A Nigel update…
Nigel has been using his cane more and more frequently. One day, I kinda put on my teacher pants and lectured him about getting up and moving more. He took my words to heart and has been walking more. But, my friends, I felt awful about it. I haven’t really put myself in his position. Sure, I was laid up with my Frankenfoot for three months, but I am OK with being inside for long periods of time. I also had my surgery in January so I didn’t miss much outside. Nigel, on the other hand, hasn’t been in the yard since last May or June. He stays on the sidewalk, driveway or porch. I have to remember how difficult all this is for him more often.
Global writing challenge…
Last year, I joined the Global Writing Challenge group as a permanent member. We’ve had some changes in membership with the New Year. Now, our group consists of MK’s Adventures in Style, Deb’s World, Women Over 50 Living Well, Suzy Turner, Once Upon a Time Happily Ever After, Rosie Amber, and me. We are bidding a maybe not so permanent adieu to Penny but hope to see her back. Debbie chose this month’s theme. This is one of my favorite posts to write and to read! On top of the wonderfully different opinions and thoughts, the writing itself is wonderful! I hope you’ll visit all of these blogs because you are going to be amazed at, not only the diversity of the ideas, but the stories of each person. There’s also a link party at the end of this post!
If you want to participate…
If you’d like to join in, we post on the third Thursday of the month. You can link up with me or any of the other bloggers. Here are the first few prompts of the year:
- January: Something New
- February: Ways We Show Love
- March: Reinvention
- April: Seasonal Changes
- May: Thursdays
In case you didn’t know…
Last July, Nigel had his right hip replaced. Everyone told us he’d soon be up and, quite literally, on his feet. Everyone said the hip is the easiest joint to replace. Everyone was wrong. We have now passed the six month point, and he is still using a walker. But, he is using his cane more and more. It’s been too cold to walk outside (and icy) so he walks circuits in the house.
A little history…
But, this post isn’t about what’s in the past, though it kinda is. My something new began with Nigel’s hip replacement. Actually, I’ve got more than one something new! The first was learning how to use our mower. Now, I’ve mowed yards since I was a little kid. We had a push mower that you really had to push. Then, Dad bought a riding mower once he and Mom had bought the lots behind us. Even they recognized there was no mowing that with a push mower. When Mom and Dad bought a lake lot with the idea of building a cottage there someday, the first thing we’d do when we got there for a weekend was mow. There were several large trees on the lot which meant you had to mow around them. Dad told me to keep straight lines. I tried my best to mow straight, but he wasn’t having it. What he meant was to not continue mowing the circle around the tree. I’m not explaining this very well, but, basically, he wanted the mowing line to be straight once you’d mowed around the tree. In other words, mow the circle around the tree, but on the next pass, just mow straight. I have never forgotten that and always mow that way. But, I digress.

The first one…
As part of our HOA agreement, we don’t mow our lawns. We have a service for that. But, they don’t always do the best of jobs plus our back yard has a really funky pitch to the hump. So, that grass doesn’t really get mown as short as the rest. Nigel would mow the yard a couple of days after the mowing service to neaten it up. It takes very little time as we have such a small lawn. I might have mowed once or twice that first year. But, this past summer, all the mowing fell to me. And, for the most part, I was really the only one who was out in the yard to see it. Now, in my defense, Nigel bought this mower the summer before we moved so I’d not used it much, and he always prepped it for me when I did. I had to learn how to put gas in this mower. I had to learn how to start the silly thing even! You have to hold one thing up while pulling on the cord. I also learned how to change the wheel heights for mowing around the plantings on the hump. I love to mow so none of this was a problem.

A little tool…
My next something new was learning how to use an Allen wrench. For those of you who don’t know, it’s that funny little L shaped thingamajig that comes with faucets, IKEA stuff, etc. It’s usually got straight edges rather than being round. You have to insert it into the hole and then twist it. The only problem is when you’re installing or de-installing something on a wall. I haven’t figured out a way to not have to take it out and reconfigure it to twist another 90o or so. I always whisper under my breath, “Righty tighty, lefty Lucy.” I have installed toilet paper holders when Nigel decided he didn’t like the one in his bathroom even though I tried to tell him he wouldn’t like that one! I have also installed safety bars in both bathrooms. Right now, I’m painting the primary bathroom so I’ve had to deinstall the toilet paper holder as well as the safety bar. Of course, you know what that means, right? I’m going to have to reinstall them when everything is done.

