Well, dang…
When I looked in the mirror before leaving for Newfields, I thought I looked pretty dang cute. Then, I looked at these photos, and I’m not so sure! I bought this Rhiannon kimono from a friend and loved the print. The pink is a good pink for me, too. It has just a hint of a blue undertone. I have another in this style, and you can see it here. If I had put the two side by side, having never seen them before, I would have picked the pink one every time.

I kept looking at the photos, and I wondered why I didn’t like them. One of the reasons is very obvious to me. My hair is so much better in the older post. I’m not sure why my hair is so flat these days. I think I may be overcompensating with too much product and hairspray. And, the result is heavy, flat hair. I’m also wearing leggings rather than the cute skirt/slip from Gudrun Sjödén. That slip might be making the skirt of the kimono a little puffy…something to consider. I thought the slip looked cute and gave me some added protection should the wind kick up.

Problem identified…
But, then, I narrowed it down. It’s the shoulders. Look closely (if you can). The shoulder seams on both kimonos are below my shoulders. These kimonos are considered one size which means they fit almost anyone. The difference between the two I have is the pattern. Well, obviously, the patterns are different. The older kimono’s pattern is so busy, your eye doesn’t recognize the dropped shoulder. In this new kimono, the dropped shoulder is pretty conspicuous. And, the sleeves themselves are a bit too puffy for me.

This should be an easy fix. I just need to take up the shoulders. I have another tunic that I just have to take up the shoulders…I’ve had it for almost a year! As I’ve mentioned before, I’m the Queen of Procrastination! But, I really like the pattern on this kimono so I’m going to be working at not only shortening the shoulders, but I’m also going to try to lessen the puffiness.

The Lewk!

Someone decided to photobomb! The back of this kimono is definitely more of a train on me. So, I wore my new Annmarie sandals from L’Artiste. They are marked down. There is also a further discount of 15%. They really are comfortable, but I will need to get some of those acrylic tubes for my little toe. I decided there was enough going on with the prints so I added only these clear (white?) topaz earrings and bracelet from eBay. You may have noticed my bag. Nigel bought this Brahmin for me years ago for our anniversary. It’s a beautiful purse, looks quite large, but, due to its construction, I can’t get much in it. I thought it provided a nice pop of color.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
Did you miss me on Tuesday? I had a weird flu kind of thing going on. My left arm, hand, and back of my neck hurt. They felt bruised, battered, and achy. I also had a terrible headache but only on the left side of my head. It was weird. I just wasn’t up to doing anything. And, I’m back to my old self today. So, can we talk? Have you ever looked in the mirror or at a photo and known something wasn’t quite right, but you weren’t sure what? Do you regularly use a tailor or alterations person? Or, do you do your own alterations? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise I do respond to your comments, but it may take me a day or two. Our internet has been so intermittent, I just want to throw my laptop at the wall! I won’t because a) I need my laptop; b) I don’t want holes in my walls; and c) the internet still wouldn’t work.

