A deep abiding love…
If you’ve read my blog for any time at all, you know my love for April Cornell clothing (and linens) runs deep! I’ve worn April’s dresses for Style Imitating Art (here), Ageless Style (here), to celebrate my 50th post (here), and even my very first post (here). It is rare I receive an item and don’t immediately love it. I ordered this dress during a recent sale. It also comes in grey. I love grey, but I already have a dress similar to this one (it’s in the Ageless Style post). I decided to take a chance on the green.

Lots to love…
This dress has much to love about it. The bodice is embellished with tonal embroidery. There’s that nice little ruffled collar. Here’s a strange little factoid about me. I am not the biggest fan of ruffles! I don’t mind a small ruffle here or there. But, if you don’t want me to buy something, put a big old ruffle on the shoulder. That will 100% convince me to keep my money. And, why, oh why would you put a ruffle on the shoulder? You can’t wear a cardigan or…but I digress! Back to the dress…it has pockets and is so doggone comfortable. It’s so comfortable, in fact, one might consider it a nighty! It even has long sleeves which are kind of rare on April’s dresses.

But, I didn’t…
I wanted to love this dress for several reasons. One is I rarely return things to April because of the high shipping costs, and I’m convinced I would be personally disappointing her! Another is I rarely buy anything green (Suzy of The Grey Brunette will be shocked), and this green works with my coloring. And, finally, I’m stubborn. I was convinced I could make this dress work.

A belt?
This gorgeous dress hung in my closet unloved but not forgotten. I just let it sit there and percolate. Well, I let the idea of the dress percolate. My initial thought was to hem it and sew the pockets shut. Since I’m so short, the pockets were well below my reach. Oh, what to do, what to do! I know many of you are shaking your heads at my inability to grasp the obvious! A belt would accomplish so much. It would give the dress some shape which would eliminate the nightgown look. Using a belt would also shorten the dress if used strategically. Shortening the dress would make the pockets functional! Now, which belt?

Definitely a belt!
Belts are tricky things, aren’t they? Is that just me? I think it’s because there’s such a small amount of real estate between my bosoms and my hips. My natural waistline (you’re supposed to bend over sideways and where you crease is your natural waistline) is very high. When I couple that with my voluptuous curves, belts are sometimes very much my enemy!

But, which one?
I really thought my green belt (here) might work, but the greens were nowhere close to being chums! A few years ago, I had quite a large collection of belts. I narrowed them down as they didn’t seem to fit my lifestyle…silly me! As I rummaged through my remaining belts, I came across this old Brighton belt (similar). I thought it might be too skinny, but nothing ventured nothing gained! And, bingo, bango, boingo, it was perfect (in my eyes, at least)! After futzing with the dress and belt, getting the gathers situated, and blousing the dress just so, I think I ended up with a look I could love! As I look at the photos, a couple of things really stick out to me…want to guess what they are?

The real stars!!
I have been stalking these boots forever! I kept waiting for them to go on sale, and they sold out in my size. But, patience has its rewards! I snapped them up the minute they reappeared on the Nordstrom site! I haven’t worn them enough to break them in so they’re at that little bit uncomfortable stage right now. But, take a look at these beauties! The heel is 2.5 inches with a 0.5 inch platform which nets a 2 inch heel. This is in my comfort range. The leather bits are embossed with a floral design, but let’s face it! The floral embroidered sections absolutely steal the spotlight! One of the things I love about L’Artiste boots is you only have to tie them once! They have that wonderfully genius side zipper which makes for easy on and easy off!

The Lewk!

