Styling for the Holidays with Ageless Style

Ageless Style for the holidays!

It’s the third Thursday of the month!  That means another post with the ladies of Ageless Style!  Each month, one of us picks a theme.  We then create outfits with that theme in mind.  Last month, Bo, of Bo’s Bodacious Blog, picked booties.  If you’ve been reading my blog for a bit, you know I have a couple of pairs!  The month before, chosen by Amy at Amy’s Creative Pursuits, we featured cardigans.  And, I love cardigans!  This month, Carrie at A Simple Lovely Life selected looks for the holidays!  I am definitely winning with this group!  So far, the only problem I’ve had has been narrowing down my choices!

If you are not sure who the ladies of Ageless Style are, scroll to the bottom of my post. A collage and all of the links for the various social media of these gorgeous woman are included. Please do visit each of them to see how each has used this prompt to create a holiday look! I wonder if there will be any duplicates!

Feeling festive!

On Black Friday, I shopped with my daughter. I made a few purchases (you can read more here), all of which were for me! This look showcases one of those purchases! AND, I bought a tulle skirt!!! I am so thrilled. I’ve actually wanted one since Carrie Bradshaw splashed through the streets of New York City in her pink tutu. And, there have been so many bloggers with gorgeous iterations of this iconic skirt. But, I just could never seem to find one. I could have gone the way of that huge “buy anything you want” online retailer. We all know that can be a bit of a gamble with sizing, shipping, and quality. As my daughter and I were perusing J Crew Factory, I came upon this perfect confection! At first, I wasn’t going to even try it on, but my daughter was trying a couple of things so into the changing room I popped! It was love at second sight (I needed a smaller size so I’d say this skirt is cut generously).

Why, yes, I do decorate my bedroom!

A few years ago, I decided to decorate the master bedroom for Christmas. It is basically the same every year except I forget how I arrange some of the tchotchkes I put in a box (Nigel made it from a pallet) at the end of the bed. My color scheme is burgundy, grey, and white. Last year, when Nigel broke his ankle, the Christmas tree stayed up and lit for several weeks after Christmas. He needed the light as he made his way to the bathroom! I wasn’t 100% sure I’d even want the tree up this year! It was on my side of the bed last year. This year, it’s on the opposite side of the room. The dining room of Lilly House at Winterlights was once decorated with paper chains draped from the ceiling and the chandelier and puddling on the floor. I decided to do the same thing with my Christmas tree in the bedroom. The tree is prelit so the chains and a few paper ornaments are all I do to decorate this tree.

Some of the decorations

Oh, there’s Jack, my little photobomber!

The wreath is felt and has many different types of flowers on it. Guess what? I made it! I love to craft things like this after finding inspiration on Pinterest. The plaid pillow reverses to a knitted back (I made it, too). The bedding is all Pottery Barn and was collected over a couple of years. I love to put the garland on the headboard. It’s one garland with red picks stuck in here and there. Then, I string the lights and red beads on it. The only problem? My hair frequently gets stuck in it at night when we’re watching tv, and I’m knitting!

How I holiday…

We don’t necessarily dress up for the holidays. In the past, I’ve usually worn one of my Christmas sweaters (see some here). I really like this look so I think it may be what I wear Christmas Day. I am one of those crazy people who wear an apron when I bake or cook…mainly because I’m so messy. I have a lovely Christmas apron from April Cornell (who else?) and will definitely be wearing that part of the day! I’d love to wear this outfit to Christmas Eve at church, but I play handbells. I would have to take the jacket off as well as the necklaces so the bells wouldn’t hit the buttons on the jacket or the necklaces. And, then, what’s the point, right? I have a few other things I can wear (hahaha). Nigel will dress up…I’m kidding! He’ll wear “hard” pants and a tee with a sweater over it.

Which holidays?

Nigel and I are not big party people. Well, one of us isn’t. I’ll leave you to figure out which one that is! I think we have only attended one New Years Eve party ever! In fact, Nigel rarely makes it to midnight! I am a night owl so I always see the New Year in, but it is just not one of those holidays to which I give much thought. As an extroverted introvert, I love to be around people yet not actually with them (unless they’re close friends or family). I would love to attend a New Years Eve gala…perhaps I should make that a bucket list item! Other years, Nigel and I have made it a point to get dressed up sometime during the holiday season and go to a nice restaurant for dinner. We haven’t done that for a few years so I hope to resurrect that next year.