The Money Pit…
Another something new is learning how to put the battery charger on the Money Pit. The Money Pit is Nigel’s old Ford Ranger. I know it’s somewhere over 20 years old. The battery always dies because it isn’t driven enough. I don’t really like to drive it, but I do on occasion. It’s the reason we built a home with three cars. It’s the Money Pit because it’s reached the age when it’s always needing something! I have clothes…Nigel has the Money Pit! And, the boys all love the stinky thing! It does come in handy when we need to move something big even though it’s a little truck.

A new tool…
Nigel loves tools. Give him a tool, and he’s a happy man! In fact, he got some new tool from the kids for Christmas, but I have no idea what it’s for. Oh, wait, I just remembered. We’re going to replace the floors in the primary bedroom and the living room. And, I’ll be on my knees working those planks into place. I think one of the boys is going to help as Nigel supervises. Anyway, this new tool is some kind of battery powered saw that will cut the floor mouldings so it doesn’t have to be taken off…at least, that’s what I think it does! I’m really hoping that tool doesn’t go on my list of Something New! It frankly scares me.
My favorite…
My biggest something new has been learning how to use Nigel’s impact driver. Now, before you think it’s some huge tool that breaks up cement, it’s actually just a super-charged battery driven screwdriver or drill. I’ve always made a mess when I’ve used these kinds of tools. Should the people who bought our last house actually remove the window mouldings, they’ll see the evidence of those messes. We had three (glorious) windows in the morning room. Nigel had broken his right arm (falling off a ladder, of course), and I was trying to hang curtain rods. I had never used an impact driver so I didn’t realize how much tension you had to apply to it. The dang driller part of it would keep slipping out of the screw and gouging the walls! So, there are lots of little dings and holes in the wall behind those wonderful wide mouldings in that morning room! These days, I’m a regular pro with the impact driver. I almost think it’s my favorite tool! I used it to predrill holes for all of the installations of said items mentioned above. Then, I used it to actually screw things into place.

Noisy but effective…
Oh, another tool I learned how to use is Nigel’s air nailer. It’s also battery powered, and it also must have just the right tension in order to get those nails in and sunk. The one thing I hate about it is the loud noise so I wear ear plugs. It’s not quite as satisfying as the impact driver, though.
Right now…
Currently, I’m in the middle of “remodeling” the primary bathroom. I’ve used the tools to take screws out of drywall anchors. I’ve patched the holes, sanded them, patched, sanded, patched, and sanded. I’m now painting, which is something I love to do! I’m going to wallpaper one wall. It just so happens to be the wall behind the vanity. That means I’ll have to take down the light. I’ve never ever done that before. I could wait and have one of the boys do it. But, I’m determined this project be mine completely. Nigel is not the kind supervisor I always am…cough, cough! He’s very impatient with the way I paint, but I have faith in me! I am a little bit frazzled (pun intended) at the thought of that light, though. If you don’t hear from me for a few days, you’ll know why!

Wrap it up, Marsha!
From the get go, Nigel has known not to buy me an appliance as a gift…not ever! There was one exception, and that was a microwave for our anniversary circa 1985-ish. It was a monstrous thing and took up so much counter space. We had that thing for many years. And, that is the only time I’ve received an appliance as a gift! But, Nigel loves tools so that’s what he gets. Do I love them enough to ever ask for one? Well, as a matter of fact, I have asked for one, but it’s probably more a craft kinda thing. I want a battery powered hot glue gun! I was rather surprised to not find one under the tree this past Christmas. My Something New items may all be things you’ve already used. You may be thinking, “You wrote an entire post about tools?” And, you’d be right. I did. But, I think my true Something New was the confidence to use these tools. Honestly? It’s killing Nigel to watch me do it, but it’s given me the self-confidence to know I can do it…whatever “it” might be. So, can we talk? What’s something new in your life? Were you surprised or maybe even shocked I chose to write about tools? Do you have a favorite tool? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.
Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.
Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, Suzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, Style Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
What others are saying…
Suzy “Suzy has a lot of new things to be excited for this year, especially the completion of her new house. It’s been delayed by several months but she’s hoping to be in by March because her first house guest (stepfather-in-law) has already booked his flights!”
Mary Katherine‘s “take on this month’s challenge of Something New is what will be new for her this year: retiring after 44 years of working full-time!”
Sue “selected Bloom as her WOTY. For the Something New prompt, she is writing about Nurturing New Beginnings to live life in Full Bloom. She looks at how we nurture our growth and our garden of possibilities.
