Style Imitating Art: “Maude Adams as Joan of Arc”

Style Imitating Art… Welcome to Style Imitating Art which comes from Salazar, Shelbee, and me. You can think of this series as fashion meets art museum! SIA challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon that art work, and share them with the curator for that piece. I am this week’s curator …

Style Imitating Art: “Imperial-Lilies-of-the-Valley Basket”

Style Imitating Art… Welcome to Style Imitating Art which comes from Salazar, Shelbee, and me. You can think of this series as fashion meets art museum! SIA challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon that art work, and share them with the curator for that piece. Salazar is this week’s curator …

WorldFinds Jewelry!

If you’ve been around for a bit, you know I have a thing for accessories. I also have a thing for color. I can combine both of those things in the Kantha jewelry I buy from World Finds. I could link post after post after post so you could see what I’ve worn and how …

Style Imitating Art: “The Lovers”

Style Imitating Art… Welcome to Style Imitating Art which comes from Salazar, Shelbee, and me. You can think of this series as fashion meets art museum! SIA challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon that art work, and share them with the curator for that piece. I am this week’s curator …

Is Every Day a Holiday?

Let’s talk holidays… Yesterday was my birthday! It was a rather low key day, but we did go out for dinner and split a delicious piece of carrot cake. Who knew sugared carrot curls could be so delicious? It was also National Dessert Day which seems appropriate. I’m not at this point yet, but it …

Completely Speechless!

Speechless… OK, that may be a bit melodramatic, but you’ve come to expect that, right? I’m just running on a couple of tight deadlines. They always happen the last couple weeks of the month so I should be prepared. In case you haven’t met her, let me introduce you to the Queen of Procrastination…me! A …

Style Imitating Art: “Composition in Oval with Color Planes 1”

Style Imitating Art… Welcome to Style Imitating Art which comes from Salazar, Shelbee, and me. You can think of this series as fashion meets art museum! SIA challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon that art work, and share them with the curator for that piece. Shelbee is this week’s curator …