That is the question…
Back in July, I reached a big milestone. My blog turned three years old. Now, that’s not such a big deal to many, but I wasn’t sure I’d make it through an entire year! It’s been a learning experience; I will tell you that! Today, I just wanted to write a bit about what I’ve been pondering.
As an extroverted introvert, I’m almost always reluctant to attend any kind of event. It’s not like I’m even invited to many. But, I’ve read about many bloggers doing girls’ weekends/getaways, and I’ve thought that would be lots of fun. We could meet up, talk about blogging, bellyache about technology, and just learn about each other in general. Networking like that would introduce me to people who have been blogging for a while as well as make some more connections in the blogosphere. Maybe, at that point, I would feel like I could stop feeling like I’m being an impostor and instead gain more confidence from these social events.

Sometimes, you think, “Who you know is more important that what you know.” And, that is true with blogging. There are some bloggers I know who can help me with technical issues. Others have introduced me to different brands. Again, it’s that networking thing, right? Let me be clear about this, though. The friends I’ve made while blogging are truly friends. I’m not using them to further my blog. I guess what I mean to say is there are certain bloggers who know more about specific aspects of blogging. So, I ask them. I hope that makes sense. I keep trying to put this into better words, but I’m failing miserably, aren’t I?
While I don’t plan for the blog to become a source of income, it would be nice to grow my following. That takes the right tools. And, sometimes, it also takes being able to answer questions. You know the ones I mean. Why do you blog? Do companies send you all the clothes you wear? How do you get the ideas for the blog? Do you make a lot of money from your blog? Another thing to consider is standing out among the crowd. One blogger I contacted before I began this blog told me to determine my niche and go from there. But, I can’t seem to nail that niche down! So, how do I stand out from the crowd? I think I may be my own crowd!

My business…
And, as much as I don’t plan for this blog to provide an income, I’ve come around to the notion that it is my business. I always said, after retiring from teaching, I wanted another kind of career. It took me a while to realize blogging was just that…my different kind of career. I thought this article was interesting about how to discover the best tools for running a business (though Nigel is my only partner, and he doesn’t get paid). And that could grow the number of subscribers for my blog, right?

Business cards…
One of the things I’ve considered is creating business cards for my blog. When I’m out and about, someone may mention my blog. I think, if I had a business card, I might gain a subscriber or two. Again, it’s one of those networking things at which I need to become better. I’m not actively promoting my blog as I shop. And, I think I’m missing out on some opportunities. But, then do I come across as pushy? I haven’t ever had a business card. We had to design one when I was in graduate school, but I never actually printed any out. Who was I going to give them to…the parents of my students? Now, maybe, having business cards in my purse is not just a formality, it might a powerful tool that could create a lasting impression on someone who might enjoy my blog.

Professional business card printing might help me create impressive business cards and help people remember me. The chances of someone remembering my social media handle or email are slim when they are out shopping with friends, and I mention my blog . Dropping a business card in their hands will remind them to check out the blog, which might lead to more subscribers. Given I don’t make any money off my blog, I thought I’d try to make one on Canva. What do you think?

Knowing the answers…
I know the answers to most of the questions people ask me. But, sometimes, I’m a little flustered and fumble the words. I try to rely on my inherent charm…hahaha!! But, if I answer sincerely, maybe that will convince the people I’m talking with to take a look at my blog. Of course, there would be nothing more embarrassing than handing someone a business card, and then they walked away, or, even worse, let it fall to the floor! If I tell them more about blogging, in general, and Marsha in the Middle, specifically, the conversation may continue! Again, that could lead to more subscribers.

