Tell Us About: Your Personal Style!

Last year, I joined the wonderful women from Is This MuttonMK’s Adventures in StyleDeb’s WorldGrownup Glamour, and Frugal Fashion Shopper for a global writing challenge. Later, Suzy from The Grey Brunette, Sue from Living Well after 50, and I joined in on the fun permanently! Sue decided upon this month’s prompt, and I think we will have some really interesting stories. I haven’t been disappointed yet! I hope you’ll visit all of these blogs because you are going to be amazed at, not only the diversity of the ideas, but the stories of each person. There’s also a link party at the end of this post!

If you want to participate…

I borrowed this listing from Deb as she’d already done the work (thanks, Debbie)! If you’d like to join in, we post on the third Thursday of the month. You can link up with me or with Gail, Sue, or Debbie.

  • April: Your Personal Style (Sue)
  • May: Musical Influences (Suzy)
  • June: Beauty (Marsha)
  • July: Blogging (Debbie)
  • August: Holidays/Vacations (MK)
  • September: Favourite Things (Jill)
  • October: Schooldays (Penny)
  • November: Confidence (Gail)
  • December: My Year in Review (Sue)

My personal style…

Since I’m a fashion blogger, one would think this would be the easiest of posts to write.  One would be wrong.  I have written a couple of posts about my personal style, and yet I still can’t quite define it.  In fact, I wrote a really good one (here) which seems to sum up lots of things yet not really say anything at all.  So, let’s rethink this idea of personal style. 

One of my first blog posts!

A little more…

My first thought was to go with what I said in the already referenced post.  In case you don’t want to read that post (though I really think you should), the idea was to define my style using 3-5 words.  This is not my idea.  In fact, my post was influenced by Kellyann’s post (here).  So, I came up with feminine, boho, classic, unique, and quirky.  Those are pretty good words and define my style quite well.  Honestly, they define the style I present on my blog quite well!  The reality is a bit different from the blogosphere.

One of my first Style Imitating Art posts!

A little digression…

This time, I’m digressing on purpose. In case you’re interested in defining your own style, I found two articles that will help you with that. The first author, Samantha Sutton, is a fashion editor at InStyle so I think she may know a thing or two. I actually quite like her style! Sutton does an amazing job writing about personal style, what it is, how it happens: 

A tad more…

The second article about defining your personal style.  In fact, there are only six steps! I think it’s a bit much, but I do agree with the last point…the one about being confident!

A date look!

Back to my personal style journey…

My personal style has evolved over the years for lots of different reasons.  One of those reasons was financial.  When Nigel and I were first married, back in the days before fast fashion, I bought one or two new outfits each season.  But, I didn’t really think about why I was buying them.  Honestly?  I bought an entire outfit from a page in the Sears catalog!  I liked the look of the outfit even if it didn’t fit me well.  I didn’t consider my style because, quite frankly, I didn’t have one! I didn’t really do much shopping in brick & mortar stores back then.

Second or third grade…one of my favorite outfits ever!

Going on…

Over the years, I went from newlywed to worker bee to Mom to college student to teacher to retiree.  So, yes, my style definitely evolved.  But, as I think back on those days, a couple of things stand out.  I’ve always loved a floral print.  I never wanted to wear the same thing as someone else so being unique was important to me.  I also wanted a wardrobe that would work now as well as ten years later.  Oh, and did I mention I always loved a floral print?  I did, hmmm…

A favorite floral…

A tad bit more…

Many years ago, I was chatting with some friends about style.  One of them suggested looking around our homes to see what stood out.  If you come to my house (you’re invited, you know…just give me about a year’s notice), you’ll notice a plethora of floral prints, plants, and embroideries.  As I look around my bedroom, I see floral draperies, artwork with flowers, plenty of silk flowers, and even a floral motif in my quilt. So, yes, florals are an important part of my style. I even asked Nigel what he thought my personal style was, and he said, “Something with flowers?” Bravo, sir, bravo! I have to kinda giggle because my dad would always tease me whenever I bought fabric to make something. Invariably, it would be floral, and invariably, he’d say something about wearing my Grandma Rose’s kitchen curtains! I wonder what he would think if he could see me now!

Draperies, pictures, and quilt…all floral!

