Trends I wish would come back.

Posing is definitely not my strong suit!

There are a lot.

Bell bottoms would be the number one trend I wish would return. I’m not talking about the flares and straight legs we’re seeing now. I’m talking those bell bottoms when each leg could be a skirt. The bell bottoms that sometimes got in your way as you were walking. Oh, I loved bell bottoms! I remember my first pair. They were navy with big white daisies on them. My mom hated them! It took lots and lots of convincing to get her to buy them! By the time I hit high school, girls could wear jeans to school. And, we did! Oh, man, I wish I had some of those jeans now! They wouldn’t fit, but I still wish I had them. I would settle for a picture of me in them!

These are wide legs, but they are NOT bell bottoms!


Platform shoes gave this vertically challenged girl some much needed inches! I remember my shoes for prom were silver with about an inch platform and a three inch heel. And, the wooden soled platform shoes announced you had arrived…literally (did I use that word right? I’m always wondering)! You could hear that clonking down the uncarpeted halls of the high school all the day long. Not good when it was Independent Study time and the hall monitors were lurking, just waiting to write you one of those little slips taking away your IS card (IS cards were only given to good girls and boys…of course, I had one!).

Late afternoon may not be the best time for photos!


I’m not sure if I can use this one or not, but I’m going to because this is my blog! And, like Trixie and Katya say, “And, not yours!” Tie dye is back and has been for several years. But, the tie dye of the ’70’s was different. For one thing, we were doing our own tie dying and getting into all kinds of trouble with our moms (at least, I was). There’s just something so joyful about putting a bunch of rubber bands on a tee shirt in random places, dunking it into different pots of colored and water only to unravel it to discover…brown…lots and lots of brown! No, I did have some fun pieces I dyed. Today, if there’s even a hint of tie dye, I have to give that item a once or twice over!

No tie dye here…


The lace during the 70’s (remember, these are my memories of the 70’s…yours and the internet’s may be different) was more of a crochet type lace than the fine lace we think of today. My eighth grade graduation dress (another vintage number I still have) has rows of that crocheted lace on the bodice. The lace of that time was also closely related to the crocheted and macramed vests we like to wear over our bell bottoms!

This is eyelet…I consider it lace

And, the hair…

I have never been blessed with good hair. It’s only been since I embraced the grey that I’ve experienced much body to my straight, super baby fine hair. I, of course, wore mine long and parted in the middle. Later in the decade, women and men were doing that wonderful feathering. I had cut my bangs by then and could get the merest hint of a feather. But, the guys…oh, the guys were sporting the long, long hair! To this day, I love a guy in long hair! Not the dude who only has a long straggly pony tail, though…no, just no! If you don’t have it on top, please, for the love of David Coverdale, don’t wear it long!

Yes, I consider this hair has body!

Oh, and this is a favorite!

Corduroy in all of the different wales! Believe it or not, I have two vintage items! One of them is a corduroy blazer my boyfriend who now poses as Nigel Barker bought for me. It’s a wonderful khaki color and the lining is split. And, of course, it doesn’t fit, but it’s not going anywhere! I wore that with everything. Maybe, I could have liposuction on my back, upper arms, have a breast reduction, hold my breath, and I could wear it for a picture? Nah…memories are fine things!

I had to scrounge to get enough bottles for my wine bottle tree! Wine, though, is not my favorite!

Winter Coats

I couldn’t find any evidence of this being a trend, but plaid skirted winter coats were a thing when I was a sophomore…so 1973 or 1974. Here is one that’s close to mine, but not quite. Mine was a pretty garish plaid of blue, yellow, orange, and who knows what other colors. I will never forget the night I bought it. My dad had given me money to buy a new winter coat. He said I was not to buy one of those coats! Nigel went with me and was scared to death what my dad would say when I went home with…you guessed it…a plaid skirted coat! I don’t remember my dad’s reaction. It must have been ok because I wore that coat for years. The belt was integrated into the coat itself. I wish I could find a picture of that, too. Must pull out photo albums!

I wonder what’s in my pocket.


Collar were a big thing in the ’70’s! I mean they were a really big thing! Some of them were like wings! Most people will remember them on men’s shirts…think John Travolta in “Saturday Night Fever”. But, I remember some of my collars were just as big. Wouldn’t an oversize collar with some kind of embellishment just make a statement today?

Look anywhere but at the camera!


And, of course, we had accessories. I remember stringing little bitty beads onto elastic thread to make chokers and bracelets. You could have all kinds of fun stringing different patterns. But, once those broke! Oh, the clean up was not fun! And, then there were the love beads. I think of those may have been a holdover from the hippie movement of the 60’s. And, remember mood rings? Yep, the 70’s! Mine turned my finger green, but you could just wipe it off and go from there! It seems to me I also had a number of what I’d call bubble rings. This listing says it’s from the 60’s, but I think if it was from then, it was late 60’s which is basically the 70’s! My granddaughter is into resin jewelry…maybe, I can get her to make me a couple of these!

