About this collaboration
Every other Monday, Daenel (Living Outside the Stacks), Salazar (14 Shades of Grey) and Terri (Meadowtree Style) host Style Imitating Art. For this collaboration, each of the three contributors takes turns selecting an inspiration image. They then invite others to interpret that artwork through their style. You can read more about the process on each blog. This week’s selection is by Daenel.
Inspiration Art Work

Albert Marquet, Girl Embroidering , Seated in a Garden
While I love art in most all of its forms, I am not at all proficient in “Art”. By that, I mean I know a little bit about different artists, their genres, and maybe a bit about the different mediums. But, I cannot claim to know much about many artists so I am always impressed by Daenel, Salazar, and Terri. Their ability to find obscure (to me) art works by just as obscure (to me) artists is stupefying! I had never heard of Albert Marquet. And, I can find only the barest bones of details about this particular painting. I can’t wait to read Daenel’s post about it!
Albert Marquet was a French artist and a close friend of Henri Matisse. He painted mainly landscapes and was known for his subtle use of color as compared to those in his circle, the Fauves. You can read more here and here. This specific art work was painted in 1896 in oil on canvas. It is now in a private collection.

My Interpretation
As soon as I saw this art work, I knew, I knew, I knew what I would wear! My tee is a boat neck tee from Talbots. I love Johnny Was clothing. It has gorgeous prints, luxe fabrics, but most of all, it has lots and lots of embroidery! I love embroidered clothing. If the description says “embroidered”, I’m going to be looking! But, the problem with Johnny Was is the price! It’s high (to me, at least). And, there are no stores close to me. So, I have to go by the description on the website, and there are no reviews. I depend upon reviews when buying something relatively expensive sight unseen. But, I digress!

A little history
I was scrounging around in my yarn closet one day and came across a relic from my high school days! My high school had one of the most unique schedules. We had 28 minute mods. There were 14 in a day. Classes ranged from one mod to four mods. Four mod classes were usually labs of one kind or another. By the time I was a senior, I’d completed all of my required courses and credits. But, my schedule wasn’t full. I decided to take a needle arts class. We had several required projects. This little piece was one of them and is crewel. Crewel is basically embroidery using wool as the thread. I don’t know if I had a pattern for this, or if I just made it up as I went along! By the way, I got an A for this!
A bit of a closeup of the detail
That has what to do with this?

Back to my Talbots tee and Johnny Was…I decided I wanted an embroidered tee of some kind. I think I had a reward about to expire at Talbots so I purchased this plain pink tee (see what I did there). Next, I decided on a color palette. I used the crewel sample as my design. I sketched it on the tee with a pencil. At first, I wanted to embroider a bit on the other side of the opening as well as something trailing around the ends of the sleeves. By the time I had completed the initial design, I was done! I was tired of the colors and tired of poking my fingers. I am not one of those people who can use a thimble. I just never learned how to do it!
When I was a little girl, my mom taught my older sister and me how to embroider. We embroidered pillowcases, and I think that’s about all we did! I have one of those pillowcases yet! It’s yellowed with age, and I don’t use it. But, it brings a smile to my face every time I come across it! In high school, I learned many different stitches. We had to make a sampler of several stitches. Unfortunately, I can’t find that. Some of the stitches I used on my tee are the backstitch (used on the stems), the satin stitch (used in the flowers and leaves), French knots (used in the flowers), and the chain stitch (around some of the leaves). I do have a couple of other tees I want to embroider eventually. But, right now, I have so many UFOs (unfinished objects) that I don’t want to start another! Next summer, possibly?

Oh, I’m such a granny!
I love the needle arts! I enjoy embroidery and will definitely embroider more clothing in the future. I am also an avid knitter and crocheter. Right now, I’m working on a couple of different crocheted afghans. I have over 100 granny squares awaiting assembly (I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to do this) and another stash busting afghan. I used a scarf pattern, and I’m just continuing until I figure it’s big enough! You crochet around and around until you’re done! I like the way it’s coming out with all the different colors. I’m also knitting a cowl for my son-in-law. He works sort of outside. Last year, I made one for my daughter. I asked him then if he wanted one. He scoffed at the idea…until he happened to put hers on! The one I’m making him is in Pacers colors (which scream Boy Scouts to me)! I also have one mitten done and the cuff of the other started. I just keep starting things and never finishing!
Nope…not wearing socks or tights!
The Lewk!
I really, really wanted to add an April Cornell dress (this print but a dress). In fact, I tried one of Jodie‘s tricks…layering the tee over the dress. I had the dress bodice buttoned over the grey skirt. Unfortunately, the collar of the dress didn’t want to play with the neckline of the tee! This tee is pretty long, too. I actually folded it up underneath (all the way up to the neckline). But, the lewk looked like I was trying way tooooo hard (and, I was). So, on to Plan B. It’s a little plain compared to what I had planned. My skirt is from Garnet Hill. The print of the April Cornell dress almost perfectly mimicked the green background of the inspiration art work. I decided to pick up the green in my belt and boots. The belt is old and from Talbots. The boots (seen here) are by L’Artiste. As I write this, they are price matched! My earrings are from Kendra Scott. The ring is John Hardy.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
Even though I wasn’t able to layer my tee over an April Cornell dress and really nail the inspiration, I do like this outfit. I have always loved pink and grey together. And, I think I’m gaining the momentum to begin a new embroidery project on another tee! How about you? Do you embroider, knit, or crochet? Do you ever think, “I could do that!” and actually do it? Have you found inspiration in an art work for your clothing choices or even your home choices? Let’s have a conversation! Leave a comment or two! I love “talking” with you! Thank you so much for visiting with me!