More personal style…

Now, to the crux of the matter…what is my personal style?  My personal style is a reflection of how I’m feeling at any given time.  Have you ever awakened and just felt ugly?  I know that’s a funny question, but there were days when I was teaching when I woke up and just felt ugly.  Some days, I fought the ugly and geared up for battle.  Other days, I leaned into the ugly…hard!  Did anyone notice?  I don’t think so…at least, they never said anything to my face.  Some days, I do wake up in a bit of a snit.  As it takes me a bit to fully wake up, it also takes me a bit to get dressed.  The snit has usually vacated the premises by then.  But, I digress.

Now, this makes me happy…true dopamine dressing!


Back to the reflection part…if I feel like wearing something a bit over the top, I’ll wear it.  If I feel like wearing leggings and a sweatshirt with stains that refuse to come out, I’ll wear that.  So, now I’m beginning to wonder…do I even have a personal style!  The answer is that I have a personal style, and it is just that…personal!  It just changes over and over again.  I know, I know!  As a blogger, I should be advocating for wearing your best all the time and not just when you’re going someplace special.  And, I do that sometimes…when I feel like it!   As my friend, Shelbee, puts it, “You’re a chameleon.”  And, I’ll take it! 

Wrap it up, Marsha!

You wouldn’t believe how many times I started and stopped, then started once again to write this post. I just really struggled with how to address this prompt. I think that’s why I really enjoy the Global Writing Challenge. There are so many different ways to interpret the prompt. I can’t wait to read what the others have written because there will be so many different viewpoints. So, can we talk? How would you define your personal style? Or, are you like me and constantly changing? Are you a work in progress? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

What others are saying…

Suzy shares her journey in defining personal style, from admiring fashion icons like Stevie Nicks and Diane Keaton to embracing monthly challenges, while cherishing her love for Victorian Goth and celebrating the freedom of self-expression in fashion. Find her post at

Mary Katherine reflects on her personal style evolution and the influence of age and confidence, time available, and disposable income.

Penny writes, “Tbh, I struggle with the concept of a personal style as there’s one style I would really like to be seen as having but in reality I wear altogether a different set of clothing.  But just maybe you could have several personal styles? If so, that’s me!”

Jill tells us, “I simply looked at my own personal style and its interpretation over time.”

Sue from Women Living Well After 50 looks at the Evolution of Personal style: Reflecting on Changes over time.  “Can we change our style or is it inherent?”  Read her thoughts at

Gail from Is This Mutton “finds there’s a great feeling of peace and satisfaction about nailing your personal style, with no more expensive mistakes. And it costs nothing to do.”

Debbie feels that she doesn’t have a style as such and isn’t much of a fashion plate, but she does like wearing certain colours – usually the brighter the better. Debbie’s not usually one to talk about fashion so this is a fun post. Read more about Debbie’s personal style at

And, now, it’s your turn!

If you’d like to link up your Personal Style posts, you may link up here, at Gail’s, Sue’s, or Debbie’s blogs!


  1. Marsha, I LOVE this post so much! And I love that you have such a wonderful photo of when you were a kid wearing one of your favourite outfits lol. You looked so cute! This was a really fun challenge this month, but it was a challenge, funny really considering we are ‘style’ bloggers!!
    Big hugs
    Suzy xx

    • Thanks, Suzy! Isn’t it funny that it was so difficult? Oh, I loved this outfit so much. If you read my “About Me” page, it tells about the day my mom bought me this outfit. I remember it as if it were yesterday. Did you dig those glasses, though?

  2. Isn’t it funny how even when you write about style all the time, writing a post about your personal style is strangely difficult? There are a lot of different approaches to personal style that can work, so it’s interesting to hear how different people approach it. Although I definitely have identified hallmarks of my style (things that make outfits “feel like me”), and I have put together some of those 5-adjective descriptors (though I don’t think I’ve ever blogged about it), in some ways I find it easier to define my style by what it’s NOT than what it IS, if that makes sense!

    “Something with flowers” made me laugh! Nigel has 100% zeroed in a major style hallmark there.

    • Well at least you’re very authentic with the flower thing!
      But I’m with you, every day should be different or be a chameleon!!

      • Hahaha!! I am not kidding you when I tell you my dad teased me about my love for florals all the time. What can I say? I like what I like!

    • Oh, I like that…”define my style by what it’s NOT than what it IS.” Yes, that makes total sense to me. Gosh, I should have emailed you for help on this because I could have so easily written that post! Yep, I was a wee bit surprised when he came up with flowers! The man does pay attention at times!

      Thanks, Sally!

