How to Find My Style!

Style… Style is defined as “a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character (source).” Now, that is about as open ended as you can get, right? Is it any wonder we sometimes struggle with developing a sense of style? I have been grappling with this idea for a while …

A Walk in the Park!

Shopping my closet… This past month was a true anomaly for me. I bought only two things, and I’m returning one of them! One of the reasons is I have plenty of clothes. I’ve decided to try to create new outfits with the individual items rather than just repeating what I wore before. Shopping lately… …

Style Imitating Art: “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II”

About Style Imitating Art… Style Imitating Art comes from Salazar, Terri, and Shelbee. Please make sure you visit each blog to see their SIA looks. You can think of it as fashion meets art museum! Style Imitating Art challenges people to find inspiration in different art works, create looks based upon that art work, and share them with …

Basic Outfit with Bling!

Start with the basics… I’m not doing a no-shop January or February, but I am definitely being more intentional in my shopping. Truthfully, I haven’t seen anything I just have to have. I also haven’t been anywhere so there’s that! What’s a blogger to do if they aren’t buying anything new? You start with the …