The Lewk

I knew my new tulle skirt was going to take center stage for this lewk. I considered one of my pullover Christmas sweaters, but they are both too long for this skirt. The designs on both would disappear if I tucked them into the skirt. I started pulling out blouses and sweaters, but nothing spoke to me. I remembered this cute denim jacket I’d picked up earlier this fall at Talbots. I have many (some would say too many) denim jackets. This one was different because of the ruffled collar. Unfortunately, it appears to be sold out, but they sometimes have restocks. After that, it was easy. I pulled out my trusty white tee from Old Navy. This belt is over 35 years old. Originally, it was stretchy and would cinch in. Now, the stretchy is gone and it’s a wee bit big. The bracelets are old and from Banana Republic, Premier Designs, and Stella & Dot. The necklaces and earrings are all from Banana Republic. I bought the bracelets and necklaces all at the same time. I remember getting a postcard advertising their upcoming holiday jewelry. I was so happy to pick up all of these!! My boots are, of course, from L’Artiste!

And, now the good stuff!

Here are links to all of the lovely ladies in the Ageless Style collaboration. Please visit them on their various media. Also, please join the party and click on the link below to share your favorite holiday looks. It may be something you’ve worn before, are going to wear, or wish you could wear!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog

Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’

Carrie ~ A Simple Lovely Life

Blog | Instagram Pinterest | Facebook |

Daenel ~ Living Outside the Stacks

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |Twitter |

Joanna ~ My Slice of Life


Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style

Blog | Instagram | Facebook |

Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle

Blog /Instagram

Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Robin ~ Hello I am 50ish

Blog / Instagram / Pinterest / Facebook

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I loved this theme! Thanks, Carrie! I think I will honestly wear this outfit for some holiday! Do you dress up for the holidays? Is there a definite must wear for you during this season of holidays? Or, are you a last minute decision maker kind of person? If money were no object, is there something you would choose to wear for a holiday look? Whew! That’s a lot of questions! As always, thank you to all of my subscribers as well as to those who read my blog without subscribing (I did that for years). I hope you’ve enjoyed this look at my holiday style! Please leave me a comment or two so we can talk. I’d love to hear from you!

Where I often link up

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-WhateverIs This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, and Away from the Blue.


  1. We are pretty casual for Christmas and don’t really celebrate New Years at all (I don’t think any of us have ever been up to ring in the new year since our boys were born– teens included! as we all tend to be early to bed/ early to rise kind of people). I love your new skirt!

  2. I usually dress up for church on Christmas and then switch to something more relaxed when I get home. Joanne shared some velvet leggings that I might try! Love how you decorated your bedroom: so festive and inviting!

    • I always dress up for church…even if we go to the Saturday service. It’s just the way I am, and I need to wear my pretty clothes out and about!

      I’ll have to check out Joanne’s leggings! Thanks for the compliments on my bedroom. It’s been a work in progress.

  3. That’s a lovely skirt and with that jacket it looks so cool. I like to dress up, both days! And on New Years Eve too!

    • Thanks, Nancy! I love to dress up, too. But, sometimes, when I know I’m just staying home, I just put on all the comfy clothes!

      You are one of those bloggers I as talking about with the skirts!! I’m so happy I’ve finally gotten one! I thought it was the perfect jacket!

  4. Your outfit is so creative and fun. I love that skirt. And I decorate my whole house too…including the bedrooms.

    • I loved looking at your house and how you decorate! It’s gorgeous! I only decorate one bedroom…so far!

      Thanks for the compliments! I have wanted a tulle skirt for a long time.

  5. OMG…the tulle with the combat boots….YES!!! That gives me so many great ideas!!!
    The only time I did decorate my bedroom, was the time I forgot when putting the decor away, haha. So I stopped that!!
    And I can never stay up until midnight either…call me a morning bird!!

    • Hahaha! I had you pegged as a morning glory! I mean, is there really any other way to wear a tulle skirt? If I could wear heels, maybe a pair of hot pink ones, but, I can’t wear heels, so combat boots it is!

      I just started with the wreath, and it grew from there! I’m hoping to get one more tree to put in a front upstairs window!

  6. Super cute outfit! I love the edgy vibe your boots add to this look!

    • Thanks so much! I have a thing for L’Artiste shoes to begin with, and when I saw this pair, I knew I needed to add them to my closet! I also knew they were the perfect addition to my outfit!

      I appreciate you coming by!

