How to Dress as a Docent!

Docents… Traditionally, docents are guides at museums, zoos, parks, etc. They usually have lots of information and tell you what they know about a specific piece of art, animal, or plant. It’s lots of facts and figures. At the Indianapolis Museum of Art (AKA Newfields), that particular definition has fallen by the wayside. Today, the …

Style Imitating Art: “Diamond Dust Shoes”

Style Imitating Art… Welcome to Style Imitating Art which comes from Salazar, Shelbee, and me. You can think of this series as fashion meets art museum! SIA challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon that art work, and share them with the curator for that piece. Shelbee is this week’s curator …

What’s New in Denim?

Anything… I’m not sure there’s ever really anything new in denim these days. I think, with the exception of skinny jeans, just about anything goes. But, I think they (skinny jeans) will be back in a few years. That seems to be the way with denim. This year, one of the big things is the …

Style Imitating Art: “May Belfort”

Style Imitating Art… Welcome to Style Imitating Art which comes from Salazar, Shelbee, and me. You can think of this series as fashion meets art museum! SIA challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon that art work, and share them with the curator for that piece. I am this week’s curator …