You can catch a glimpse of my leather cuff from a cute little boutique in San Antonio. It’s made from a recycled belt!

So, do I want them all back, and would I wear them?

Yes, I very much want bell bottoms back. I would definitely wear them and probably look like an old lady trying to relive her teenage years. But, I don’t care! I’d wear them! Platform shoes…well, I kind of wear them now, but not the wonderful ones from the 70’s (I had one pair that actually creaked…I think the wood needed some kind of moisture). I would wear a good-fitting pair of platforms. Tie dye and lace…I’m already wearing them. But, that good old crocheted lace? I seem to only find that at April Cornell so you know I’ve got a few or ten pieces of that! The hair…alas and alack! I do not now and never will have the kind of hair that feathers back and stays there! It doesn’t matter how much hairspray I use, the hair has a mind of its own! Corduroy…oh, yes! I have several skirts and pants (that do not currently fit…working on it) and I will wear those this fall! A plaid winter coat seems a little out of the picture, but don’t count it out! If I could find the right one, who knows? Wide collars…that’s a big old nah! I know this is about trends I wish would come back…that one slipped in. I don’t think I want wide collars. I like scarves and necklaces too much for wide collars to interfer! Which brings me to jewelry…my granddaughter is a creator! She loves to make things, and right now, she’s digging jewelry, specifically those tiny little seed beads. So, a necklace or bracelet is not out of the question. And, I’m gonna hop on the interweb and see if I can find some kind of mold for a bubble ring!

The Lewk

Movement! That’s good, right?

Wrap it up, Marsha!

Sheila from Ephemera suggested I go all Stevie Nicks with an outfit. This isn’t quite there, but I tried mixing a flowy duster with wide legged swooshy pants. I need to do so much more with this to even come close to Stevie Nicks. Maybe I need to channel Thorgy Thor doing Stevie Nicks? If you have any ideas on how to make this more Stevie and less Marsha, drop me a comment. What do you think about the trends I’d like to see come back? Would you wear them? What trends would you like to see return? Any favorite clothing from trends of the past? Please leave a comment and let’s have a conversation! I promise I’ll answer. I think I have that all worked out now! Thanks so much for coming by!


  1. I do think it’s fun to revisit the trends when they come back (because doesn’t everything come back at one time or another?)
    And I have seen some big bell bottom jeans lately:
    I bet we will keep seeing the flares get bigger and bigger!!

    • I remember the old saying, “If you wore it the first time, you shouldn’t the next!” I don’t think wearing the same jeans (even if I still had them and they fit) would look as good as they did then. The trick is making them also fit into your life, right? But, the other trends, for me, would be pretty easy!

      Thanks, Jodie!

  2. Oh, thank you for the shout-out, Marsha! I love this swooshy duster!

    I so enjoyed reading all your favourite trends from the 70s – there is a good chance these things will come around, but I firmly believe that we create the trends when we wear what we want! I love all the things you mentioned – I have a wide-wale corduroy suit that I’ll be wearing this fall, in fact!

    Hope your week is going well!

    • Oooh, I love wide wale corduroy. When we were moving, I did a major purge of stuff I just didn’t want to move. One of the things I got rid of (and now regret immensely) was the coat I had in seventh grade. It was a non-wale (if that’s even a thing) corduroy purple coat. It was a faux double breasted coat with big patch pockets. It looked like something from Sergeant Pepper’s! And, purple is my favorite color. I cannot wait to see your corduroy suit!

      I don’t really pay much attention to trends as a rule. I wear what I like and what I think looks good on me! This blog, though, has me wearing all kinds of different accessories! GAH!!

      Physical therapy tomorrow and then nothing for the rest of the week…my life is quite uneventful! I hope you are enjoying better weather and having an absolutely fabulous time!

  3. Marsha, this is just the most fun post i”ve read in a while!! I had and wore ALL of those things. Bell bottoms? Oh, yeah, My first pair when I was a pre-teen were white with a wide red belt. I remember going horseback riding in them! Lol! Can you imagine? I’m partial to long hair on men, too. Remember when it was so frowned upon by the older men? I wore lots of fringe, bare feet as much as I could, And yes, I wore purple suede platforms to the prom!! Haha! I have curly hair and actually ironed my hair to wear that look you describe. After I graduated, fros were in, and I actually wore my hair natural in a short blonde fro. It was so freeing after fighting it for years! Yes, the memories are probably better than the looks, but they are wonderful. Thanks for the fashion walk down memory lane, my friend.

    xx Darlene

    • Thanks, Darlene! I had a lot of fun reminiscing and googling for pictures of some of the trends. I wish I could have found one of my coat. I wonder if it was a regional thing. I’m pretty sure I bought it at Montgomery Ward so you would think it was a national trend! Oooh, purple suede platforms…what did your dress look like? I forgot about the fringe, and I shouldn’t have because I had the best leather purse with lots of fringe! During my sophomore year, I remember setting my hair on perm rods to achieve a fro…it took lots of conditioner to get the curls and knots out! You are the only person I know to say they like long hair on guys! (I also like guyliner!) Oh, I do remember the older generation (hehe) frowning upon the guys with long hair. My youngest grew his out way past shoulder length (he has the best hair in the family). At his high school graduation, he was the only guy with long hair! Once he cut it, he’s never gone back to the long look. It’s a shame, really, because it looked so good on him.