You did a great job styling this look! Love your embroidery on the top. The colors you chose are beautiful.
Thanks, Lovely! It was fun to interpret an art work. I love to embroider and need to do more of it! But, there’s only so much time, right?
Your embroidery turned out beautifully! I had a pretty open senior year credit-wise too and took 3 (or maybe 4!) art classes. I just know I spent a good chunk of every day in the art room and had so much fun.
I didn’t take a single art class in high school. I had to take two in college and loved them. I wish I’d known you didn’t have to be an artist to take art in high school! Ah, the wisdom of old age!
Holy cow, I can’t believe you embroidered that top yourself! (I mean I can because I know how incredibly talented you are!) Now that you have your blog up and going, I think you need an Etsy shop.
Yup…it only took me two weeks or so. Fast I am not!
An Etsy shop? I would take forever to complete orders. So much more fun to give them to granddaughters!
Great article! Love your outfit against the gray rug! It’s art!
I know…who would have ever thought I was artistic!!!
Great article! Love your outfit against the gray rug!
Oh, Becky! I didn’t even notice the rug! What a goof I am, but you already knew that! Can’t wait to see you soon!
Thanks for commenting!
Love what you did with the tee: beautiful embroidery! Pink is lovely with grey! Tried to crochet once, it lasted a week!
You make me laugh, Mireille! I have to confess I have tried many different projects and given up in much less time than that!
I think pink and grey are just perfect together!
First I love that you tried the layering trick. You just never know until you try, and it may work with another one down the road.
And HOW IMPRESSIVE that you made the embroidery yourself. OMG!!!
I had such great hopes for this look! I’ll keep trying until I find one that works! I am so glad I learned how to embroider and returned to it in high school and then again this past year. Given that I love embroidery on clothing, I think I need to get busy and embellish some of my plainer things!
Thanks for coming by, Jodie!
I love pink and grey together and this outfit meets the theme so well !I’m impressed with your embroidery skills as well! I wish I was talented enough to be able to modify clothing to get exactly what I want, but instead I just rely on my tailor, haha!
Hope that you are having a good week
It’s been a wet start to summer here, haha!
Thanks so much, Mica! I do like pink and grey, too. But, I’m not sure there’s much I don’t like with grey! Thanks so much for the compliment. I learned at an early age and just love to add bits and bobs here and there. I do need an inspiration to work from, though!
I’m glad you’re having summer. It’s supposed to be warm-ish tomorrow so outside Christmas decorations may go up! Enjoy your weekend!
I absolutely love pink and gray together. That outfit is beautiful. I dobt remember any needle art classes in school was it part of art class? I did every home ec class there was and made twice the amount of projects because i lived to sew. That’s right lived to sew. I have crocheted, knitted, embroidery, crewel, counted cross stitch, tating. You see where im going. I can’t have idol hands, lol i’m working on crochet animals now that are selling like crazy at my craft shows. I’m sure we could teach each other a few things. CRAFT ON MARSHA!!! Happy December
Nope, this class was with Mrs. Witmer. It didn’t count for any kind of credit so it may have been like a pet project of hers? We had to spend x amount of time in that one big room that faced inward and embroider daisies on a tablecloth. This was my senior year so maybe it wasn’t available when you were there. I have never tatted. I’m not sure I have the patience for that. Are you making those amiguri animals? I bet they sell like hotcakes at a craft show. We sure should have gotten together so much more when I was still up there! My only problem with the stuff I make (unless it’s hats and scarves) is where does it all go? I’m making my youngest son a granny square afghan. So, if you have any tips for connecting those suckers, let me know!!!
Marsha, I love this color palette of gray and light pink. It is so pretty and it looks fab on you! You are very talented with needlework, my friend! I, too, love the Johnny Was brand but it is so very pricey. I have one Johnny Was dress that I found for $6.99 at the thrift shop. That was a huge win for me! I researched the art and artist as well for this post and there really is not much information out there about either.
You know what’s funny is the few things I’ve actually ordered from Johnny Was have not excited me near as much as the pictures did! I have one velvet embroidered (of course I do) jacket that I love, but most everything else has been a ho-hum!
I have always loved pink and grey together. I need to do more of it! I also need to do some more embroidery. It’s actually so relaxing. Maybe once I get this danged granny square afghan finished! I’m glad to see you couldn’t find much more about this art work than I could. It’s kind of disappointing!
Thanks, Shelbee, for coming by!
Hello Marsha, I love your embroidery! Back in the 80’s, I embroidered a lot, including on garments. I had a little Coats and Clarks paper embroidery booklet which my oldest daughter now has. I don’t know if I will ever embroidery again, but just in case, I bought myself Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches.
I love the design of the skirt. Pink and grey make for a lovely color combination. So happy you sent this in-so beautiful.
Thanks, Terri! Do you remember buying the iron on patterns for embroidering? My mom would get those, and away we’d go! I think I actually have a couple of them around here somewhere! I’m going to have to look for that book. It sounds like a wonderful book to have! I was really happy with the way this look turned out even though it wasn’t my first choice!
Oh my word! I cannot believe you embroidered that. The colors you chose are lovely.
I like Johnny Was too, but the expense!
Thanks, Daenel! See, those two home ec classes paid off! Actually, my mom taught me how to embroider. I knew I wanted to embroider something on this tee, and when I found that sampler, I knew the design! I’m having a moment (read years now) with greys of all colors! So, this was an easy choice for me.
Yeah, I like Johnny Was, but those prices are just nuts!
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Your embroidery is amazing. It adds so much to the pink top. I can definitely see how you drew the inspiration from the art.
Thank you so much, Fonda! I love to embroider, but it never occurred to me to try it on my own clothing! I had lots of fun with this art interpretation!
Thanks for coming by!