The audience…
When I was teaching creative writing, we used an acronym…PAT. The P stood for purpose. The T stood for task (narrative, explanatory, informative). And, the A stood for audience. I might be wrong here, but I don’t think my target audience is going to be found in the junior department or those stores catering to young women under, let’s say the age of 20. But, if they’re with their moms, I might could interest them. Again, being an extroverted introvert makes this really difficult for me! So, who is my target audience anyway? I think it’s any woman who’s interested in fashion

My friends at J Jill are really good at telling others about my blog. But, I don’t always follow through on that introduction. I am actually kinda embarrassed. And, that’s just plain silly. There is, however, a fine line between engaging someone and boring them to tears! One of the things I thought of would be to ask what kinds of blogs they read. If they don’t even know what a blog is, I need to be prepared to explain that, too. That would be an excellent time to hand out a business card, right?

The follow up…
To benefit from all this networking I might do anywhere (especially while shopping) might mean contacting that person. Hmmm…that makes me feel a little strange. The thing is if they lost my business card or details should I never follow through, I will most likely never see them again. There’s that fine line. Do I need to try to figure out a way to keep in contact with any new people I should meet in public or while networking? Or, am I being pushy and turning people off from reading my blog? There’s so much to unpack here.

Wrap it up, Marsha!
As you can tell, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. I’ve had lots of time on my hands as Nigel heals. I’ve been doing lots of googling and thinking. I figured I might as well put all that to work and write a blog post. So, can we talk? Do you network in whatever kind of business you are in? What kind of benefits do you find if you do network? What advice would you have for me? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes, and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, Suzy Turner, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, Style Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish as well as the Senior Salon Pit Stop (Esme’s Salon) and Slices of Life. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Interesting Marsha , even though I have blogged for many years now mine is really just a hobby so the business side and sponsored posts are of no interest to me. One thing I will say is not to get too hung up on numbers as it fluctuates widely and focusing on that will take away the joy. Just my two cents worth.
Thanks, Jill! I think the only reason I get hung up on the numbers is I want to know that people are reading my blog. I think, had I started blogging years ago, I would be a little more relaxed about it. I need to just inhale and realize it will happen, right?
I think having a business card is a great idea and you can hand it out whenever you get into conversation with someone and they find out you have a blog. But I never follow up anyone as of course they’d have to give you their details and that wouldn’t happen when you just meet someone whilst shopping. It’s probably different if you go to a big blogger event. Like Jill my blog is for writing and sharing ideas and clothes with people – it is not a business.
Consequently I am not interested in numbers – it’s the writing that matters. After blogging for a number of years now (11yrs!) my numbers are stable – you will always lose some and gain some. I do like comments though and spend a lot of time responding to people. I think people like that. My audience is quite niche as it is the older woman but I love that and because so many women comment frequently it feels like a lovely community of like-minded people and that includes you Marsha.
Blogging is such positive thing to do – I wouldn’t burden yourself too much about increasing your numbers – it will happen. But definitely get a business card!
Thank you for the words of wisdom, Penny! I do love to write, and I think that’s why I notice when someone unsubscribes. I probably shouldn’t even look at that, right? While my blog isn’t, technically, my business, it’s my new career. It took me a while to figure that out…instead of considering other avenues of careers. I am so glad to be in your community, Penny, and love reading your posts! I will definitely look into the business card after returning from the UK!
Love the business card! I have one as well but it really hasn’t brought more followers to the blog. It sure doesn’t hurt to have one though. I do feel that collaborating with other bloggers does expand your network. I wish I had some wisdom to give you but I believe that time and the amount of posts you write will bring you the following you want. Can’t believe it’s already been 3 years!
Thank you so much, Kathrine! Of course, you have to know I’m talking about the Blonde Squad! I would love to have a group like that to meet up for girls’ weekends away and just to collaborate with like minded people. Thanks again for your kind words, Kathrine!
