Styling Booties with Ageless Style!

Channeling my inner Johnny Cash? Or Elvis?

This month, Bo suggested booties, and we all agreed to style booties in our own particular way. If you’re unfamiliar with the ladies of Ageless Style, scroll to the bottom of my post. You will see the collage and all of the information for the various social media for these gorgeous women! Every month, one of us (I’m so excited to be able to say that) picks a prompt. You, dear readers, benefit from the experience and style of ten different women. I am willing to bet you won’t see a repeat among us!

So, how to style booties?

I have really been struggling with wearing booties with dresses. I have no problem with the concept. It’s the actual putting it into action! My problem, I think, is the disconnect between the dress, the tights, and the booties. Unless the colors are really similar, I feel my legs look even shorter than they really are. For this challenge, then, I decided to go with a monochromatic look. As I scrounged around in my closet, I discovered this shirtdress (oh, now, there’s a surprise…a shirtdress in my closet). Having already decided to use these booties, the black dress and tights truly were the only choice! I added lots and lots of bling to tie into the studs on the boots and to jazz up the overall look. If only I could have created a ducktail or pompadour, the Elvis/Johnny Cash look would have been complete!

Booties vs. shooties?

Have you ever wondered about the difference between a shootie and a bootie? I’ll admit I’ve used the terms interchangeably. I was wrong! Shooties end below the ankle. A bootie ends above the ankle. This definition means I don’t own a single pair of shooties! And, I’m ok with that! Booties, though, are another story! I have thick calves and have always had a difficult time finding full length boots. Ah, you say, there are wide calf boots. You would be correct. The problem with wide calf boots is the “shoe” part is usually wide width as well. I don’t need wide width shoes. I have, over the years, managed to find a black pair of boots as well as a brown pair. I also have a pair of strangely colored boots which may or may not be grey! I consider them grey, but Nigel calls them beige. Maybe, they’re greige!

When booties hit the scene, I hesitated because of said thick calves. After years of being told to keep the color of my shoes close to the color of my legs (i.e. pants, tights, actual legs), I wasn’t sure how to go about wearing booties successfully! And, then, I thought, “What do I have to lose?’ During one NSale, I bought a pair of Sofft booties, and I’ve been sold ever since!

I’ll be the first to admit it’s a hit or miss situation! But, you know what? I don’t care! I know the outfit I wore in my last post worked color-wise and print/mixing. I also know that gold-colored band at the top of the booties cut my leg off at an unfortunate spot. I know, if not for that band of color, I would have achieved the epitome of leg lengthening fashion…a single color flowing from my leg down to my toes (that’s sarcasm, folks)! Seriously, I do know that little band is a problem. I know Raven would read me for filth about that little ankle band! Again, you know what? I don’t care! I love those booties; I love that dress with plum/berry/burgundy (I don’t know what color to call them anymore) tights and those booties. And, I feel pretty sassy and on the edge of badass!

These Booties…can we just talk?

Uh oh, my tights seem a little sheer there!

I’ll be honest…when Bo suggested booties…I considered buying a new pair! I’ve got my eye on some more L’Artiste booties! But, I waited too long. I was going to use that first pair of Sofft booties, but these kept calling my name. I know I’ve featured them on the blog before (Michelle even purchased them in teal…I’m on pins and needles to see her post about them), but they truly are special! I’ve always wanted a pair of cowboy boots, El Gringo, to be specific. But, I could never pull the trigger (pardon that awful pun) because the price is steep; cowboy boots seem to have a bad reputation for comfort; and there’s no brick and mortar store for me to try them. When I saw these L’Artiste Rodeha boots, they combined all of the things I love about boots into one! They have that squared off toe and block heel common to cowboy boots. There are flowers in the design. They have that convenient side zipper. They have rainbow colors on them. The price wasn’t prohibitive. Have I given you enough reasons to consider buying a pair? Just a note…I’m a baby blogger. I don’t have any affiliate links so the links I provide just give you a convenient way of shopping!

Oops! Caught on Camera!

We have the sweetest family down the street. I was out walking Jack one day after taking photos. The mom remarked on me being dressed up. I casually said, “I’ve got a blog.” She just laughed and walked on. Today, she and one of her cute little girls were walking down the trail behind us and saw us taking photos. First, she said something about all the work we’ve done cleaning up the yard for winter. Then, she must have realized what we were doing! She commented on shooting photos for the blog! You can see my reactions as Nigel just kept on a-clicking!

