navigate. I don’t think it has anything to do with your age! It’s just bad design.
Ahhh, thank you! I feel vindicated…I mean that new website is slick but so very user-not-friendly! I am determined to make this top work one way or another…I love the idea of using it as a jacket over a sundress…hmmm…I think I have one that would be perfect in my donate pile!
Thanks, Shelbee!
I’ve so been there! My “not as good as I’d expected” outfits also often fail due to proportions. It’s like looking at the pieces, we can more easily check for color and style coordination, but proportions can be hard to gauge in advance. That shirt looks challenging because it has so much volume all over! I wonder if it would be easier if either the sleeves or the torso, both not both, were so voluminous. It actually looks pretty good in the last photo where some of the extra volume of the body of the shirt is pushed in (if that makes sense). Good luck as you try again with this shirt!
I’m hoping after washing and wearing a few more times the volume is drastically reduced. It’s going to take me some time, but I am now determined to make this blouse work!!!
Thanks, Sally!
I think the color combination here is really cute. I was going to say tuck it, but I read your response to Kellyann. Maybe a knot then? I really think this could work with a tweak!
Oh, a knot is a wonderful idea!!! I will have to give that a try. These photos really don’t even begin to show the volume of the shirt itself! I’m just going to have to play around with it when I find it!
Thanks, Laura!
We all have those moments when we don’t like something after we put it on. I’ve had several. Lol! I do like the puff sleeves. I think I like the idea of a half tuck with fitted jeans. The more fabric this is fitted on bottom will help with the volume of the top.
Thanks, Kathrine! The problem is this top is cut so strangely, I can’t really tuck it and have it stay. I’m just going to have to play with it once I figure out where it is!
I love the colour combo here and that is such a pretty top! I can’t do statement sleeves being petite – I can have a little bit of a statement sleeve but big ones like this just swamp me. It’s a very cute top on you though, you look great in olive! With voluminous tops like this I always try the front tuck and half tuck it in to give it a bit more shape
Hope you are having a nice weekend
Thanks, Mica! I am probably shorter than you and took a real chance on this top! But, it was just so unusual. I hope to make it play better when I unearth it after our move!
I love the artistry of the top! The pintucks, the sleeves. It’s all quite stunning. And I would love to see it with jeans. The skirt looks really cute too. And I would like to see it with a different top.
And yes, I get it. I don’t know why looking in the mirror isn’t the same as a photo, but it isn’t. I can’t count the number of times I thought an outfit would look great, then didn’t. And occasionally, it happens the other way – an outfit looks better than I expected.
It really is a fabulous top, Michelle! I didn’t really realize until looking at the pictures just how much top there was!!! I can’t wait to try different looks with it. I hear ya on the photos…I swear my mirror lies to me, and the camera proves it!
They are fabulous Marsha, as is the top. Hope you’re having a lovely week, and thanks for joining my link party. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! It’s a bit over the top, but I’m going to figure out how to wear it better!