Why now?
One of the items I added to my bulging closets this year was a white denim jacket. I’ve had them before and always seemed to never wear them. I think I may have given one to my daughter. Earlier this year, I noticed I didn’t have one. Since I’ve been blogging and reading so many other blogs, I’ve come to realize the importance of that completer piece…cardigan, jacket, shawl, etc. And, I also recognized just how often I could and now would wear one.

Talbots for the win!
I have several denim jackets and most of them are some shade of blue. There are distressed ones (I know because I tease them mercilessly) as well as traditional ones. Some have stand up collars; some have ruffled collars. And one has a pretty cool back treatment…there’s a section with several pleats. But, when it comes to colors, I’m pretty traditional. I like blue denim jackets although I do have a dusty rose colored jacket from J Jill. I appreciate knowing my size in J Jill denim jackets, but they didn’t have a white denim jacket this year. Talbots, however, did. I also know I can order a Petite Medium and it will fit pretty well both in length and across the shoulders. I can’t stand having anything tight across my shoulders.

Buttoning your jacket…
Just wondering…how many of you ever button your denim jackets? I’m not sure I’ve ever been able to button a denim jacket for a couple of reasons. One of them is fairly obvious. I’m a little on the round side right now, and that jacket is not coming anywhere close to closing! The second is I’m short waisted. Even a petite jacket is still longer than where my natural waist would be. It took me years to realize, no matter my weight or lack of stomach, a denim jacket, by virtue of its design, was not going to button! I cannot tell you how much pressure that alleviated for me! OK, that’s a little dramatic, but I was relieved to know it was the jacket and not me!

When your shirt is too long…
You probably can’t tell in any of the photos, but I’m guessing you’ll go looking to prove me wrong (I am just the queen of run-on sentences today), my shirt (Old Navy from a few years ago) is too long. “Wait,” you’re thinking, “that shirt isn’t too long. It looks just right.” And, it does look just right. The reason for that is I pulled the fabric up underneath the shirt until I had the length I wanted. I basically just folded it and hoped it would stay! Another trick is to take the hem of your shirt and tuck it into the band of your bra all around. That wouldn’t have worked for this shirt as I wanted the pink bottom part to be next to the pants. This tee ombres (is that a word; it is now) from a mauvey-brown to a purply pink.

Hey, let’s throw in some wide legs!
I love wide leg pants! And, I know many would say I shouldn’t wear them. Pshaw! I wear what I like! If Nigel really, really hates something, I’ll think twice about it and usually go with what he says. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I have certainly been blind to the faults of an outfit just because I’ve loved it so much! I last wore wide leg pants here. I also wore them here. Do they make me look shorter? Maybe. But, I’m not sure if anything (other than a pair of stilettos RuPaul would wear) could make me be or even look taller! I think I love wide pants so much because they’re comfortable, but I also think it’s because they remind me so much of my beloved bell bottoms of my youth.

A little bit about these Loft pants…
As always, I could have worn a simple tee or tank in a solid color with these pants. I wanted to bring out the little splashes of pink in the print. I think it’s funny Loft calls these pants fluid. They are a linen/viscose blend so they aren’t exactly what I call fluid. The pants I’m wearing here, also from Loft, are lyocell which is a form of rayon. They are what I call fluid! Regardless of fluidity, I really like these pants. Just a note, if you’re interested in purchasing any of the pants I’ve shown from Loft, I’m wearing the regular inseam. I’m 5’1″ so keep that in mind if you’re taller than me. I believe these are all described as either cropped or ankle length.

Print mixing 103…
I was joking with Nancy at J Jill the other day that I’ve been print mixing my whole life. Some of my attempts kept me confined inside. In other words, my mom wouldn’t have let me out of the house wearing plaids and stripes together!! Today, I feel almost strange if I’m not doing some kind of print mixing! The ombre is a very subtle print with the medallion print of the pants calling for more of your attention. I love the border at the bottom. I am always thrilled when I can have a border on anything as I usually have to chop that part off when I’m hemming something!

The Lewk!

And, we have another pair of floral Born sandals! Again, they are years old, but I love having variety in my wardrobe! I think the earrings are by Brighton as is the necklace. The silver bracelet is from Premier Designs. The garnet one is from eBay. The ring is Effy; I think it’s blue sapphires.
June’s 10 on the 10th Reminder:

I’m sure you can tell from the first graphic! June’s theme is vacations. Schools around here have been out for a couple of weeks now. That means vacations are on lots of people’s minds, including mine! Please plan to join me for a link up on the tenth. What’s that you say? You don’t have a blog? No biggie! You can drop all or some of your answers in the comments.
Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I recently became a Brand Ambassador for Sarah Flint shoes. You can use SARAHFLINT-BAMARSHA for $50 off your first pair. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Wrap it up, Marsha!
It’s time for some truth and full transparency! Several of the outfits you’ve seen on my blog have never been worn farther than my backyard! That’s right…I’m a phoney! Well, I’m a phoney in that I haven’t worn most of these outfits yet! I try to do a few outfits when we do a photo shoot! I know the time is coming when I won’t be able to do the front porch shoots because the house is no longer officially ours! I just need to suck it up and ignore people as we take photos in public. What usually happens is someone will volunteer to take our picture together! Maybe we should just let them do it and then move on, right? So can we talk? What do you think of wide legs in general? Are you a fan, or are they something you’d never wear? Is/was there something lacking in your closet this spring or fall (depending where you are in the world)? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I love having virtual conversations although I’d gladly speak to you in public! Thank you, always, always, to my subscribers! You make me so happy!

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m also a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). And, of course, you can now find me here on the last Friday of the month! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also co-host Final Friday Print Mixing with Michelle on the last Friday of the month. I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
You can count on white denim jackets to remain in style. Your pants are beautiful.
Thanks, Lovely! I think white denim is here to stay,too!
Ha, I only have one denim jacket and I’ve never worn it closed. I actually never wear white either. But I can see the benefits of adding a white denim jacket to a outfit!
Nancy, you make me laugh! I’ll bet you are gorgeous in white! Some of my denim jackets measure their ages in decades!
Thanks for coming by!
I adore the print mixing in this look Marsha! The pants are really fabulous and loving that you topped it all of with the denim jacket. I never close my denim jacket either.
Thanks, Kathrine! I should try to DIY making this tee just those colors and leave out the middle. But, that would take some work, and I’m so doggone lazy! Well, if you don’t close your denim jacket, then I think I’m ok!!
I don’t ever button my denim jackets either. Usually if I’m wearing the jacket it’s more for style than actual warmth. I love those wide leg pants and pants like those are my favorite look for summer. The white denim jacket is a perfect compliment to the look.
Thanks, Joanne! I just love the wide legs trend! I hope it’s here for a bit. I usually wear a denim jacket for the look rather than warmth, too.
I’m sure there are plenty of things I have in my closet that the fashion gods would disapprove of me wearing because it isn’t dubbed ‘flattering’. But who cares? I love it and feel comfortable in it. I think those are fabulous! Love the white denim jacket as well. I have one that I use when I want a topper, but already have denim on-to avoid the Canadian tuxedo look. And no, I definitely do not button my denim jackets. I probably couldn’t either. I rarely button my blazers either!
Thanks, Laura! Isn’t it funny how we disregard rules, but feel encumbered by those feelings of doubt? I do, I know and fight against it all of the time! I have never been able to do the whole denim on denim thing…maybe that’s the next thing I need to conquer!!!
I love the white denim jacket and I can honestly say, I have never buttoned my denim jackets. White is actually more useful than blue in my opinion. Loving your look Marsha!
Thanks, Kellyann! I had a white one for years and then got rid of it. I bought another and gave it to my daughter. I’m not sure why I didn’t really wear them much before!
Ah, the white denim jacket. It’s truly my go to (which is why mine is always dirty). I just love how it lightens up any look.
Taking photos in public is somewhat daunting. That being said, it’s easier when you are with others and just have fun. We also try to pick places that aren’t so busy (if that’s possible). Churches are a great place to go any day but Sunday!!
Churches are a great idea, but none around here are particularly pretty. We would have to go into Indianapolis which wouldn’t be so bad. I’m scouting out places in and around Brownsburg.
I don’t know what my problem was for so long with a white denim jacket! It’s not like I don’t have a dozen or more white cardigans!!
Thanks, Jodie!!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a denim jacket buttoned up, but I’ve never thought about before. ? I love this outfit, Marsha! Of course anything Bohemian appeals to me, and this outfit is definitely checking those boxes – the sale, the prints, the print mixing. Love it!
Thanks, Michelle! I have never buttoned a denim jacket either, but I wondered if that was just me. Apparently, most people don’t! I do love the print on the pants! Now, I feel like I’m an underachiever if I don’t do some kind of print mixing!!
You look great.. perfect for this weather.
Thanks, Hena! I wouldn’t have worn it over the weekend…much too warm! Our weather is just crazy, up and down!
I was the same way with my white denim jacket: I only started wearing it a lot more after I started blogging and reading blogs and now I wear it all the time. I am loving my wide leg pants in the summer but I am pretty particular: I have bought some in the past that I donated pretty quickly because I didn’t like how they look.
Oh, those darn bloggers and their influence, right? I don’t know why I didn’t wear the ones I had, but I just didn’t think they looked right! Silly me! I love wide leg pants, too. But, I wait a bit before decided to keep something once I’ve bought it…wear it around for a bit, look in the mirror a lot, and ask Nigel occasionally!
Thanks, Mireille, for coming by!