To Stripe or Not to Stripe!

I do believe spring has sprung here in Central Indiana! We’ve broken several records which scares me a bit when thinking about this summer. And, the eclipse! Oh, my stars! It was awe inspiring and just one of the coolest things ever! OK, the weather report is over so today is the third Thursday of April which means it’s time for an Ageless Style challenge. This month, Joanne selected stripes. Last month, Bo chose spring Pantone colors! In the past we have done jeans, layering, Southwestern, and many other ideas. If you’re curious, you can find some of my looks hereherehere, and here. Please do visit the other hostesses of the link party (oh, yes, there’s a link party) at their various sites! Today is also a Global Writing Challenge. I’ll have another post ready for that, and it’s all about personal style!

A little history…

Final Fridays wasn’t always a monthly recap. In the beginning, it was a collaboration between Michelle and me. The point was to force us to mix prints or match patterns. Eventually, Michelle quite blogging, and I reached the point where I felt like I’d said all I wanted to about print mixing. But, here are a few of those posts specifically geared to stripes: here, here, here, and here. Of course, if I search my blog for stripes, many more posts come up. I love a good stripe…well, I probably love a bad one, too!

A neutral…

I happen to think stripes are a good neutral. And, if you don’t believe me, here is an article backing me up! Of course, it’s talking about decorating your home, but the idea is the same!

My outfit…

So, of course I believe the answer to my question is definitely to stripe! I wore this outfit (with a scarf) a couple of weeks ago. I probably should have added the scarf today, too. But, it was a little warm for that. In Sally’s words, it was a bridge piece meaning it bridged the two tops’ seeming disparity. You probably can’t tell, but the tee is ivory and either black or navy, and the shirt is pink and white. I don’t usually pair ivory and white together unless there’s a huge contrast between them. Amy had bought this shirt and another in a blue stripe so she totally influenced me to buy the pink one. I already have a blue striped shirt. I did a half tuck to try to attain that 1/3 to 2/3 ratio.

The Lewk!

I just couldn’t put on a pair of shoes for this photo shoot! I didn’t know what I wanted to wear so I just decided to go barefoot! I finally got a pedicure, but they didn’t really shape my nails very well. The necklace is old and is from J Jill. I’m not sure where I got those earrings. They’re more peach than pink, but I figured my chest was quite a ways from my ears so it would be fine!

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I really do think stripes are a neutral. They pair so well with solid colors, prints of all kinds, and even other stripes. I do wish more designers/retailers would come out with vertical stripes. That isn’t because I think horizontal stripes are bad; it’s because vertical stripes are kinda rare! So, can we talk? Do you like to mix stripes with other prints? Do you find yourself buying stripes all.the.time? Do you consider stripes to be a neutral? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes, and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylishStyle Splash and Elegantly Dressed and Stylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog

Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’

Joanne ~ My Slice of Life


Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style

Blog | Instagram | Facebook |

Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle

Blog /Instagram

Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Rosemary ~ Distinctly Southern Style

Blog / Instagram / Pinterest / Facebook

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts about denim, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Here are links to all of the lovely ladies in the Ageless Style collaboration. Please do visit them on their various media. Link up with us, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. I love stripes and always have! They are one of my favorites to use when pattern mixing. You have some great examples!
    I am glad to hear spring has sprung for you in Central Indiana. It will be 89 degrees here in Orlando today. Trust me – I know exactly what you mean about wondering what this means for summer. 89 in April means a super hot summer awaits – ugh!!!
    Thanks for the link up Marsha!

    • Stripes are just so perfect when you’re not sure what to wear with something, right? Oh, 89…I would be wilting and staying inside. Let’s hope it’s just a freak heat wave.

      Thanks, Kellyann!

  2. So many fun stripe and mix and match pattern ideas in this post! I’m still not sure I have ever mixed prints with any of my outfits.

    • Thanks, Joanne! Well, I think I know what my prompt will be for Ageless Style when it’s my turn! Just kidding…unless I can’t think of anything else! I love to mix and match, probably because my mom was so completely against it as every mom was back then!