Debbie says, “Something new for a new year! Deb is looking at the year ahead with new eyes and trying to listen in new ways.”
Leslie writes, “ Leslie is feeling giddy with anticipation at the possibilities the new year brings. Although there’s nothing especially new that she is looking forward to, she is hopeful that 2025 see her routine to all the activities that her broken heel kept her from in 2024. WALKING normally, hiking, jogging, bike riding, swimming, dancing and chasing after grandbabies.”
Rosie “talks about her recent discovery of the wonderful all-round health benefits of Castor Oil.”
And, now, it’s your turn!
If you’d like to link up your Personal Style posts, you may link up here or at any of the other blogs!
Oh how interesting this theme is Marsha. First of all, I feel for Nigel as I too have a walking situation – mine is outdoors and is a perception issue rather than a joint. But why did the hip operation go so badly? Asking with my nurses’s hat on! Such a shame.
And my word, well done you with all the tools!!! You are a star, with your learning of these new skills. Your home will be so beautiful and much of it down to you!
Oh, Penny, I wish I knew. He had the anterior replacement which doesn’t cut through muscles and is supposed to be a quicker recovery. The head of his femur was completely collapsed so I think that had something to do with it. He also has protrusio (I think that’s the right term) where his hips stick out differently than most. I do, in the quiet of the night, wonder if we picked the wrong surgeon. He has these wonderful credentials and is board certified. I just think Mike’s case was one of those really strange ones. Of course, he also needs the left hip replaced, but that can’t happen until he’s able to support himself on his right leg. It’s been exhausting for both of us.
I have been having so much fun with the tools. I’ve always been keen on DIY and always came up with different kinds of projects for Mike. I was always right there helping, but I never had lead (so to speak). This time, I’m doing the whole thing. I’ve got plans for our dining area to make it more us (well, me, actually). Then, I want to do something different with the laundry room as it’s so boring and not really workable the way it is. So many plans, so little time!
Thanks, Penny!
Marsha, I am so impressed!! I am absolutely useless when it comes to any kind of DIY, but that’s probably because I have a husband who is just brilliant at it, considering he does that kind of thing for a living. And he likes to have things done properly LOL! However, he is often so busy that it’s difficult to get him to do the things I want doing! So I did paint my old office in the old house, but I don’t enjoy doing that kind of thing lol!! He has asked me to clean the garage area of the new house today though, as all the really messy work is finished and he needs all the dust to go! And cleaning is something I can do! Not that I want to though LOL!!!
Suzy xx
IKR!!! Not what you’d expect from me, right? I love, love, love DIY!!! At our last house, we do so much that the guy who sold us the house said it wasn’t even recognizable. I find the things on Pinterest; Mike comes up with how to do them; and we just plug away at it. It’s been fun learning how to use these power tools which was something I hadn’t done. I was always like the nurse in the operating room handing the surgeon the right scalpel! I don’t think it has to be for everyone…that’s what makes the world such a wonderful place…we’re all different. I cannot wait to see your new home. Does it have a guest room…hint, hint? Ugh…the cleaning is the worst part. But, I’m so glad you’re closer to moving in! What a treat that will be for both of you!
Thanks, Suzy!
Well done you! I have my ‘ladies toolkit’ for jobs that I try and it is amazing how often it gets rummaged through and items get borrowed by the non-ladies of the household.
Thanks, Rosie! I’ve always been pretty good with a hammer and nails, but power tools were never in my toolkit (pun intended). I don’t have my own tool kit because, quite frankly, Mike has so many that it would just be redundant! But, it is fun knowing I can now use them with no fear!
I am always stealing either my husband’s or oldest son’s tools for work around the house and have gotten quite good at using most of them (at least I think so anyway). I did buy myself a set of pink hand tools since the last batch of tools I bought myself all went missing after a time. I figured if they were pink they’d be easier to spot and less likely to get adopted by one of the men. I don’t, however, have any of my own power tools so I still borrow those but at least I put them back when I’m done. Good luck with the light; just make sure you turn off the power!
Hahaha!! I love that you bought pink tools so they wouldn’t go missing. I’m definitely one of those people who believes everything in its place. Mike will just take things out and put them on his work bench. When it gets to the point when he can’t stand it anymore, then he’ll clean it all up. Our oldest came over one day this past fall and organized the garage for him. Mike is a former electrical engineer and has extensive electrical experience. That’s always rule #1!
Thanks, Joanne!
