Style Imitating Art…
Welcome to Style Imitating Art which comes from Salazar, Shelbee, and me. You can think of this series as fashion meets art museum! SIA challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon that art work, and share them with the curator for that piece. Shelbee is this week’s curator. It’s a beautiful illustration. I hope you enjoy this post, the information, and my interpretation.

How it works…
Every other Monday one of us selects an inspiration piece of art and posts the image on their blog. We then invite others to interpret that art work through their style. The following Monday, we share our outfits. The curator shares submissions the following Wednesday on her blog. Shelbee chose this week’s art work for this round of Style Imitating Art. If you’d like, you can read why she chose it here. Please send your photo to Shelbee by Tuesday, July 2nd by 10 pm EST. Style Imitating Art is an interesting way to inspire your outfits. You can see a few of my looks here, here, here, and here.

About the artist…
Paul Carl Stahr, Jr. was the son of German immigrants and was born on August 8, 1883 in New York City. The Stahr family, including five children, lived in the Yorkville District of New York which was known for its large German community. He graduated from Morris High School and, in 1902, studied art at the National Academy of Design. He won a bronze medal as well as graduating with honors.

A little more…
In 1905, Stahr studied figure drawing at the Arts Student League. In 1906, on his birthday, he married Edith M Delaney with whom he had two children. The small family lived with the Delaneys. Stahr’s art studio was located in Washington Heights which has begun to replace Greenwich Village as the place to be if you were an artist. In 1913, he began his career as a magazine illustrator with his first drawings appearing in People’s Home Journal. Later, he would provide illustrations for other magazines like Life, Collier’s, Judge, Woman’s Home Companion, and The Saturday Evening Post. Stahr created five covers for The Saturday Evening Post.

Still more…
During World War I, Stahr was a married father and did not serve in the armed forces. He did, however, paint posters for Liberty Loans, Red Cross, National Defense, and the Hoover Food Administration. In the 1920s, he illustrated serialized novels which were syndicated by the Metropolitan News Service of NYC. Several of these stories were then published, along with his illustrations, in hardcover books by Little, Brown & Company of Boston.

Even more…
The publisher, Frank Munsey, hired Stahr to illustrate his pulp magazines. So, beginning in 1924, Stahr became a pulp artist. Pulp magazines were cheap fiction magazines that were printed on the inexpensive wood pulp paper. One of those was Argosy Magazine. He also illustrated book covers during this time. Also during this time, Stahr would sometimes sign his works J O Sterling or J J Sterling. It wasn’t uncommon for pulp artists to have pen names for a myriad of reasons:
“a desire to preserve one’s reputation for higher-paying assignments, conflicts of interest between rival publishers, avoidance of income tax or alimony payments, but sometimes a pen-name was used because the editor wanted to give readers the impression of employing a greater variety of talented artists (source).”
Stahr probably used a pen name because of the last reason as he had been illustrating Munsey’s publications for about a decade.

During the summers, Stahr and his family spent their summers at Long Beach, Long Island, NYC. Eventually, they lived their year round. On January 5, 1953, Stahr died of a cerebral hemorrhage in the Long Beach Hospital.

About the art work…
“Young Betsy Ross, The Elks magazine cover, July 1927” is painted with oil on canvas. It measures 36 x 27.5 in (91.4 x 69.9 cm) and is framed to 43.5 x 34.5 in (110.5 x 87.6 cm). The painting is signed on the lower right. It sold at auction on October 15, 2010 from the estate of Charles Marignette. According to what I could find, it is/was valued at $1000-2000. I couldn’t find how much it sold at auction unless I signed up on the site. I’m sorry, but I didn’t want to do that!

My interpretation…
I think this illustration is quite beautiful. I appreciate the way Stahr painted Betsy in all her glory. I, however, do not have those kinds of curls nor do I have a beautiful dress in that particular shade of yellow. In fact, this is the only yellow dress I have! But, taking a cue from Sally, I decided to go with a muted palette rather than the bold colors in the illustration. This dress appeared in another Style Imitating Art challenge almost exactly a year ago. You can see it here. With the yellow taken care of, I had to come up with something that had red and blue, but I knew I wouldn’t have anything. I don’t buy red, white, and blue clothing because I feel like they really limit me as to when I can wear them. Since I’d decided to go with more subdued colors, I went looking for that. I found it in this triangular scarf from J Jill.

The Lewk!

