About Style Imitating Art

Style Imitating Art is a group collaboration between Salazar, Terri, and Shelbee. Please make sure you visit each blog to see their SIA looks. For this collaboration, each of the contributors takes turns selecting an inspiration image. They then invite others to interpret that art work through their style. You can read more about the process on each blog. Salazar chose this week’s challenge. All three posted their interpretation of the art work on Monday. On Wednesday, Salazar will post the round up of submissions of others. Please do check out all three blogs for their looks, and then, please make sure you see Salazar’s blog on Wednesday for the round up! You can see a few of my looks here, here, and here!
Inspiration Art Work

About the Artist

A Japanese artist born in Tokyo in 1948, Ray Morimura dresses in all black. I think that’s a fascinating fact about any artist, but I find his reasoning even more fascinating! “I use a lot of color in my prints” he says, “but I was Inspired to wear all black by Coco Chanel, Rei Kawakubo and Sonia Rykiel; I just find them so very chic. I started to wear only black when I turned 40 “ (source). I tried and tried to find a photo of him, but I came up short! Another interesting fact about the artist is his first name. Instead of the traditional spelling Rei, Morimura chose Ray because he loves Ray Bradbury! At one time, Morimura wanted to be a high school teacher. Somewhere along the line, however, he changed his focus to the arts, specifically oil painting. Morimura graduated from Gakugei University in Tokyo.
A little more…

Before becoming known for his block prints, Ray Morimura painted, illustrated children’s books, and worked as a graphic designer. Eventually, he seems to have settled on block printing as his media of choice. Morimura has said he is not a purist and uses a variety of materials for the wood blocks. He has used linoleum, plywood, and other flooring materials. When I was in college, I had to take art classes. In one, we had to create an original block. Our media? We used the styrofoam containers you might get meat in! I loved that class especially the block printing! I do wish I’d continued doing it. To find out more about Ray Morimura, you can read more here and watch a pretty good video here. While I can’t afford any of his prints, I could perhaps buy this calendar…but I am not a calendar kind of person! But, for these prints…hmmm…maybe I could turn into a calendar type person!
My interpretation

When I saw Salazar’s choice, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to use. Upon closer examination, I decided it really didn’t fit the challenge. I kept looking at the print and decided to focus on the colors instead of the actual images. This April Cornell dress is very old and is a woven jacquard. It’s a rather odd dress in that it is cut on the bias. Due to that cut, the skirt is extra swirly, but it also means it fits a little strangely on my zucchini-shaped body! But, I think the pretty aqua color and the small blue print are surely inspired by the lotus plants in the block print. The lines at the neckline also echo the diagonals in the background.
The Lewk!

I think this dress has a kind of vintage feel so I opted for my Rockport Cobb Hill Aubreys in a pretty teal color. I also have these in cognac. If anyone has any hints for stretching shoes in a specific area, I’d appreciate them! One of my toes has decided to be contrary and rubs against the sandal. In every other way, these sandals are so comfortable! I decided to go with blue accessories to pull the blue print from the dress. My earrings, bracelets, and necklace are all old eBay purchases. Remember, I told you I had a serious problem buying jewelry from eBay once upon a time! I don’t think I even bought these from the same person! The ring is by Effy. My shoes don’t match my dress. My ring doesn’t match my other jewelry. But, it all goes, and that’s what matters, right?
Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I do have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.
Wrap it up, Marsha!