Marsha, your words could have come right out of my mouth! I feel the same way!
I actually had business cards and you know what? I was too embarrassed to ever hand them out! Someone would compliment what I was wearing and I’d say thanks and move on. My sons would say – “Mom, you should have given her your business card!” But I just couldn’t find the courage.
My blog is a source of income but if I would just do the things that take me out of my comfort zone AND answer the questions – who, what, why then I’d probably be successful! One thing is for sure, I really have enjoyed meeting friends (like YOU) and I like learning. Blogging has forced me to grow in some ways I never dreamed.
I enjoyed reading this!
Thank you so much, Kellyann! I think we may be two peas in a pod! I should be proud (as should you) of what I’ve created. Well, I am proud of it, and that’s why I’d like to grow my subscribers as opposed to making money. Mike just doesn’t want to deal with the tax ramifications if I monetized it. If I ever make it to Florida, we shall have to have lunch!
Definite YES for the card. If you’re asking for advice, your sample is too hard to read! Or have that on the front and the info typed on the back in a simple font like Ariel. You don’t want to get all “designy” for basic info. Plus, add a QR code. Maybe to your IG. I think brands are more likely to work with you on an IG post vs a blog post. You could always direct IGers to a long form blog version in an IG Story (which allows functional links).
A place to list yourself as “open to campaigns” is Fohr. Here’s my profile (you might have to sign up, it’s free): https://app.fohr.co/annembray
Free QR Code generator: https://www.qrstuff.com/
My favorite business card purveyor (low minimum, allows different designs on face): https://www.moo.com/us/
Thanks for the input, Anne! I really just made the card for the blog post and realized it was way too busy. But, I like the idea of using more of a design on the front with pertinent details on the back. But, then who’s to say they’ll flip it over to the back. I’ll keep playing around with it but won’t have to worry about it until the end of August when I get back from the UK. Do you add the QR code to your profile on IG? I definitely think brands look to IG over blogs. My intent is to find people who want to read what I have to say rather than rake in lots of retailers. Thanks, again!
I can relate to the awkwardness you feel around promoting your blog. Luckily my blog is firmly in the hobby category so I don’t worry about the numbers game; even though I realize there are a lot of blogs with much, much higher readership than I have, I am satisfied to be a small fish in a large pond. I know if I started thinking too much about numbers and comparing myself to other bloggers, the whole thing would become less fun to me and I’d feel like I have less freedom to do what I want to do with my blog.
But that said, it’s quite natural to want our words, images, and ideas to reach a larger audience if we can, so I understand why this has been running through your mind. I have zero words of wisdom on the subject of networking or growing your audience. I’ve never been good at networking even in my career that pays the bills! So this is more just to say, I hear you and understand where you’re coming from. And also to say that I feel very lucky to have met you and the other wonderful people in this corner of the Internet because there just isn’t a nicer, more friendly and supportive group of bloggers anywhere. My fellow bloggers and my small but lovely group of readers is what keeps me blogging!
Thank you, Sally! Your second paragraph is spot on! It’s not that I get paid by the subscriber (and retailers don’t even care about blogs much anyway), but it’s knowing someone is reading and appreciating what I’m writing. I guess it’s validation, right? I never had to network when I was teaching and just thought it was a buzzword. And, I am certainly glad to be included in your corner of the internet where it’s beautiful and friendly and supportive!
I tried to monetize my blog and make it more of a business years ago which put me in the same category as you debating about networking or not… and I realized that it took so much of the joy out of it for me. I mean I’d love to make some money off my blog but at the same time I realized I didn’t want to turn into a “job” since I really liked it as a hobby. Plus I think you can tell I definitely do not have a single niche since I’m a bit all over the place with what I want to write about.
That said I think your business cards you designed are lovely and I don’t see anything wrong at all with handing them out to people you meet in real life. It can be scary to put yourself out there like that but honestly the worst thing that happens is they don’t end up reading your blog but you could end up with one more loyal reader. I think the larger part of networking comes from working building up brands you want to work with and you have made HUGE strides in that area already!