I am so sorry to hear that Nigel is not recuperating as he should from his hip surgery. Have they said why they think the recovery is not going as it should. Also did they operate from the front or the back. I am just curious as a friend of mine who is 72 had her hip replaced last year. I haven’t used any of my hubby’s tools recently, but I did learn how to use a sander and a power saw a few years ago: it really made me feel accomplished.
Thanks, Mireille. I haven’t come right out and asked the surgeon that question. I do think there is something underlying it, but the surgeon can’t quite figure it out. It makes me question whether we’re in the right place. He had the front type of surgery which is supposed to be the quickest recovery. I do believe part of the problem is he really needs that left hip replaced to fully feel the effects of the right replacement. But, he can’t have that done until he’s fully healed and walking on the right…it’s kind of a vicious cycle. Mike will be 72 next month. He’s decided he’s old…I told him he still has at least three years before he can claim that!
Power saws are a little scary to me though I can use one. I tend to go a little overboard with a sander, though!
Thanks again, Mireille!
I’m quite terrible with power tools. You made me laugh talking about the dings and holes in the wall. That is so me and I finally gave up, also because the ex has been a terribly impatient teacher (only for me, he had ample patience for non-family, not unusual at all, I know others have the same experience with family members) which made me more and more nervous. Being alone, I try to do what I can and get a professional to do what I can’t. Saves me time and a lot of nerves which is usually worth the money
So I’m really impressed, kudos to you, Marsha!
Hahaha!!! Well, Mike couldn’t do anything at the time because of his broken arm, and those curtains needed to be hung up. But, yep there are holes and dings behind that moulding! I’ve since learned how to apply the pressure and don’t have the problems anymore. Mike also showed me that I could reduce the power so the thingamajig wouldn’t spin as fast. I honestly think he’d much prefer to be the person doing this, but I’m the one in charge right now! We did hire professionals at our house up north when we had a new roof put on and some architectural details added to three dormer windows. We also had to hire a plumber because someone (not Mike) figured spacing wrong in a powder room we were creating. I really love DIY and try to get him to do more. He keeps saying he’s too old! I say pfft to that!
Thanks, Cat!
I’m so sorry to hear Nigel’s recovery has gone so slowly. It’s really hard to make progress in the winter! But bravo on you for all the DIY you’re doing. I think there are few things more empowering for a woman than her own cordless power drill and her own chainsaw (speaking from experience). Mowing is so satisfying – immediate gratification – it just has to be done endlessly! Hang in there, friend…
Thanks, Mary Katherine (or, do I call you MK). I think he’s realizing spring is coming and wants to be able to walk in the yard again. He asked about the sidewalks today…I told him they’re there, just covered with 11 inches of snow!
Oh, your own chainsaw? Impressive! Both of my sons have them (which is, frankly, a little scary) and trim their trees up with them. Since Mike has so many (and I do mean many) tools, there wouldn’t be room for any if I bought them! We have such a small yard that mowing doesn’t take that long. I miss the days of a riding mower and over an acre to mow. I really never envisioned living in a condo community. Mike loves it; me not so much!
Thanks for your kind words.
That sounds like a really hard and stressful recovery for you both. I love, love. love that you’ve become a pro on the tools and have a favourite tool! This is the best thing about learning new skills. In Australia, we call it an Allen Key and if you say that everyone will assume you are talking about something from IKEA. Hehehehe. The most unSwedish name for the most common thing in the place!
I hope your husband is almost at the end of recovery now….and that he’s back on his feet quickly now.
Thank you, Lydia. It has been a very hard and stressful recovery. I think we set our expectations way too high, not knowing how truly bad his right hip originally was.
I had to chuckle because I know most people wouldn’t put tools and Marsha in the same sentence! But, I have learned how to use them, and I’m not going back! Hmmm…I wonder if most people in the US call it an Allen Key, too? That’s just what Mike has always called them. I like some of IKEA’s things (the shelving in my closet is from there), but I’m always amazed when people spend $$$$ on kitchens from there. Maybe, the quality is different? I do enjoy walking through just because it’s something to do without spending much money.
Thanks again for your kind wishes.
Hi, Marsha – Wow, you have learned so much handy work! And you like it, too! Another wow. Lol! My husband is born with the talent and loves tools; the opposite of me. I could learn but I like that he loves to do these things. He does quite ignore our house, though, while he goes out helping neighbors and rehabbing houses for (eventual bits of) profit. I have extreme patience. Your house must be beautiful because of it as well. I hope Nigel gets full mobility back and enjoys life to the fullest. Take good care of yourself meanwhile. XO – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Thank you, Angie! I have always helped Mike as he worked on various projects in our other houses. At our last house, we did Craftsman style trim around all the windows and hall openings. Anywhere that wasn’t covered, we covered, and it looked wonderful. If that house had had a downstairs bedroom, we probably would have stayed. So, I’m pretty good at DIY, but I always left the tools to Mike. But, now I’m really getting into the swing of things. Thank you so much for your good wishes! I really appreciate you.