  7. Love this relaxed chic look for the holidays! I am a Carrie Bradshaw fan as well and always wanted a skirt like hers. I adore your decorations in your bedroom. Those vintage books are so cute!


    • Oh, Kathrine, are you watching the sequel? I love how JSP is aging gracefully. This makes me want to go back and watch the original series all over again! I wish I could wear heels like Carrie did!

      Those books were mine when I was younger. I read them to my kids, too! I have to admit I love my bedroom when it’s decorated for Christmas!

      Thanks so much for coming by!

  8. What a pretty skirt, Marsha! I love how you decorate your bedroom…so festive!

    • Thanks, Carrie! I love this skirt! I have been looking for one for years and couldn’t believe my luck when I found this one! I do love sitting in my bedroom at night with just the tree and garland lights on. OK, usually, I’m working on the blog or knitting so it’s not completely dark! I need to decorate it earlier in the season because it’s only like this for about a month. Either that, or I come up with different decorations!

      Thanks, Carrie, for coming by!

  9. Your Christmas décor is beautiful, and you look fabulous in this tulle skirt,

  10. Ha! I am considering making myself a tulle skirt. Crazy, right? But yours is a fabulous centerpiece for a lovely outfit. Well done!

    And I love the way you’ve decorated your bedroom for the holidays. But I love little lights. They have a place in how we decorate the house for daily living.


    • I have been thinking about it, too, Michell! I mean, how hard could it be, right? But, this one was such a perfect choice! I just couldn’t pass it up!

      I haven’t figured out how to use fairy lights during the year. We have lots of little puck lights above the cabinets in the kitchen. But, those little suckers die in no time, and I have to get out a ladder to reach them!

      Thanks so much, Michelle!

  11. Love the whole look. Best for winter and Christmas. Obsessed with this jacket.

  12. That skirt is a good one – I have tried tulle skirts in the past and they look awful on me but I am so attracted to the look. Love the way you styled yours!
    Your bedroom is so cozy decorated for Christmas, I am a sucker for a twinkle light.
    We don’t go to parties or restaurants for NYE – we always go to our friends’ home or they come to ours. We eat, play games, and try to make it to midnight to see the ball drop!

    • Thanks, Kellyann! I bet you just haven’t found the right one! I now want another one! They are such fun. And, I can imagine I’m Carrie Bradshaw skipping through the slush!

      I am a sucker for the fairy lights, too! I wish I could figure out a way to do it the rest of the year without thinking, “Oh, that’s a Christmas thing”. Some people pull that off so well.

      Those sound like wonderful ways to spend NYE. We will probably do not much of anything!

      Happy holidays, my friend!

  13. High ten for finding a tulle skirt that looks absolutely gorgeous on you! It’s almost sweeter to find it after almost resigning that it’s never going to happen for you. I am so glad and I think this outfit is super cute and can be worn out for dinner, theater, lunch, and of course through the holiday season. I also wear an apron when I bake/cook because I am messy and I even have a Christmas one on my wish list! Happy holidays to you and your loved ones.

    • Thanks so much, Bo! I was so surprised because I wasn’t even looking for anything in particular. I can’t even say it was one of those “golden rays of sun shining down” on it moments. I was honestly just browsing! Now, I really want another but what color!!

      Aprons are just so handy because I’m always spilling and wiping my hands on them! I hope you get a Christmas one!

      Happy holidays to you, too!

  14. Your tulle skirt is so lovely! You wear it well and it’s so nice you were able to find one after wanting it so long. it looks great with the denim jacket! 🙂
    We always dress up for Christmas day, although Christmas eve is more casual for us, we still try dress festively then too. And I can’t even remember the last time I dressed up for the new year – I’m always in bed asleep, can’t stay up to midnight after spending all day running around with the kids, haha!

    Hope that you are having a good weekend! 🙂 We had a fun playdate at the park yesterday.

    • I hope you are having good weather, Mica! I would imagine your days are quite full with little ones! And, I definitely remember the days of running around and dropping into bed exhausted!

      Thanks you so much for the compliments! I was so thrilled to find it! We don’t, as a rule, dress up. But, I think I will!

      Have a wonderful week and happy holidays to you and yours!

  15. you look gorgeous and i hope you are enjoying the holiday season so far !

  16. I love how you decorate your bedroom! And I absolutely adore the tulle skirt with biker boots. A fab ageless look. Thanks for linking!