  3. Hi Marsha, what a great take on this month’s prompt. You are very stylish and I always admire your fashion choices. Like you, I was on a strict budget and it has only been the last few years that I don’t have to worry about finances. In saying that, I still find it hard to justify paying huges amounts for clothes because I don’t need as many now. Love the photo of you in second or third grade and also your home decor. Bravo, indeed to Nigel for having any idea of personal style – he’s a keeper 🙂 x

    • Thanks, Sue! Nigel and I have been together for more than 50 years so he’d better have picked up on some things…hahaha!! I will splurge on something occasionally if I think I’m going to wear it for years. I’m always shocked by some of the blogs I read when the blogger showcases a sweater in the $300-500 range as if it were the norm. I hope I never spend that much, but I also remember thinking I’d never spend $20,000 on a car! And, thank you so much for your generous compliments!

  4. I’ve always thought you have a very good sense of style and a definite style personality: pretty floral prints, dresses and skirts, gorgeous colours like lilac. As bloggers I think we experiment more than others, thanks to challenges. But we usually revert to our core favorites. The idea of defining style in 3 – 5 words sounds a great way of doing it.

    • Thank you so much, Gail! As I think you are one of the most stylish people I know, I’ll take that as a huge compliment! And, I agree we bloggers do experiment more and take chances just because we need to see what works and what doesn’t!

  5. I did enjoy your take on this months prompt.
    Yes, we do change over time and our style is forever evolving, much like us really.
    Florals are so you and you wear them beautifully.

    • Oh, Jill, you have made my day! I love florals and always will. I’m beginning to think they may be my signature style rather than my personal style. Change is a good thing, too!

      Thank you so much!

  6. I love your personal style and I think you have gotten bolder since you started blogging which I love. Florals are so pretty and I’m glad you embrace them. I love the idea of looking around your house to explain my style.

    • Thank you, Kathrine! I’m so chuffed (I can’t think of an American word that says it better)! I agree that I’ve branched out quite a bit since I started blogging. I think I would have probably continued to just buy a complete outfit from a retailer and not tried different variations.

  7. I enjoyed reading your post and it got me thinking about my own personal style.
    I love your style and floral choices. Thinking back, my style was Floridian Boho Chic when I first started blogging. Now it is more classic. It would be interesting to hear how others perceive our styles.😍

    • Thank you, Rosemary! I wonder if our styles would have changed if we hadn’t been blogging. I do recognize that my style has changed in the short time that I’ve been blogging.

  8. Mica Away From The Blue

    I find it really hard to define my personal style as well yet over the decade plus I’ve had the blog I can see it has changed – but I don’t think I could label it at any point in my blogging journey! I just wear what I like, learning towards colourful and feminine and most of all comfortable, haha. I don’t think ‘comfortable’ is the best way to describe a personal style, but if something’s not comfortable I won’t wear it!

    • Thanks, Mica! I know comfortable seems to be a bad word when it comes to fashion, and sometimes I hesitate to use it. But, I think it’s important to be comfortable. You always look lovely to me, Mica!

  9. Well, you already know how I define my personal style. I am a chameleon just like you! I really enjoyed reading this post, Marsha. I was just thinking about the evolution of my personal style last week as I was cleaning out my closet. Again. I sent about 30 pairs of shoes home with my sister for her 14 year old granddaughter. Shoes that were my style a long time ago but just don’t suit me or my finicky old feet anymore. It feels really good though to pass my beloved things down to the younger generation and see them still appreciating it. (By the way, all of my things seem to be beloved! I really struggle with this cleaning out process. Ugh.) You are beautiful in all of your chameleon styles, my friend! And I am going to take you up on that invitation to your house one of these coming years!


    • I’m so glad you gave me that title, Shelbee, because I just can’t narrow my style down any farther than that! Oh, shoes are such a thing, aren’t they? The manufacturers change one little thing, and your shoes are out of style, but you keep them because you know they’ll be back in style. And, then when they are, you don’t really like them anymore! I know, I know! But, at least, you can pass them down to your great niece.

      Thank you so much for your kind words! And, if you come to Indiana, be prepared to be bored!!!

  10. Hi Marsha, another great response to this prompt. I thought you would have it nailed being such a prolific (and stylish) blogger but instead I like what you did more. You showed us how our style changes and we should be able to experiment and try new things and not narrow our style down too much. You did a great job and I always love seeing your outfits 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Debbie! I thought it would be an easy one, too! But, then when it came right down to it, I had to really think about it. I do love changing things up now. I was so much more conservative in my dressing when I was teaching. But, I was beginning to experiment a bit with color and patters in the last couple of years!