Let’s Get Creative!

Creativity… I never thought of myself as a particularly creative person. I couldn’t draw, play a musical instrument, or do anything I considered creative. I was very, very tunnel-visioned in my thinking. It wasn’t until after I retired that I realized I’d been funneling all my creativity into my teaching. I had to create bulletin …

What’s New in Denim?

Anything… I’m not sure there’s ever really anything new in denim these days. I think, with the exception of skinny jeans, just about anything goes. But, I think they (skinny jeans) will be back in a few years. That seems to be the way with denim. This year, one of the big things is the …

How Women Disappear

Women disappear… I’m not sure about you, but I’ve read lots of articles and blog posts about how women disappear. I’m not talking about kidnapping. I’m talking about how women of a certain age seem to disappear from sight. It’s tough being a woman of a certain age…that is, if you let it! What, you …