Because (oh, I hate starting sentences with because) the embroidered bodice and these glorious boots are the stars of the show, I went with understated jewelry. Since my birthstone is an opal, Nigel has bought me many opals over the years. This bracelet, though, was an eBay find many, many years ago. It’s set in sterling silver and is a little fiddly to get on and off. One of the opals has fallen out. It’s hard to find real opals today without paying quite a bit. I can tell a lab created opal from a mile away! So, I won’t be replacing that opal because you have to look very carefully to find the hole. Nigel bought me the earrings as a Christmas gift our first married Christmas which makes them close to 50 years old! The ring was an anniversary gift many years ago also.
Not quite there yet, but…
I do not currently have any types of affiliate links. But, I thought I’d include the disclaimer information should this ever happen! Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. On this post as well as all past posts, italicized links are provided as a convenience to you.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I may not exactly love this dress yet, but I’m getting there. I think I’ll also experiment with using a scarf to belt it as well as wearing it under another dress. A couple of the reviews on the April Cornell website mentioned doing that. As for the green color, I actually like it. What do you think? Should I just do the work and hem the dress? Or, do you think the belt does the job and gives not only zhuzh but shape? And, what do you think of these boots? Let’s have a chat. We can do that if you leave me a comment or two! Thanks, as always, to my subscribers! I appreciate each and every one of you!
Where I frequently link up:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag and Doused in Pink and Being a Wordsmith. Please check out these wonderful blogs!
Oh that green looks beautiful on you! And your hair!! What have you done with it, love it!! And those boots are fabulous. Love the hole look!
Thanks, Nancy! I’m not doing anything different with my hair especially…just having a good hair day sometimes! That, and lots and lots of hairspray!!! Aren’t these boots amazing! I love them and will wear them with so many things!
I think its the belt..,perhaps a different type of belt without the hardware? Maybe something closer to the color of the dress and/or softer? I do like the color of the dress on you..also yes i would have it hemmed if you like the dress enough to make the investment for hemming. Espec. since you want the boots to be, in your words, “the star of the show”.
I am definitely going to try to find a scarf to work with it. I do my own hemming (something you learn to do when you’re 5’1″) so I’m going to give it a little more thought. With it being a jersey, I’m a little worried about getting it just so!
Thanks, Nancy, for coming by and commenting!
That green is such a beautiful shade and it looks wonderful on you. Those boots are fabulous with their embroidery. I think the dress looks perfectly fine the way you have showcased with the belt but I think it’s more about how YOU feel in the dress that matters most.
Well, at first, I felt like an old granny (I’m a middle aged granny so…). But, after looking at these pictures (minus the big bosom pictures), I really do like the way I look in this dress. It’s a very unusual shade of green, isn’t it?
The boots are a work of art! Such patience to wait till the went on sale in your size!
Love the dress and the belt is perfect with it! Dying over the details on these boots too. You styled this look to perfection!
Thank you so much, Kathrine! I was really so disappointed at first, but I’m also very stubborn! And, yes, these boots are absolutely amazing! I’m so glad I was able to snag a pair!
I love this dress, but green is sooo not my color. You wear it well Marsha. Perfect for this month. Enjoy your pretty and play styling it a bit.
I know what you mean, Lesley! Although green is one of my favorite colors (almost every room on the first floor is green), it’s not a color I wear much. I think it’s because you don’t find many greens with a blue undertone which is what I need.
Thanks so much, Lesley, for dropping by and commenting!
Yes, re: The Gilded Age – we’ve watched one episode and are not sure whether to continue. It’s very beautiful to look at but can I take the attitude of the ‘old’ New Yorkers??? Not sure. What do you think – have asked that question on my blog ?
You have a really lovely collection of boots! I must get at least another pair! And the dress is great – nice colour and it suits you!
Thanks, Penny! I guess I always think of green as that kelly green color. I do better when things have a blue undertone (which this dress has). As far as The Gilded Age…I think it’s the conversations that bother me most. They seem so stilted…almost forced and overacted. That being said, I will finish it…but it’s definitely not Downton Abbey!
Yes, you do need another pair of boots! It’s rather addictive, isn’t it?
Oh, those boots are amazing!!
As for belts, I have somehow accumulated a ton lately (mostly thrifted) but don’t forget that scarves can function as belts too (or the self belts from other dresses can be interchangeable!)
I’m glad you kept the dress! It’s fabulous Marsha
I know…I love these boots so much! Believe it or not, I wore scarves as belts back in the 90s…see what a trendsetter I am!!
Green is such a gorgeous color on you! Love the dress belted! Those boots are fabulous too1
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you, Jill! Would you believe green is severely lacking in my closet? I think it’s because I need it to have that blue undertone and that’s rarely found in green! And, I am so glad I was able to get these boots. They are going to be such fun to play with!
The dress is lovely, and I love that it has pockets. The color looks great on you!
Thank you so much, Lovely! Any dress or skirt with pockets is a winner in my book!
This green does look lovely on you and I like the little details on the neckline! It also looks great belted, but you can definitely hem it if you’re not sure about the length. I think it’s a winner like this though, you styled it so well!
Hope that your week is off to a good start
Thanks, Mica! Sorry for not replying earlier…your comments were going into my spam folder…weird!!! I do love this dress and will wear it a lot. I might hem it but maybe not because it definitely will always need a belt to give it shape!
Green in every shade is my absolute favorite color. But this foresty green has to be one of my favorite shades. And there simply is not a color you don’t look fabulous in. Truly. This green is spectacular on you. What a lovely dress. I bought a Kelly green sleeveless wrap dress at JCrew but really only like the color and not the fit or cut on me at all. Think it might be time to part with it and free up a hanger for something I like better.
LOVE those boots. The embroidery and the perfect heel and the fact you tie them just once!! These days bending to tie my shoes has become quite the proposition. My birthstone is a diamond but I would much rather it be an opal. They are so much more interesting than diamonds!! That opal tennis bracelet is a beautiful piece. I need to remember my loves of opals next time I am in the market for a nice piece of jewelry.
Oh, stop, Leslie, you’re making me blush! There are many colors I don’t wear…you just never see them! I do have to be careful with green because my skin has green undertones. I’m usually ok if the color (doesn’t matter which one) has blue undertones. And, I know exactly what you’re talking about when it comes to buying things just because you like one thing about them! I’m learning…I should since I’ve been shopping for decades, right?
I absolutely adore these boots. I need to wear them more to get them broken in. I love opals and have so many. My daughter-in-law’s birthday is also in October, but she doesn’t wear opals. I may still leave them all to her. Just be careful when shopping for opals as so many are now lab created and lack the true fire and lustre of opals. That being said, I do love diamonds, too! Nigel finally broke down and bought me gorgeous studs last fall. I wear another pair my dad gave my mom for Christmas one year in my top holes. I’d love to get another piercing…how about you?
I love the deep green shade of the dress and it looks great with the belt. The boots are absolutely stunning!
Emma xxx
Thanks, Emma! I am so glad I was finally able to get a pair of them! This is a green I can wear with its blue undertones.
Thanks for coming by!