I am so impressed with your DIY and toolmanship Marsha! What a girl you are
I do feel for Nigel though but you have risen to the occasion with so much flair he can’t help be impressed with you. This was a great take on the topic and I loved it. Take care and wishing Nigel all the best for his further recovery. If it helps at all I have a friend who underwent something similar months ago and things have not progressed as they should at all. Thanks for all your organisation for this challenge as well.
Thanks, Debbie! I love to DIY and once tried to convince Mike to flip houses. He was not inclined to do that at all! It is difficult for him to just sit back and watch (and offer “constructive” criticism). I am having a wonderful time figuring out how to get into tight corners and reach places I was sure I never would be able to reach. Thank you so much for your kind words. It does help to know others are struggling as we’ve heard so much about people who are walking without any aids a few weeks after surgery.
I guess it was just the teacher in me to step in and make sure we still had this wonderful challenge each month.
Marsha, I apologize for not having kept up. I am so sorry Nigel has had so much trouble with the hip replacement. That truly sucks. (These joint replacements are such a violent assault on the body, I’m surprised more people don’t have trouble.)
Looks like your bathroom redo is going well. And bravo for wanting to make it yours from start to finish.
No apologies necessary, Michelle! You’ve been dealing with things, too. I think he may have finally turned a corner…he just had to do it, if you know what I mean.
I’m really hoping the bathroom turns out the way I envision it. But, I discovered the faucet is leaking so I’m going to have to deal with that. I’ve yet to have plumbing added to my list of accomplishments, but here we go!
Thanks, Michelle!
I had no idea there was even a battery powered glue gun!
I am impressed with all that you have learned and done. You are adventurous Marsha! Taking on the bathroom painting and replacing flooring – wow!
Honestly, I think you did the right thing by ‘encouraging’ Nigel to move. I have had to do something similar in recent months and it helped. It’s easy to feel despondent when our bodies aren’t working the way we’d like. But we have to be encouraged and pushed a bit because the less we move the LESS WE MOVE! Ya know, no one ever suddenly started to be able to do things again after doing nothing. Hope that makes sense. Also? Don’t tell Nigel I said that, I don’t want him to think we’re ganging up on him. I want you both to have a full, active, and happy life!
Thanks, Kellyann! Yep, I don’t know where I saw the battery powered glue gun, but I’m going to get one. This won’t be my first time putting in flooring. We did it in our house up north as well as the last one. Once you get those first few rows down, it’s pretty easy. And, I really love to paint because it’s an easy facelift for your room.
Thank you for those words, Kellyann! He actually used his cane to go to therapy today. The therapist was so impressed he has cut back on the visits. I think that has really encouraged Mike more than anything I could ever say. He was complaining a bit about the pain, but then said, “No pain, no gain, right?” So, maybe, we’re finally on the track to whatever our new normal may look like.
Wow, Marsha! Look at you go getting into mowing, using power tools and renovating your bathroom. It’s amazing what we can do when we are put into a position where we have to. I’m sorry Nigel is still having issues with his hip but the positive side is you now have new skills! As for the Allen key, I have used those before but did you end up with any screws missing or left over – that usually happens with DIY, LOL! A great take on Something New for our #TellUsAbout Prompt x
Hahaha!!! Nope, no extra screws or left overs! I have always been the sidekick when we’ve done DIY so it’s kinda fun being the one in charge even though Mike hates it! Mowing is one of those things I have always enjoyed. When we lived up north, it took more than an hour to mow. I had lots of time to just reflect and enjoy the moments.
Thanks, Sue!
Again, I wished we lived in the same neighborhood. I’d help you with your bathroom because that’s so fun.
Hahaha!! I wonder if our taste runs the same in home furnishings, though! I love a good floral! But, we would definitely have a good time together!
Thanks, Jodie!
I’m so impressed with all the new things you have tried and learned to do, Marsha. Impressive. I hope Nigel’s hip continues to improve.
Thanks, Christie! I have been a little amazed at what I’ve been able to do once I decided to just do it! Thanks for your positive thoughts.
