Global writing challenge…
Last year, I joined the Global Writing Challenge group as a permanent member. We’ve had some changes in membership with the New Year. Now, our group consists of MK’s Adventures in Style, Deb’s World, Women Over 50 Living Well, Suzy Turner, Once Upon a Time Happily Ever After, Rosie Amber, and me. We are bidding a maybe not so permanent adieu to Penny but hope to see her back. Leslie, a hopeless (actually quite hopeful) romantic, chose this month’s theme. This is one of my favorite posts to write and to read! On top of the wonderfully different opinions and thoughts, the writing itself is wonderful! I hope you’ll visit all of these blogs because you are going to be amazed at, not only the diversity of the ideas, but the stories of each person. There’s also a link party at the end of this post!
If you want to participate…
If you’d like to join in, we post on the third Thursday of the month. Next month, however, we are moving to the second Thursday of the month. Many of us have conflicts with the third one. You can link up with me or any of the other bloggers. Here are the first few prompts of the year:
- March: Reinvention
- April: Seasonal Changes
- May: Thursdays
My church holds a fall weekend retreat for women at a church camp about 90 minutes away from the church. They started several years ago, and everyone loves them. I have been to portions of two of them. I’m hoping this will be the year I make it for the entire retreat. Last year, I was asked to be one of the presenters. I had a prepared script if I wanted it, or I could completely redo it, or just add bits and pieces here and there.

A little history…
Several years ago, we also began having a mini retreat on a Saturday morning in late winter or early spring. For the first couple of years, they were able to find a “canned” retreat, complete with presentation and booklets for participants. It didn’t take long, though, to run through those. I guess most companies don’t want to develop mini retreats. So, I volunteered to write one. That one centered around a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Almost everyone got into the spirit of the day and dressed up, even wearing hats. I wrote the presentation as well as the booklets. I even made the centerpieces. When it came to the food, I took a back seat.

The next two…
I have also written two other mini retreats. One was called “You Were Made to Shine!” The other was “And, If Not Now, When” and centered around time. This year, I’m again writing and presenting the mini retreat. I get to pick the topic and go from there. I decided, given the state of the world right now, the appropriate theme would be Love.

Mini retreats…
Are you wondering what a mini retreat even is? At my church, it’s been a two-three hour block of time when we gather, have some brunch type food, and then those poor ladies listen to me prattle on and on about my chosen topic! Actually, there’s more to it than that. I do a lot of research, finding quotes, Bible verses, and song titles having to do with that theme. Then, I choose quotes and Bible verses that seem to go together, write prompts for the women to work on, and lead the discussion. One of my friends is in charge of music. I send her a list of songs, but she, ultimately, chooses the songs. Last year, I actually used the song, “Time” by Pink Floyd. It felt very relevant to what we were talking about.

This one…
But, back to love. I am not going to write a lot about this retreat because a couple of my friends subscribe to the blog. I want them to enjoy the retreat and not already know what it’s all about. I actually had a severe case of writer’s block when it came to writing this mini retreat. I just could not get started. I would lie awake at night and worry about it. Well, that helps no one, right? Finally, I decided to focus on the participants booklet. If I wrote the prompts for discussion as well as the questions, surely that would guide me to what I wanted to say. And, it did. At last, I knew where I was going with my message. You see, I started with the end of the presentation…not that that’s written. I just knew where I wanted to end up. I still have about a month to finish it. I’m more than halfway finished. The last part is going to be the easiest. Ya’ll know I’m the Queen of Procrastination, but I promise you. This presentation is going to be wonderful! How could it not be? Because, as Bambi says, “Love is a song that never ends!”