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Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off any order over $75. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: https://www.zuvilife.com/products/buy-zuvi-halo-hair-dryer?sca_ref=4039595.v4RNNsWxxF. If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!
What can I say except thank you a million times over for supporting me with your subscription (figuratively…no money is involved here), your comments, and your friendship! Writing a blog post and having no readers would be a sad thing indeed! I’m so glad you are a part of my journey! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend with Emma every Thursday. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
I do my own alterations… but sometimes that means they never get done. I have 4 dresses I’ve wanted to hem and fix the straps on for a couple of summers now and usually just wear them with higher heeled sandals since I still haven’t gotten around to fixing them. I am much better about fixing the boys’ clothes when I need to. I think you look fabulous and that first photo is my favorite!
I have done that before…wear higher sandals so I don’t have to hem. I guess I could borrow some football pads…hahaha!!! Thank you so much, Joanne!
I cannot even sew a button on so there’s that!
Also?? I think these photos are terrific! I mean it. I love this outfit and your hair. Your hair might not be quite a puffy as you are used to but this works for sure. The kimono is so pretty and looks like a work of art.
When I look back at old blog posts and photos of mine, I cringe. I thought all of my outfits were good and then I see them and wonder what in the world…
Hahaha!!! I had a friend whose kids were taking home ec and needed to supply some cloth, a needle, a button, and thread to learn how to sew on a button. She had to go to the store because she didn’t have a single thing.
Thanks for the compliments. I do think I’ve been overdoing it on products so I’m trying backing off on that. You always look gorgeous to me, Kellyann!
I love the way you look in this outfit…We are sometimes our own worst critics…I know I am… It took me over 20 years to even allow a picture of myself to be taken let alone post it on my blog or FB site. I was grossly overweight so I felt that I never ever looked good no matter what… Last year as I started to lose some weight, I felt much better about myself and finally I started taking pics of myself , showing my weight loss. I wanted to encourage others that if I could lose weight with several medical issues that prevent it, anyone can..I still am not totally comfortable with the pictures of myself but I am getting better..I would love to be able to wear and outfit like this!! But I need to lose a bit more pounds even though I have lost 55 pounds now… Thanks so much for sharing!!
Oh, Deb, I hear you on the photos! But, I changed my mind when my oldest SIL passed. They had so many wonderful photos of her, and I thought my kids wouldn’t have that. Congrats on the weight loss! That is amazing. You will have to let me know how you’re losing weight. I lost almost 60 pounds after retiring with Weight Watchers, but they’ve crept back on. I’m not having that earlier success (I’m also 11 years older).
Thanks, Deb!
I love that outfit! The color is great on you and I think it is supposed to look very loose and comfortable. If you hadn’t told anyone, we would have said how nice it looks just as it is. As to alterations, well I can sew on a button, but honestly, my sewing machine just breaks when it sees me coming. My mom was a wonderful seamstress and tried to teach me all the time. I can crochet and embroider, but knitting and sewing are beyond my capabilities.
Thanks, Eileen! It is supposed to be loose and comfortable, but I think I need to fix those shoulders because they will drive me nuts! Hahaha!!! I love it…your poor sewing machine. My mom was amazing at sewing. She used to make us Barbie clothes without a pattern. I also love to crochet and embroider. I also used to love cross stitching and needlepoint. But, the eyes have gotten a bit older!
Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen! I hope you are safe from the hurricane.
I went back to your other post and I really like the look of this one better: the color, the sleeves… I love it! But you are the one who will be wearing it and will it bother you each time if it is not altered?
Thanks, Mireille! I like both of them equally, I think. But, yes, that shoulder is going to bother me so I’ll need to get it fixed.
Your outfit is beautiful, as usual!
I sew a lot and can tell you that taking in a shoulder is not an easy fix. Your dress is lovely, so I suggest leaving the alterations to a professional.
The shoulder line is one of the first things I check for garment fit. Annoying that so many items have a dropped shoulder, which is not a good look for me. Not sure who it is a good look for- maybe someone with super long arms. They are easier to sew than a fitted sleeve, so that may be the reasoning.
I always enjoy your posts.
Thank you, Elizabeth! There is a new alterations place in town so I may take it there to see what they can do. Thanks for letting me know. I thought the dropped shoulders were probably easier (and cheaper) to produce. The retailers have just got us convinced it’s a modern and new twist on a shoulder, right?
Thank you so much for your compliments, and I’m so glad you enjoy my posts.
Love the print and the color combination on you!
Ashh | That September Muse