I really do wish I’d ordered these Annmarie Wedges from L’Artiste in my regular size after Jack ate one. These are just a skosh too big, but they’re also very adjustable. I can definitely make them work. I really wanted my jewelry to take a back seat to the dress and scarf. I bought these Earth Tones Drop earrings from J Jill earlier this summer, and I wear them a lot. They really are versatile. The cuff is also from J Jill last summer, I think. It’s a little big which was a complaint in most of the reviews at the time. I squeeze it all the time I’m wearing it so I don’t lose it!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I don’t really celebrate the Fourth of July. The holiday holds no joy for me as my dad passed on July 2 and was buried on July 4th. I know I should be loving the fireworks, but they terrify Jack. I also don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum if you are a big lover of the Fourth. It’s just not my holiday which says nothing about my patriotism, by the way. So, can we talk? Have you heard of pulp magazines? Is Stahr implying Young Betsy was thinking of General Washington while she worked on the flag? Do you avoid buying red, white, and blue clothing? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as quickly as I can.

Don’t forget…
If you want to be included in the Style Imitating Art round up, send Shelbee your photo by 10:00 EST Tuesday, July 2nd. Photos of everyone participating will appear on Shelbee’s blog on Wednesday, July 3rd! I think there are lots of ways to take this challenge…the colors, the prints, the feeling it creates in you. Come on, give it a try! I think you’ll love it!