Wrap it up, Marsha!
This has been one of my shortest “Tell Us About” posts. I didn’t want to give away too much of my presentation. Perhaps, I’ll do that in another post. Perhaps not. Oh, by the way (or BTW as the cool kids say), I did finish the bathroom that I wrote about in last month’s post. In fact, if you want to read about (or just look at the photos), check it out here. So, can we talk? How do you feel about public speaking? Do you enjoy pulling together bits and pieces to create a whole? Have you ever been to a mini retreat? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.
Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, Suzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, Style Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
What others are saying…
Suzy “Suzy explores the five love languages and shares her personal take on love, including daily affirmations with her husband, their dislike for Valentine’s Day commercialism, and how she feels most loved when he gives her a big hug.”
Mary Katherine‘s “take on this month’s topic is Lovin from the Oven – if she REALLY loves you, this is what she’ll cook for you!”
Sue “writes about Loving and nourishing your body empowers you to thrive, embrace life fully, and bloom with vitality at every stage.”
Debbie “explains how she says ‘I love you’ without actually saying the words “I love you’. And also shares some poetry on love while she’s at it.”
Leslie “is sharing ways she and her family say I love you.”
Rosie “Rosie wrote a poem inspired by romance book titles.”
And, now, it’s your turn!
If you’d like to link up your Personal Style posts, you may link up here or at any of the other blogs!
Gosh, Marsha, is there anything you can’t do?! You’re incredible! And so brave talking to a group of people…the idea terrifies me. Mind you, I guess you were a teacher, right? So it’s right up your alley lol!
Such a beautiful idea to do a mini retreat all about love, in light of the world today. That’s just wonderful!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Hahaha!!! Thanks, Suzy, but there are a lot of things I can’t and won’t do! I really kinda like speaking to a group of people. I think, once I braved a classroom full of parents, I’ve been fine. Kids are easy because they don’t expect you to be perfect. I cannot tell you how much I loved teaching. It’s just a part of me. Honestly, it was like a switch was flipped in my brain when they came in in the morning. It was like 1, 2, 3, SHOWTIME!!! And, yes, we do need lots of love in this ole world today!
Public speaking – an absolute no go for me, even when I wasn’t the hermit that I am now. I would probably have to prepare it down to the last dot over an i and read it off because my brain likes to jump all over the place, again even more than it ever used to do. Sometimes it feels like a Great Dane just pulling the rest of me behind it here and there and back again!
Then again it probably depends on the number of people and how well you know those people or if at all. I think I’ll not be trying it myself, anyway
I had never heard of a mini retreat before, to be honest, I don’t know much about retreats at all as I have never been at one except one from church when I was 11 and that one mostly sucked, I’m sorry to say.
Love is a very good topic these days.
Oh, I should have included that! I read from my script. I mean, I deviate a bit from it, but I definitely read it…with expression as a good teacher would, of course! I even have the number of words I need to write front and center so I know it will be the right amount of time. And, I don’t know many of these ladies very well so I’m perfectly OK with talking in front of them. One year…hold onto your tea…I even delivered the message (sermon) at a Saturday night service because nobody could do it. I am extremely shy, but public speaking doesn’t bother me a bit. You may have noticed I didn’t talk much during the one Crafternoon I did. It takes me a bit to warm up.
Thanks, Cat!
Marsha this is amazing!!! You are like the busiest person ever! Docent training, writing a whole mini retreat, your blog! Your mini retreats sound so fun!! And I am sure it will be amazing.
Thanks, Erin! You make me feel like I’m not the underachiever I think I am! I have to admit the docent training has been far more work than I thought it would be. I’m working on a four minute presentation that has me all nervous! Remember when I told you your three minute one would be just fine. I keep telling myself the same thing! I’m hoping the mini retreat goes well! We’ve changed it to a luncheon rather than a breakfast so our ladies who work the food pantry can come.
It’s hard to organize and know what to say for a presentation. It sounds like you are well on your way!
Thanks, Laura! This is my fourth one, so I know the organization part. It was just getting past that writer’s block. I do need to finish it, but blogging and other things keep getting in my way!
This was definitely a unique one. I would never have picked this topic, but it’s totally up your alley.
Thanks, Jodie! Given enough time, I can write on just about anything. Not that I will, though!
That sounds like a wonderful skill that you have there Marsha, with all the writing and thought that goes into the whole retreat. Well done, and yes the world needs much more love in it at the moment.