I was a little disappointed when I looked closely at my first choice for this SIA challenge. And, no, I’m not going to tell you what it is! You’ll have to wait to see it in a future post! This dress is one of those that’s always teetering on the teeter-totter (or seesaw) of donation! I love the print and the fit (sometimes), and yet, I don’t always reach for it. I think it’s a bit dressy for my lifestyle now. Yet, look how perfectly it fit this challenge! What do you think? Can we talk? Do you have items of clothing you think you should donate but can’t quite bring yourself to do so? Did you take art classes in high school or college and wish you’d continued one of the various art forms? Would you buy a calendar just for the pictures? Please leave a comment, and we can talk! I’d love to hear from you! Thanks to my subscribers for reading and continuing to support me!
Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m also a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). And, of course, you can now find me here on the last Friday of the month! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. Please make sure you visit! Make sure you visit this Thursday for Ageless Style and a link party!
There’s many pieces I think I’m going to donate, and then I figure out a trick or buy another piece that totally gives me ideas on how to make them work. It makes me so glad not to have to turn clothing away, haha.
Love these colors Marsha,
I try to donate as many items as I buy so that my closets don’t explode! But, the last things I even consider are my April Cornell clothing! This dress is probably 15-20 years old!
Thanks for coming by, Jodie!
I think this dress is perfect for this challenge! It definitely reminds me of the foreground of the painting.
Thanks, Joanne! It wasn’t my first choice but I knew it was a winner as soon as I spied it!
You’re so lovely in this shade of minty, springy green! You really nailed the art imitation, for sure!
Awww, thanks, Ashley…I’ll take being called lovely any day of the week! For the second place choice, it really did turn out well!
This is a beautiful outfit, Marsha! I absolutely love the color. Perfect for the challenge too.
Thanks, Michelle! It really is a gorgeous dress, but that bias cut drives me nuts! I’m always adjusting it for one reason or another!!
I think you picked the perfect dress for this work of art! It a beautiful look on you Marsha!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I was quite happy with the way the look came out!
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I love how you interpreted the piece! Your dress is perfect for the style prompt! Love the soft, springy colors!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! For a second choice, I think it came out pretty well!
Oh my goodness, Marsha, this dress is so pretty! I love the color and the beautiful floral print and I always appreciate a unique bias cut. Unless it becomes awkwardly tedious! I think this dress was perfect for the challenge and now I can’t wait to see the other outfit that you had in mind. I really enjoyed reading all the fun facts you turned up about the artist! I didn’t find any of that cool stuff in my searching!
If the cut of the dress is bugging you, are you able to turn it into a maxi skirt? I guess the bias cut would prevent you from cutting it open straight down the front and turning it into a duster? I can picture a bunch of things to do with this fabulous dress but I have no seamstress skills to know if my ideas are even possible!
The only thing I really wanted to see was him in all black. I mean, after making such a statement, wouldn’t you think there would be a photo? I had totally forgotten about this dress, but I was pretty sure I could find something in my April Cornell closet (yes, I have one that’s almost totally AC). I like the idea of turning it into a duster…I might investigate that. I would certainly make it more wearable in my eyes!
That painting is so beautiful! I love all of the water lilies! Your soft green dress and shoes are a really good match for the green in the painting and it’s a flattering shade on you!
Thank you so much, Laura! I was just entranced with all of Morimura’s art work…so peaceful and ethereal.
With all the lovely colors in the world, I cannot imagine limiting my wardrobe to just black. In fact, I rarely wear black. Ordered a new swimsuit and had to get black. Was so disappointed that it didn’t come in a pretty print or at least a pretty tropical color.
Girl, you hit the nail on the head with this interpretation. First of all…green. Can’t go wrong with green. But the tiny print represents the lotus pads perfectly. And the flowiness of the dress replicates the movement of water. Gorgeous green shoes and perfect accessories. I appreciate the way you give your accessories some love in each of your posts.
I like black in small doses though I did just buy a new plain black dress for summer! What was I thinking? I really want an all white dress, but that would probably end up looking like a Jackson Pollock design by the end of the day!
Awwww, thanks, sweet friend! This is one of those greens I can wear…blue undertones and all! I didn’t even think about the movement of water! It is a gorgeous dress, isn’t it?
I like how you focused on the color for inspiration. It is gorgeous and I think the bodice of the dress is so pretty! Very creative way to showcase your jewelry and shoes!
Thanks, Cathy! I don’t even remember where I got the idea to do the jewelry and shoes that way. But, wouldn’t that print make for some lovely fabric?
I love looking at the artwork because it’s so serene and relaxing. Your interpretation has the same effect – it must be that shade of green, but it always looks so restful. Thanks for linking – and for the interesting facts about the artist.
I am seriously considering ordering the calendar and then framing the pictures. You are absolutely right…serene and relaxing. How I wish I could create such beauty in this world.
Such a great look, and you did a fantastic job of pairing art and style! I love the shoes!
Thanks, Erin! I also have them in a saddle color! I seem to buy doubles and triples of things I like!
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