The Lewk

I really do like the way this outfit came together. I like the long (for me, anyway) column of color carried from top to bottom. I also like all of the different accessories I used to create the look. And, with the exception of the booties, everything is old! The dress is from Old Navy a couple of years ago. I’m hoping this style hasn’t been discontinued like the jersey dresses, but it’s not looking good! Honestly, I can’t find anything remotely like these pieces! I always felt I needed to wear that statement necklace up closer around my neck. Today, after I’d draped the two longer necklaces, I felt it needed something else. I mean if I’m going all Iris Apfel on my look, I’d better go all in (I know, I know, I needed about a dozen bracelets to be Iris)! I went searching for something to go with those statement earrings. I’d bought this necklace at Banana Republic (all of the costume jewelry is BR except for the pendant which is Stella & Dot) and have never found the right way to wear it. I think I found it today! I put it on at its longest. Bing, bang, boom! Jackpot! I love this look! I can’t wait to wear it out in public! Will I get looks? Oh, I hope so. Will I get eye rolls? I’m pretty sure I will! But, why not cause a few eye rolls and some shoulder shrugs? Let’s make life interesting, right? I’m also wearing two stackable rings (here and here) from Lagos and a statement ring from David Yurman (similar)…gifts from Nigel!

Do I miss my plants?

First day of sunshine in several days!

We got our first snowfall over the weekend. Luckily, we had begun the annual fall cleanup a couple of weeks ago. Every spring, I plant several elephant ears, cannas, and a large variety of annuals. The elephant ears and cannas have to be dug up as we don’t live in a plant zone conducive to leaving them in the ground. Plus, this year, I planted sweet potato vines. They grew like crazy! I was shocked when we unearthed lots of tubers after the frost killed off the foliage. Naturally, I googled whether or not you could eat them (not that I would…I don’t like sweet potatoes). You can eat them, but apparently, they don’t taste very good. Instead, you should put them in a cool, dry place, and you can plant them the next year! Our back deck looks a little barren, don’t you think? I was getting a little tired of watering and pruning all of those plants! So, the short answer to the question above is NO!

And, now the good stuff!

Here are links to all of the lovely ladies in the Ageless Style collaboration. Please do visit them on their various media. Also, please join the party and click on the link below to share your favorite booties, shooties, or boots! No judgement here!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog

Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’

Carrie ~ A Simple Lovely Life

Blog | Instagram Pinterest | Facebook |

Daenel ~ Living Outside the Stacks

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |Twitter |

Joanna ~ My Slice of Life


Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style

Blog | Instagram | Facebook |

Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle


Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Robin ~ Hello I am 50ish

Blog / Instagram / Pinterest / Facebook

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I cannot begin to tell you how this blog has enriched my life! Although I’ve only been blogging since July, I’ve already made some wonderful friends. Blogging was supposed to be a way for me to exercise my brain. But, it has turned into this community of fabulously generous people willing to help me in any way and to invite me into their circles. When I say I am honored to be in this group, I truly mean it. Are you a bootie, shootie, or boot person? Did you know there was a difference between booties and shooties? Please drop me a comment, and I promise to respond! And, don’t forget to link up! Then, visit some of the bloggers who participate. You might learn something new, see a new way to style booties, or even meet a new friend! The possibilities are somewhat endless! Thanks once again for visiting my little corner of the internet! Please feel free to subscribe below if you haven’t already!


  1. It’s sweet your neighbour noticed you taking blog photos! This is a great monochrome outfit too! the boots are such a fun statement ankle boot and I love how you accessorised with the layered necklaces too! 🙂

    Hope that your week is going well 🙂 It was another rainy spring day here!

    • I don’t think she believed me the first time! But, I just decided to roll with it when she and her daughter walked past the last time! I do love these boots. I’m not sure I’ve ever worn a monochromatic outfit! Isn’t that something! Basic black needs lots of bling, right?

      Cold and windy here today. Yesterday, it was warm and rainy! But, that’s the weather in Indiana! I hope you’re having a fabulous week and have lots of wonderful weekend plans!

  2. I love your booties! I don’t think I have ever worn my booties with a dress though (in truth I rarely wear dresses at all!). I only jumped on the bootie band wagon last fall and now have 5 pairs in a variety of shades!