Thanks so much, Ashh! I really like this print!
First, I’ve had that happen when I put together an outfit and it looks fine in my mirror but the camera shows me a different view.
But in all seriousness, most of the time it’s just us being too critical. Now I get the shoulder thing, but the sleeves are marvelous. And I hope you still wear it even if you don’t get to the alterations.
People see color first and foremost, and this screams “wonderful”.
Thanks, Jodie! Everyone has said it looks good, but I just think it’s too poofy! The whole look in fact is a bit poofy. I think that’s because of the slip. I will skip that the next time I wear it. I will definitely alter the sleeves because it’s just so obvious to me.
I just love the bubblegum pink! I take forever when altering things but I’m so happy when it’s done! I think it looks great now, but taking away just a bit of the puffiness would make it flatter you even more!
Thanks, Laura! I hate making alterations…even sewing on a button…but sometimes, you just have to get it done.
The kimono is stunning! I see what you say about the shoulders but I still love it. The tiers and the gorgeous pastel colors are making me swoon.
Thanks, Kathrine! I think I will love it better with altered shoulders and maybe leggings under it rather than a slip.
Okay, I need to get myself one of this Rhiannon kimonos! They are so freaking fabulous! At first, I couldn’t see what in the world would need alterations, but now that you mentioned drop shoulders and puffed sleeves, I get it. I don’t wear those two things well. As you know, I removed those darn puffed sleeves from my thrifted floral dress. I am looking forward to seeing how this kimono looks on you with altered sleeves. I love this pink on you and the prints are so beautiful. I also really like the slip skirt with it. Well done, my friend!
Thanks, my friend! When you visit Michelle, you should side track to Nashville. There aren’t any of these on the kantha bae website, but they may have some in the store.
I think puffed sleeves look fine on most people. But, they don’t look good on me, and I know it. I will be fixing them soon.
Your kimono is gorgeous! Such a pretty shade of pink! And I really like these photos – I think they turned out great! The only thing I’ve used a tailor for is hemming and I always put it off.
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! I can’t remember how many we took, but I always try to end up with about 20 for the blog. That may be too many, I don’t know.
Isn’t it interesting how something so minor as the droopy shoulders can make such a difference in how something looks on us? Of course it looks fine as it is, but I do understand how once you see something like that on yourself, you can’t un-see it. I can definitely relate to feeling “poofy” enough without my clothes adding extra poofiness.
Thanks, Sally! That’s exactly it…I know it’s there, and I can’t unsee it! Too much poof…we should make a tee off of that and become millionaires!
What a discerning eye you have. And you are correct!! I have gone back and forth between the photos from this post and the earlier SIA post featuring this kimono in the other print. And I see what you are talking about. The other print encompasses more of the entire shoulder area and makes it harder to see that the shoulder seam is dropped. If you are able to do the alterations (or have someone else do them for you) I would encourage you to because this kimono is LOVELY. And the pink is so pretty with your coloring. I like the petticoat or underskirt, too. Such a feminine outfit. You are the epitome of femininity. Which took me 4 attempts to type correctly.
I like the name of the kimono – Rhiannon. Reminds me of the Fleetwood Mac song, and the airiness of their music in songs like Gypsy and Rhiannon, and the voices of Christina and Stevie. I used to play Gypsy at full volume in my Panamanian apartment while pregnant with my first baby, Brennyn. You are Gypsy to me. In your femininity, airy movements, swirly skirts.
Thanks, Leslie! I just knew something wasn’t right. Once I looked at the photos, I could see that slight dropped shoulder which threw off the proportions. You are so sweet…IRL…I’m not so feminine (that is a tough word). I think it needs something a little more sleek under it.
There is also a Stevie kimono which is basically a kimono with ruffled edges. Oh, Gypsy is a good song! Stevie has such a unique voice.
Thank you so much, Leslie! You are helping my ego!
Meant to mention your hair. I know we talked about our hair a bit recently. I think maybe this incredibly hot summer has something to do with the way our hair has less volume…I have no hair so that is probably a huge issue right there!! But the heat just has the two strands I do have plastered to my head. And I add product to fluff and volumize and it just plasters further. Let’s see how we look this month and this season before we shave our heads.
That’s a beautiful kimono! I would not have noticed the dropped shoulders until you pointed them out – and I had to look closely/squint to see them. (My eyesight isn’t the best!) I have several pairs of trousers that I need shortening and have always shied away from doing them myself, but my mum showed me how to alter a pair of Isobel’s trousers so I may have a go at mine now. It takes me ages but it’ll save money on taking them to a seamstress! Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Thanks, Emma! I just knew there was something off, and shoulders are one of the places I usually look. Now, will I really end up fixing them? I don’t know!