Your posts are so conversational and fun. I just enjoy every word. I am so proud of you to have learned so many new tricks in this difficult year with Nigel laid up. What an ordeal this ‘easy’ hip replacement surgery has been. Continue getting after him about moving, though!! These guys sit down and that’s the end. Once it warms up just a little he has to start taking tours around the yard!! You and I have been there, and yes, it hurts. But we don’t just give up.
Have never been big on power tools but know my way around most lawn mowers. I am particular about how the grass is cut. And I like to go east-west and then north-south to be sure we get a good, even cut. PC just does it the fastest way he can and who cares if there are big tufts 12″ tall in some places. OCD can be exhausting for the person with it and the people who live with the.
Would be interested in that molding tool. We are supposed to be painting the baseboards but PC took one swipe at one and put the paint up. I will get it out in the next or so. It just hurts my foot to bend it while I am on the floor. Isn’t getting old fun?
Aww, thanks, my friend! I just ramble on and on, don’t I? When I first started college at the ripe old age of 27, I placed in an honors writing class. There were only about ten of us. I got As on everything. Then, I had to take a second writing class, and got a C or a D on my first paper. The teacher (she wasn’t a prof) said I wasn’t focused and didn’t really have a main point. This was after being peer reviewed and having all kinds of good comments. Then, I had to teach creative writing in my gen ed classroom for so many years. Sometimes, I do stick to what I taught, but, most of the time, I’m just writing the way I’d talk! So, yeah, I guess it’s conversational! Mike has actually convinced himself he can and will walk without assistance. So, he’s using his cane most of the time. I still have to get after him to stand up straighter, but I also need to remember that left hip is still wonky.
Oh, mowing…must be done in straight lines! Our lot is such a weird shape, and our next door neighbors are so ouchy, I don’t really vary too much from the way I mow. Actually, we don’t really “own” any of our yard since we’re in a condo community. So, I’m not exactly sure where our property line would even be. But, I am a stickler for mowing when I do it. The biggest problem is the mowers have those ginormous zero turn mowers so they can get the neighborhood done in one day. And, that goofy hump has a little dip that just doesn’t get mowed right. Some weeks, I let it go. Other weeks, I just have to fix it!
The moulding tool is for cutting wood not painting it. I don’t know that I’ve ever painted moulding once it’s down. Now, we have boring stained wood, and I hate it! But, it was expensive so we’re keeping it!
I feel for Nigel and empathize with you. We’re still working through Tony’s knee replacement surgery. It’s so hard. But lock at you doing all the new thing. I’ve never used a lawn mower so I’d be completely lost. But I can use the little wrench thing. I had to put together a little table. I was so proud of me.
Thanks, Daenel! Doesn’t he have to have both knees done? I think he’s finally decided to beat this and is using his cane more often. One of the problems was constantly finding testimonials of people who were walking upright and pain free in a couple of months. I always tell him not to go looking for problems! I love to mow and have been doing it since I was a preteen. But, I wasn’t that familiar with this mower as we had just bought it the summer before we moved. Oh, that wrench drives me crazy! I’m just about ready to put the fixtures back on the wall in the bathroom. I’m already dreading them! They’re kinda fun when you can just spin them around, though.
I give you credit Maraha! I am not a tool person either, but I am dying to hang stuff in the house. Hubby does it but doesn’t consider it a priority over other things. Perhaps my lack of motivation of using a leverler. Yay for you learning new tools and the mower. I don’t mind doing kthe yard from time to time. I think it is great when you learn something new or pick up a new skill. Every now and them I try and use my Italian at the favorite Italian restaurant.
As far as the hip replacement, my mom had hers done, and she walks with a cane, but this has been 2 years out. She doesnt think it was done properly. Good hubby is feeling comfortable with the cane out and about.
jess xx
Thanks, Jess! I have always been actively involved whenever we’ve done any kind of DIY. This is the first time I’ve had to do the actual stuff, though! The only tool I really dislike is the stud finder! I think it’s probably because Mike always buys cheap ones! Brava to you on using your Italian. I took four years of German in high school and can pick up some words occasionally. I’d never be able to converse though I think I’d do pretty well with reading something (even though I wouldn’t know what I was reading). I love to mow so that’s not really a big deal. Learning a new mower was a bit of a pain, though.
Just when I begin to question whether or not Mike’s surgery went sideways, I have to remind myself he had a significant case of AVN. The head of his right femur had collapsed. The left hip isn’t near as bad, but I think he won’t see real progress until it’s replaced. And, that is dependent on him being able to walk on the right one. Vicious cycle, you know?