Thanks, Rosie! When I first agreed to do one, it was the fall of 2019. And, we know what happened in late winter 2020, right? So, I had lots of time to ready my retreat. I’ve approached it from different ways each time. Sometimes, I know exactly where I want to go. Other times, I have to really work hard at it. I’m not sure, though, how many more I’ve got in me! Thank you, again, Rosie!
I look forward to seeing where you land in your presentation, so do a summary post once you present. I wasn’t going to start because I just thought talking about my husband and I as a couple would be a snore or patronising or embarrassing…but when I saw the book in the street, I felt I should work on it. It was interesting to think about things I do and who I do it for. The list could have been much longer, and weirder, but I left it quite short. That’s the thing with writing. The starting is hard, the stopping is less so. Ha! #TellUsAbout
Thanks, Lydia! Perhaps, I will. I really enjoyed reading your list and all because you found that book. I find, with writing, the starting is the hard part! When I’m finishing, I have to remember to make sure it made sense given my start! Thanks so much for commenting and linking up with us!
Hi, Marsha – One of the most important mini retreats I went to was given by a nun who was helping us grieving our loved ones. My mom had just passed. Your love of teaching incorporates so many of your talents! That’s amazing that you organize these events. Thanks for sharing – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Thank you, Angie! I wish I’d had something like that when my mom passed away. It was devastating because we were cut from the same cloth and fought like cats and dogs! But, when it came to it, I was probably the closest to her because of that. I do love to teach, and that’s why I gladly write these retreats and do the presentation.
I’m impressed, Marsha! The ladies in your group are lucky to have you. Enjoy your mini retreat!
Thank you, Christie! We have always had a really good turn out for the mini retreat so I hope this year is as good.
You are such an amazing writer! I’m so impressed that you write all of the content for your retreats! Your church group is so lucky to have you!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you, Jill! It’s only about a 45 minute presentation, and the booklet writes itself more or less. I appreciate your kind words.
Well done Marsha, that all sounds brilliant. Go you, I’m impressed! I know that once a teacher always a teacher but it can be harder4 when it’s adults or peers we’re presenting to, do you find that? This was another great topic for our Tell Us About challenge.
Thank you, Debbie! You are definitely right about being a teacher forever! I just can’t help it. As I was a Resource Teacher for about 10 years, I was always giving presentations to my peers so that doesn’t bother me. It is definitely easier when I don’t know the people!
I keep thinking there’s not going to be much to say and then end up writing so much!
I am sooo impressed Marsha, you are a very skilled person with not only a huge writing talent, you can organise stuff also! BTW , you know me, I am totally fascinated about ‘church’ in the States. (I think you might know why!) But church in the States seems to be much more than going to church on Sunday which is what it is, mainly, over here. And as for all the extras – your church seems to encompass a lot of community activities and events. Possibly that happens here but it never seems to be the pivotal part of society which is what it seems to be in the US. I do find that fascinating – we are very different countries. I love learning that from your writing.
And well done you for all the preparatory work you are doing – big pat on the back!
Thank you, Penny! I am not all that great at organizing, but I’ve been doing this one for a few years so I know what to do. At the church I attended for over 40 years, I was only involved in hand bells. No one ever invited me to do anything, and, as far as I know, they never held retreats of any kind. My new church is all about being a part of the community (hence a food and clothing pantry as well as other events) and studying the Word. I am involved in only a few events as they have many, many others. While I am deeply religious, I am also very worried about the breakdown of the separation of church and state in our country right now.
Creating and presenting these retreats is a huge undertaking. I know you love to write and probably enjoy pulling in the Bible verses, quotes, even music to support the retreat theme. Did you like writing lesson plans? I loved doing them!! And liked to support my lessons with quotes and music, too!!
I am a enthusiastic procrastinator, too. Glad you have overcome your writer’s block and gotten half of the presentation/retreat written. The rest, I hope, will come easily. Please share some photos and more details in an upcoming post once the retreat is behind you.
Thanks, Leslie! No, I actually hated writing lesson plans. We had to follow this set way of doing it, and it was just so tedious. Now, when it came to writing curriculum…that I definitely enjoyed. I loved teaching and often included music. Everyday, my kids were greeted with a quote at the door. One time, I had a quote by Marilyn Monroe, and a parent (one I loved) asked just what I was teaching these kids! She was joking, of course. I will definitely try to write a post when it’s over.