Thank you so much for these words, Joanne! You have expressed exactly why I’m not monetizing my blog. It would make it a job even though I’m kinda considering it my post-retirement job. Also, I honestly don’t want to mess with taxes! I may go ahead and print some of the business cards because, like you say, the worst that can happen is they don’t read the blog! Thanks again!
Hi Marsha, first up, you are not alone with these types of thoughts!! I think most bloggers would say they have from time to time they’ve had similar ones…then moved on. I blog for the joy of it, meeting new people around the world, learning about others, and although I’ve toyed with similar thoughts it’s never gone any further for me. I do have a business card and use it often, despite my family ‘laughing’ at me! I sometimes feel a bit funny about handing it out but I made them to sue so that’s what I do! It’s orange and lists my blog, social media details and my tag line: Midlife – travel, fun and adventure. I don’t have a defined niche either except for maybe ‘midlife’ and I just write what appeals to me. I don’t have a large following but that’s fine with me. I’m known in our small town as a blogger who promotes local activities, and once did a talk at the local library, all about blogging, which was kinda fun. Maybe you could approach the library to do something similar or a local writing group and get the word out there. You’re doing well and I always enjoy your posts Marsha, so keep doing what feels right to you!
Debbie from Aus http://www.debs-world.com
Thank you, Debbie! I love your blog and the way you approach life. I almost always read it with a smile on my face. I do blog for the joy of it as you say, but, I guess it bums me out (showing my age, right) when I lose subscribers. When you have as few as I do, you notice! Oh, I love the idea of approaching the library. But, see, my extroverted introvert self is already nagging at me saying no one would care to listen just so I could get out of doing it! I am really going to give the business cards some serious thought.
A business card is a great idea! I have one but need a new one since I have a new insta name and do a bit of tiktok now. I would add your social handles if you plan on printing them out!
Thanks, Laura! That’s a great idea! I don’t know that I’ll actually get around to getting any. But, it’s something I’m considering.
I think it adds a communituy of like minded individuals. And the benefits can sometimes turn into a business and working with brands and clients. It depends on your category. Some people stick specifically to that like family, lifestyle, the list goes on. But one thing is important, not to lose sight of your voice and what you do best. Comparing is not always the best thing to do especially in this community. We are all different and that is what makes it so interesting. I travel a lot and meet so many interesting people and even hear the same thing. I loved your post and your outfits look lovely. https://www.bauchlefashion.com/2024/08/how-to-be-stylish-at-gym.html
Heather, that means the world to me! I love blogging and will continue to do it just because of the wonderful people I “meet.” I always try to inject my voice into my writing, and I hope that shows. Thank you so much!
I have cards and definitely think they are helpful although I added a QR code to my subsciber list to make it easy.
And definitely add your IG and FB handle.
Sometimes it’s my husband that hands them out more than I do. Haha
Thanks, Jodie! I’m going to look into these because you just never know! I’m going to have to pick your brain about the QR code, though! See, I said there were bloggers I knew who to ask!
I am a person who would love to do a blogger meetup/getaway! I think it would be so fun!! Like you, I genuinely enjoy talking with my bloggy friends and would love to meet the real person on the other side of the screen. (that being said, feel free to chat me anytime!)
I love your business cards. I think they are a good idea actually. I am really terrible at promoting my blog, and I don’t even really try to make money from it, aside from the occasional affiliate post. I am just really terrible at recognizing social cues sometimes (super awkward that is me). We were at the fish store the other day and the lady we are friendly with there and I were showing each other photos of our pets and I was using my recent blog post to do it. She asked if I had a blog and I was like oh yeah I have a blog. I didn’t pick up that she actually was interested and wanted me to share with her what it was – Billy told me later. Lol. So I was thinking about getting a small number of cards just to have on hand, I guess.
I hope that your hubby is doing well!
Oh, I am so in to the idea of a meetup! I would drive to Michigan, but I’m afraid I don’t know many other bloggers. There is one who lives near Middlebury, IN which might not be too far away. We could think about it for next year maybe!
Well, Billy should have piped up and told that lady! I really think I’m going to get a few business cards after I get home. It can’t hurt, right? I don’t see you as socially awkward, just very occupied with taking care of your people.
Thanks for your kind words for Mike…I’ll let him know!