  3. I think spring really must have sprung early in Indiana as it is the third Thursday in April today, not March as you have written in your first paragraph ha ha. Cute striped outfits. You shared so many great examples. My favorite is the striped cardigan with the yellow dress. I have a very similar cardigan only the grey is much darker. I’ll have to try it with yellow.

    • Thanks for pointing out that error. I fixed it as soon as I saw your comment. Yes, that is my favorite outfit, too. I really love yellow and grey together.

  4. I love stripes, and of course I’m all over a good print mix – the double stripes is such a fun look! What says “warm spring weather” like standing outside barefoot? We’re not quite there, but I have stopped wearing tights!!

    • I’m all about going barefoot! I used to wear sandals to work (school) well into November and only put on shoes when the snow fell (or they went with my outfit). I love stripes, too, and was just thinking how cool it would be if someone would make things in a stripe on the vertical. I wonder how hard that would be.

      Thanks, Sally!

  5. I always love how you mix prints and this option is fabulous!!
    Crack me up with bare feet!

    • Thanks, Jodie! I just couldn’t put on a pair of shoes. If it had been a bit chillier, I would have added a scarf to the mix.

  6. I don’t even see stripes as a print. They work so well with anything. Always looks cool, always stylish! Love that you wear a double stripe.

  7. I love your mix of stripes with this look! The navy and pink combo is so chic!

  8. I’m a sucker for a striped top! Love these fun print mixes!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  9. A striped top can add so considerably to an outfit. I love your pink and white one today.💓 I have a similar one in blue and white stripes that I plan to pair with my white jeans.

  10. Super cute double stripey outfit, Marsha! I have always been partial to stripes as well. (And florals, like you. The two make a perfect pairing!) And when I see as vertical striped garment, I always gravitate toward it. There is something really special and unique about vertical stripes that I adore. However, I haven’t been drawn to stripes as much in recent years as I once was. I prefer florals and tie dye and more bohemian prints these days. Camouflage is another print that I have outgrown. I loved camo from my preteen years until three years ago. As soon as my husband retired from the Army, the sight of camouflage can actually turn my stomach sometimes. Isn’t that silly?!


    • Nope…I can see why you wouldn’t want to see any camouflage ever again! I do love stripes with florals…that and paisley which is a close second to florals!

      Thanks, my friend!

  11. Yes to stripes and you mixed them like a pro!!!! Way to go. I love a good strip and always have a stripped tee in my drawer and I did add a button down one recently. Like you, I feel like they are a neutral and can be dressed up or down so easily. When you need a top, stripped tee can always come to the rescue if you just can’t find anything else you love. Have a great weekend ahead.

    • Aww, thanks so much, Bo! I love stripes and wear them a lot of them time! They are just the easiest thing to pair with something else!

  12. I’ve had a few stripes, mostly tee shirts. I did have one dress that was lovely, but had so much fabric it just didn’t work! Jacqui x

    • Yes, too much fabric with any print is a bad thing. I love stripes and have them in just about everything except shoes!

      Thanks, Jacqui!

  13. I had so many self-imposed rules for dressing when I was a younger gal. Was so self-conscious about my figure, my behind, I would back out of a room to keep from showing my behind to anyone. And almost refused to wear pants all together. What a terrible shame!! Stripes were a no-no, too. But I am making up for lost time embracing all the stripes and all the jeans!!

    You wear that pink and white so well. Love that you paired a vertically striped outer layer with a horizontal striped inner layer. So fun. Love the lemons and stripes. I have a very similar outfit but the lemons are on the skirt and the stripes on the blouse!!

    • I think it’s sad we felt the way we did about our bodies. After overhearing my aunt at my dad’s funeral remarking on the size of my thighs, I was forever after conscious of them. And, I was quite thin then. I don’t think women of our generation did wear many horizontal stripes because, God forbid, we looked wider!

      I love to wear stripes going any direction they want these days! I am hoping that striped skirt fits again soon!

      Thanks, Leslie!