Well, hello there!
Is your name Marsha or even Marcia? I think you’ve probably heard “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!” more than once in your life. You can fight it, or you can grin and bear it! After more than 50 years, I’ve learned to grin (grimace) and bear it. Ah, Marcia Brady, you have been in my life for sooooo long!
That Name?
Marcia Brady wasn’t a middle, though! I’ve always been a middle. I was the middle daughter of a solidly middle class family. My dad was a blue collar worker; my mom was a stay at home mom. I live in Indiana, the “Crossroads of America” which is another kind of middle. I wasn’t an “It” girl in high school, and I wasn’t one of the not “It” girls. I was in that nice middle area where I could get along with both groups. I even taught fourth grade which is sort of a middle…not quite so needy, but also not so snarky.
Why Now?
What has really driven the name for this blog is this feeling I have right now, right this minute, of being in the middle of something in my life. I’ve been a wife, a mother, and a granny. I’ve worked in retail, business, and the professional world. But, with retirement came struggle. How do I now define my life? According to something I read eons ago, I’m not even old yet! Middle age lasts much longer than it used to do. So, I’m middle-aged. And I’m smack in the middle of knowing I need to do something and not knowing exactly what that is.
Why a blog? I am a creative person. I taught for a couple of decades and used my creativity there. When I retired, I took up knitting with a vengeance. I also tried chalk painting. You name it. I painted it! I created wreath after wreath after wreath. My Pinterest page is overflowing with crafts and ideas I’ll never get round to. Blogging has just been sitting back there in my head, percolating, biding its time until I was ready to jump, pounce, or belly flop into the blogosphere! And, to be absolutely honest, my good friend, Debbie, helped ease that nudge into a shove!
Why a fashion blog? I read a lot of blogs. I love to see women of different ages, sizes, and ethnicities showing the fashion world from their perspectives. But, I don’t see anyone who looks like me. Again, I’m in the middle. I’m not a pear. I’m not an apple. Maybe, I’m a zucchini! Seriously, I see women with thicker waists but gorgeous legs. Or, I see women with larger legs and busts. I don’t see women with what my aunt once referred to as “piano legs”. And, you know what? Shopping for those of us with piano legs is not easy! So, I’m going to try to show what works for me (and probably a lot of what doesn’t work for me).
The Fashion

I couldn’t begin a fashion blog with anything other than April Cornell clothing! April is a lovely person. She loves what she does, and her clothing reflects that. Check her out at aprilcornell.com and tell her Marsha sent you! This dress is a lovely cotton dress, but it also highlights a couple of my zucchini attributes! I am short, short waisted, and large busted. The dress might could be a hair shorter. And, I need to stand straighter! Here’s the thing: when I wear this dress, I feel beautiful. I feel me!
Thanks for stopping by!
I’m glad you stopped by for a moment or two. Please come see me again as I venture into this whole new world. Will it be polished and wonderful? Of course, it will! I may be middle aged, but I still have the naivete of the young and foolish! And, as soon as I can figure it out, won’t you please subscribe and share away! I’m sure you know a zucchini or two!
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha I love this and your willingness to be transparent, put yourself out there and move on to the next big thing in your life. Can’t wait to see where you take us!
Julie! Thank you for being the very first to comment on my very first blog post! You know me and my fashion sense…where will it lead me? Who knows, but it will be fun!
Congrats on your new venture!
Thank you! It was a little scary to push that publish button!
It’s so funny because Lesley always describes her body as a zucchini!!
What a beautiful dress!!
Ahh…and I thought I was being original! I love April Cornell dresses. They always make me feel beautiful!
Marsha, I am so excited for your new adventure in the land of blogging! What a fun post to kick things off! I love your writing style and I laughed out a loud a few times…”Maybe I’m a zucchini” was one of them! What a beautiful dress, too. Even better that it makes you feel beautifully yourself!
Thanks so much, Shelbee! If you laughed, then my day is made!
Pingback:A Second Post! - Marsha in the Middle
This is perfect for you! Love
Thanks, Dena, Dena, Dena! I’m hoping to write many, many more…but the pictures! Those are daunting…gotta get my poses down!
I really appreciate the honesty in your writing. Thank you for choosing to share it. I also enjoy your great sense of humor!
Thanks, Kathy! I hope you’ll come back for more funnies!
This is terrific! Miss you much! My friend, you are beautiful ALL the time.
Oh, thanks, friend! You’ve definitely seen me not so beautiful!! Usually at 1 or 2 in the morning!
Marsha! I could not hit the subscribe button fast enough. Love from DC! <3
Oh, Carrie! Thanks so much! I hope I don’t disappoint. You know I have all the words…just how to use them!
Marsha , I love your new blog adventure. Congratulations! As Jodiestouchofstyle mentioned I’m a zucchini. I can to that realization when I had to take my measurements for an online order. Fact… they were almost the same
. No details or true confessions here. I’m looking forward to getting ideas , for styling our unique shape, from you.
Congrats again! Lesley (Jodiestouchofstyle)
Thank you, Lesley! I couldn’t believe it when Jodie said you’ve described yourself that way! I’m not sure how much inspiration you’ll get from me considering you are friends with Jodie!! But, I’ll give it a good, old-fashioned try.