    • I’d say you definitely like booties! They come in such a wide variety of styles, don’t they? I love wearing dresses and take some chances with booties. Gosh, I’ve been wearing them with dresses for several years now that I think of it. I have two really old pairs of Born boots/booties that I wore when I was teaching. I don’t think they were called booties then, though.

      Thanks, Joanne, for coming by!

  3. I had never heard the term shooties! That was interesting. I am happy you took some close up pics of the booties, they are really cool with those pretty details. And love your layering of necklaces. Still can’t believe you only have been blogging a few months. You are doing quite well! Your writing is so engaging and I love that your style is you!

    • Thanks, Mireille! There is definitely a steep learning curve to blogging. But, I’m retired and have some time to research things. It’s funny you say that about writing. I had to teach writing to fourth graders and just found it so exhausting! It comes fairly easily to me. I had to really break it down and study in order to teach it to kids!

      I cannot believe I had never thought to wear that statement necklace lower before. I have always worn the other two together…they both sparkle!

      I remember when shooties came out and then booties came out and I just didn’t understand how they were different. I had to google that!

      Thanks, Mireille, for coming by!

  4. Okay, those booties are more than just fabulous. Talk about edgy and fun!!
    And I think that’s why we should forget about those silly rules, because when we try the things that we “shouldn’t” wear, it can be such a great thing!!!
    Now I challenge you to wear this outfit with bright-colored tights. No one will notice the “short” legs but how fun the tights are!! Hey, I did the corset, so it’s your turn!!

    • I do love these booties…they are just short enough to not be boots, right? And, I was definitely going for edgy when I bought them! That’s what I’d love to be…edgy, boho, and cottage core! I’m just going to channel Helena Bonham Carter as well as Iris Apfel with a little RuPaul thrown in!

      Oh, I really wish I had a pair of mustard color tights! I do have green and plum…hmmm…a challenge, eh? I’ll see what I can do! Stay tuned!

  5. I totally feel you Marsha on the booties with tights and dresses. It does cut us off and if we are short, that’s a problem. Lol! Love that you did on all my color which helps elongate the body. Love the stud details on these booties!

    • I know, I know! But, I have decided I’m going to wear the booties and dresses anyway! I just need to have one of those paint chip things only they’re examples of my shoes! That way, I can find tights in every color!

      Thanks, Kathrine, for coming by!

  6. Those booties are fabulous!! I love the hardware. And, yes to the L’Artiste booties. I keep putting pairs in my cart and then letting them go. I just can’t decide because they’re all so gorgeous.

    I’m so happy I’m not the only one who feels like there’s a disconnect between my legs and the dress when I wear ankle booties. I mean, I love how it looks on other people, I just feel cut off somehow.

    • Oh, Daenel, you’ve just got to get a pair (or two)! I think these are my favorite. They’re even relatively comfortable on my wonky foot! We just haven’t gone anywhere in the last year and a half! I do think they run a little small. I am a 39 in all other brands that use European sizing, and I have consistently sized up to a 40 in L’Artiste! I usually try to order through Nordstrom because of their return policy.

      I think that’s a hoot you feel like you don’t look good in booties! I feel like you wear them like a pro! I guess we really are our own worst critics, right?

      Thanks so much for coming by!

  7. Oh wow! Those booties are so original and cool looking. I really like the whole outfit. I have the same feelings about wearing booties with dresses, and your right, matching the tights to the shoes helps a lot!

    • Thanks, Amy! I love them (I’m considering getting them in purple…would that be too much)! I’m stepping out of my comfort zone, literally, and embracing wearing different colored tights and dresses.

      Thanks so much for coming by!

  8. Glad to know the difference between shooties (which I featured instead of booties!! oops!!) and booties. I kind of worried that maybe the footwear I chose for this prompt were really shooties instead. I knew they were awfully short!! Not real boot shaft at all.

    Love your booties. And I think they are very similar to mine…also L’Artiste by Spring Step. So comfortable, so stylish. I appreciate all the little details that make them so unique. Those buckles!! Even if they don’t ‘buckle’ – they are lovely. Great jewelry accessories, too. Funny story about your neighbors noticing you during your photo shoot.

    • Honestly, I don’t think it matters if they’re shooties or booties…I always thought they were one and the same until I googled it!

      I am half tempted to get yours! They look so cool! I do love L’Artiste!

      Thanks, Leslie, for coming by!

  9. You look fabulous in this black monochrome look! Love your booties!