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, Suzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, Style Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Well I think you look great in yellow. I’ve always thought it such a fresh and Spring-like colour it is and it suits you and your colouring too. I’m still not wearing any sandals! But the ones you are wearing are lovely.
Thank you so much, Penny! It is a lovely color, and you wear it very well! I probably should look for more of the right colors for me! It’s definitely shorts and tank tops here!
You look so good in yellow! It’s one of those colors that I don’t have much of in my closet either. But you have pulled together a very lovely outfit.
Thank you, Joanne! I honestly don’t know why I don’t buy more yellow. I think it’s because when yellow is out, it’s the more vibrant color, maybe.
I love, love, love this dress on you, Marsha! The color is so gorgeous on you. Your scarf and sandals really completed the look in the most perfect way. I do have quite a bit of red, white, and/or blue clothing. It is a color combination that I have always loved. It’s so bright and bold and cheerful.
I am sorry that this time of year brings you sadness. I got married the day after my father’s death date anniversary because I wanted to change my emotions during that time of year. It actually really worked! Now I get more joyful at the end of January instead of complete sadness. My mother died on July 10 but I am usually so caught up in the summer kid chaos that the sadness doesn’t hit too hard. Plus I talk to her every day so it’s not like she’s really gone!
Sending you healing and happy thoughts, my friend.
Thank you, my friend! I was really happy with the way the outfit turned out though I made the scarf do all the heavy lifting!
We got married two years after Dad passed, and our wedding date is two days after his birthday. I don’t know that it would bother me as much if it wasn’t a holiday when there’s so much focus on it. It’s been 50 years so every year gets a little more difficult to remember things. I love when my brother and sister and I get together and reminisce. What one of us doesn’t remember, another will.
Wow Marsha! You did a great job with this SIA! That yellow dress looks great on you, I love the length. Your scarf is a great addition too, the colors look great together!
Thank you, Kellyann! I really love this dress and wear it a lot. It’s so easy and breezy! I was glad I could actually find that scarf!
Your posts always seem to lift my spirits and remind me of all the good in the world Thank you for being a beacon of positivity
Thank you so much, Briley! I really appreciate that.
What a beautiful image of Betsy Ross. She is of course a heroine to DAR members. Marsha, I am so sad for you that your father’s burial was on July 4, a day you should be able to celebrate. But I understand your feelings. My husband is a veteran, so we respect the holiday. But having served in combat he has problems with the noise, firecrackers, etc. Especially people who start several days before and continue into the night. And all the commemorations bring back military memories. So let the day mean to you whatever you need it to. I like your dress and love the bright colors of the scarf.
Thank you, Aletha! I love the illustration, too, and I’m glad you like my interpretation. I am so sorry your husband has problems with the noise. I know, in our old neighborhood, we had many veterans who would practically beg the others to tone down the fireworks. Unfortunately, they never did. And, yes, they would start several days before and go after.
I love this softer take on the Betsy Ross dress and flag. The stiped border of the scarf is a lovely tie-in to the flag, and you look wonderful in this yellow! I think it’s a prettier shade of yellow than the one in the painting, actually.
Thank you so much, Sally! I didn’t think I had anything the same yellow as Betsy’s dress, but I think my little Gudrun Sjoden top comes close. But, it doesn’t take up as much real estate! I was really glad my scarf picked up the other colors!
What an incredible dress Marsha. It’s perfect for the hotter days of summer and it is perfect for this SIA.
Thanks, Jodie! I love this dress so much I bought the rust one the next year (or it may have been vice versa). I was so glad I had that scarf to tie it into the SIA!
That scarf is beautiful! I love this yellow shade on you. It works so well with the artwork. Since our kids are small, we still celebrate because they enjoy the fireworks so much. Thankfully our dog does ok with the noises.
Thank you, Laura! You know when you think you have a specific thing, but you’re not sure? That’s how I was with this scarf. I knew it had pink and blue stripes, but I wasn’t sure if it would work or not. Our kids were always kind of meh about the Fourth. I think I may have telegraphed my feelings to them in one way or another. They did like sparklers, though. Jack, our dog, is absolutely terrified of them. I give him a benadryl and put him in his crate covered with lots and lots of quilts to muffle the sound as much as I can. I don’t mind the fireworks going on, but our old neighborhood would start the weekend before the Fourth and go until the weekend after with days in between. The sound ordinance allows them to go past midnight for the holiday. I get it…I do…but these are the same people complaining about how high their water bills are! Sorry…off my rant now!
Oh you nailed the colour of the dress perfectly, Marsha. I joined in but as you will see I went with the colours of the flag theme. I did find a photo taken around 35 years ago of me in a similar style dress as Young Betsy is wearing. I hope you enjoy my contribution. https://www.womenlivingwellafter50.com.au/style-imitating-art-fashion-challenge-2-2/
Thanks, Sue! I very seldom wear yellow, but this is the shade I go for. I can’t wait to check out your post. I took a day long break from blogging because I had a massive headache.
Pingback:SIA Gallery of Style | “Young Betsy Ross” by Paul Stahr – Shelbee on the Edge
Perfect interpretation of this art! I love you in yellow and the contrast of the scarf with the dress is so pretty. Have a wonderful 4th!
Thank you, Kathrine! I was glad they worked so well for the challenge.
Lovely scarf
Thanks so much! It worked very well!
This shade of yellow is such a pretty color on you! I don’t think I have anything yellow in my closet. This dress is perfect for interpreting this piece! Love your styling!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you, Jill! It was funny that I had worn this almost exactly a year after the last time (on the blog, I mean). Yellow is just one of those colors that I struggle to find the right shade.
This soft yellow shade looks so lovely on you! I tend not to wear red, white and blue together because they are also the UK flag colours and I’m not patriotic…there’s not much to be proud of as a Brit right now in my opinion! As for fireworks, I don’t like the fear and trauma they cause animals so I’d rather they were of the silent type. Thanks for linking!
Emma xxx
Oh, thank you so much, Emma, for the link up and the compliments. My sentiments seem to run the same as yours regarding patriotism and fireworks. They are going off now and will continue for at least two more hours.
OMG Marsha, you look FREAKING GORGEOUS in this outfit! These shades on you are utter perfection. You need more of this pretty yellow in your wardrobe lol!!
Such beautiful photos too!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Oh, more, more, Suzy!!! You make me feel so good! I really do like this yellow but can’t always find it. I’m going to keep my eye out for more of it!
Thanks, my friend!
YAY!!! You must hunt it down LOL!!
I will try!
That soft yellow is perfection! I love it on you. And what a great spot for pictures: it has an American feel to it: having grown up in France there are still some spots that to me have a really neat American vibe: white picket fences…
Thanks so much, Mireille! I really do like this color, but I don’t have much of it. This is the park where we had our family photos taken in April. It’s got lots of little places for photos.
A really lovely look on you Marsha, you’ve nailed the challenge!!
Thank you, Debbie! I was so glad I could find a scarf to tie it all together (pun not intended)!
Pingback:A Beautiful Spot for a Proposal! - Marsha in the Middle
Yellow suits you, Marsha.
Thank you, Mary! I do like this shade of yellow, but it’s very hard to find!
This is another super outfit Marsha, thanks for adding to my linkup. I appreciate your support Hun xx
Thank you so much, Jacqui! I really liked the way it came out!
Pingback:Style Imitating Art: “Going to Market!” - Marsha in the Middle
Pingback:Style Imitating Art: “On the Way!” - Marsha in the Middle