Spring Trends 2024!

Spring trends 2024… There have been many blog posts and articles about the Spring trends for 2024. I’m not reinventing any wheels here, my friends, but I thought I’d give you my take on one of the Spring trends for this year. As many of you know, skinny jeans are considered out. I was never …

Style Imitating Art: “Evening Poplars”

Welcome to my first Style Imitating Art post with me as the curator! My choice was “Evening Poplars” by TC Steele. Style Imitating Art comes from Salazar, Shelbee, and me. You can think of this series as fashion meets art museum! Style Imitating Art challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon …

Inspired By and a Confusing Man

Lately, I’ve been linking up with Kym at A Fresh Cup of Coffee for her year long series of Twenty-Six Lists. This week’s “Historical Figures” prompted me to write about a confusing man. Kym’s lists range from Goals and Accomplishments (seen here) to things like “Lucky Days,” “Music on Your Playlist,” and “Blog Reading List.” I decided to …

Style Imitating Art: “Grand Canyon from the South Rim”

Welcome to the first edition of 2024 for SIA! Style Imitating Art comes from Salazar and Shelbee. Terri retired at the end of last year. You can think of this series as fashion meets art museum! Style Imitating Art challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon that art work, and share …