      Thanks for visiting, Darlene!

      • OK, I DO have to tell you about my dress. It was long, of course, with wide white and purple stripes and full sleeves. Imagine! Lol! Ah, JC Penney and Montgomery Ward. When I was in elementary school, I used to go through the catalogs and pick out all the things I would like, but probably wouldn’t get. I loved pumps in bright colors!! Oh, my, you’ve brought back such memories, my friend.

        xx Darlene

  4. I was 10 in 1973, and my parents wore all the items you mention – and even then, I wore some of them. I love a good hippie / Boho look. And I try to “Boho up” my clothing when the opportunity arises. Snag in pants? Add a doily over the top. Hole in jeans? Peace sign patch.

    This is a lovely outfit, I adore your kimono / duster.


    • Thanks, Michelle! I’m lazy! I just leave the holes! But, I do like the idea of a peace sign patch! I just missed that hippie look by a few years. Ah, well..that’s the way things go, right?

      Thanks for the compliment about the kimono/duster. I always just used to call them long shirts!

  5. This was so fun to read! I’d honestly wear pretty much all of these trends now haha – especially platforms. i LOVE platforms! Half my pants are cord, so that’s definitely one that’s come back round 😀 x

    mia //

    • Thanks! It was fun writing it! Platforms are my saving grace when I can find some that accommodate my Franken foot! I’m wondering…are your corduroys also bell bottoms…two in one!

      Thanks for coming by!

  6. OK, I DO have to tell you about my dress. It was long, of course, with wide white and purple stripes and full sleeves. Imagine! Lol! Ah, JC Penney and Montgomery Ward. When I was in elementary school, I used to go through the catalogs and pick out all the things I would like, but probably wouldn’t get. I loved pumps in bright colors!! Oh, my, you’ve brought back such memories, my friend.

    xx Darlene

    • Oh, gosh, Darlene! I had a good friend whose mom would just buy her everything she wanted (she was the only girl with three brothers). Our family was the opposite…three girls and one boy! So, hand me downs were the order of the day! I can remember looking through the Sears catalogs and just wanting everything so badly! I have always loved clothes. Shoes were so hard for me. For as short as I am (5’1″), I have big feet. I’m always aware of how my feet look…isn’t that goofy?

      That prom dress sounds fabulous…especially with suede platforms! Mine was light blue Quiana fabric…remember that? Ahhh…such good memories! Here’s to making new ones with gorgeous clothing!

      Thanks, Darlene, for strolling down Memory Lane with me!

  7. I agree tie dye is a classic – although it does seem more muted generally now than the fun DIY colour explosions! I remember vaguely trying tie dye as a kid but don’t remember what I was dying or how it turned out, just a little of the process! It’s
    so interesting to see how things cycle around – those little glass bead necklaces and bracelets are coming back now and I thrifted one a while ago but yes when they break they go everywhere – I haven’t been brave enough to try again after my son tugged on the necklace I was wearing and it rained beads all over the table in the restaurant (luckily before our food had arrived!)

    Thanks for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup! Hope you are having a nice weekend 🙂 Another busy one for us, 3 parties to attend!

    • I just can’t seem to look away when something is tie dyed…even if I know it’s not right for me…color shape, etc! And, yes, fashion is so reminiscent for me right now! Isn’t it fun when something you loved comes back into fashion? I know you’re supposed to change things up so that it is more in step with the now times, but sometimes, you just want to wear it the way you did!

      Thanks for the Linkup! And, enjoy the weekend with 3 parties!!! You are going to busy and tired! But, still what fun!

  8. What a pretty duster! It was fun to read what you wish would come back. Love your memories associated with it. I do not have fond memories of clothes when I was younger because I never wore what was trendy then. I was always out of style.

    • It’s funny you should say that about not being trendy. I don’t think trendy was even that much of a thing back then! I think blue jean styles stayed that way for years. When I turned 15, I was able to get a job and make some money. Of course, I spent it on clothes! I remember ordering the same tee in three different colors. I can still see them! And, I think I had coordinating pants! Probably all from Sears or JC Penney!

      Isn’t that duster wonderful? J Jill had something similar, and I missed it. When I saw this, I knew I had to have it because of the infinite possibilities!

      Thanks, as always, Mirielle, for visiting! BTW…I adore your name!