Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!

Week #93!

I hope it is much warmer where you are today. It is frigid here in Central Indiana. Wednesday night, when I went to bed, it was raining. That was not good because the night’s low was going below freezing. Our driveway was covered with ice this morning so Jack had to do his business in our front yard without the usual little walk he gets. Gosh, I wish dogs would use a litter box! But, that creates its own problems, right? Anyway, welcome to the Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot! Look for the link up to go live Thursdays at 9:30pm EDT. Sue’s post goes live in Australia on Friday at 12:30 pm.

Wouldn’t you like to know more about your hostesses? We’ve got you covered there! Please feel free to drop by the others to see what their blogs are all about! We are a very diverse group of bloggers. Links to each blog appear below.

Marsha from Marsha in the Middle started blogging in 2021 as an exercise in increasing her neuroplasticity.  Oh, who are we kidding?  Marsha started blogging because she loves clothes, and she loves to talk or, in this case, write!  

Melynda from Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household  – The name says it all, we homestead in East Texas, with three generations sharing this land. I cook and bake from scratch, between gardening and running after the chickens, and knitting! 

Lisa from Boondock Ramblings shares about the fiction she writes and reads, her faith, homeschooling, photography and more. 

Sue from Women Living Well After 50 started blogging in 2015 and writes about living an active and healthy lifestyle, fashion, book reviews and her podcast and enjoying life as a woman over 50.  She invites you to join her living life in full bloom.

As part of our new year reboot, we are now shining the spotlight on a different blogger each week. We invite you to stop by their blog, take a look around and say hello! This week, we spotlight Nancy from “Nancy’s Fashion Style!”

A little about…

Nancy lives in the Netherlands and says she is a “50+ Dutch personal style blogger with a passion for fashion. On my blog I like to write, and show my personal style and take you with me in my life. I love everything that has to do with clothing, shoes and accessories. As a little child I knew exactly what shoes I wanted and which dresses I loved to wear!” I love this quote from Nancy: “Life is to short to dress in a way that doesn’t make you feel fantastic! Clothing should give you self confidence and nothing otherwise. Whatever your style is! You don’t have to be on trend to look good. Just make sure your clothes make you happy!” You can find more about Nancy and her blog here. I hope you’ll stop by and tell her we sent you!

The four of us would like to see the Weekend Traffic Jam grow bigger, so please link up your favorite posts! I’m especially looking at my fashion friends! We are woefully underrepresented in the link up! They can be fashion, DIY, food, lifestyle, travel, you name it! Please visit the other co-hosts as well as two or three of those linked! You just might discover a new blog. I know that’s how I’ve discovered so many and found new friends. And, please spread the word about Weekend Traffic Jam

Favorites from last time…

I can totally relate to this one!
This post is as beautiful as the photo…
Angie gives us lots of options for Mocha Mousse this year!
I’m always looking for new chicken recipes!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Don’t forget some of your older posts might be just right for this time of year! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. It’s freezing here, it’s not going to get above zero degrees. I hate it! Thanks for hosting the party!

    • You’re welcome, Nancy! We are above zero, but will be well below it (if you’re talking Celsius) next week.

  2. Thanks for the link up Marsha!

  3. -1 °C here at the moment. I’m fighting it by being under a blanket with the perfect little “hot-water bottle” of the furry kind.
    Thanks for hosting! 🙂

    • Oh, those are the best kinds of hot water bottles. Jack is not a cuddler…I think cats are much better at that…when they’re in the mood for it, that is!

      You’re welcome, Cat!

  4. It’s been a cold week here, too… Well below zero every night! Thanks so much for hosting us all. It’s always a treat to stop by! We’re sharing #46 and #47 today. Happy Valentine’s Day, Marsha!

    • Happy Valentine’s to you, too, Laura! We are going to be even colder next week. I’d much rather have snow than those really frigid temps!

  5. I’m always grateful to have cats and not dogs so I don’t have to let them outside to do their business. Thanks for the party.

    • You’re welcome, Amy! I didn’t mind it when we had a fenced in backyard, but our other two Westies were smarter than Jack! He will eat anything that doesn’t eat him back. But, we can’t have fences anyway. It’s so different from up north.

  6. Marsha,
    Happy Valentine’s Day!
    My Link Ups for today’s party are # 44, 45 and 48!
    Thanks so much for hosting!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!! I hope you are enjoying your week and you are doing well…
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  7. It’s actually not bad here this week, it cooled off again but it is not really freezing cold. Some mid 40s and 50s. Who knows what next week will bring though!

    • Next week is bringing really cold temperatures to us again. We may get some snow Sunday, but I don’t think it will be much.

      Thanks, Mireille!

  8. We have lots of ice all over too; it was warm yesterday and got real cold and windy overnight. Looks like we’re in for more snow tomorrow too; they’re saying 5″ but we’ll see.

    • The weather is just crazy this year, isn’t it? We had freezing rain last night (Friday), but it had all melted by mid morning. We’re supposed to get snow (who knows how much), but then it’s going to get really cold again. I don’t mind the snow, but this deep, deep cold is the worst!

      Thanks, Joanne!

  9. We are supposed to get sooo much snow this weekend! We will see!

    • We had some ice, but it all melted by late morning. I think we’re going to get a little snow, but it’s going to get really cold. A good week to stay home, but I’ve got something going on every single day!

      Thanks, Erin!

  10. HI Marsha,
    I wanted to leave a comment too on your Bucket list post, but couldn’t see where. I think your list is do-able, and we are planning a April – or May trip to London/Cotswolds/Scotland. So looking forward to it ! Updating the house and cleaning it is an ongoing and never ending project it seems. We started to look at kitchens, as ours is 20 yrs old. I had to post to link up this past week, as I am dealing with some health issues and just didn’t have the time. I am hoping to put out 2 this coming week. Just wanted to show my support here! Hope you are enjoying your weekend, and I do enjoy Nancy’s style and blog.
    jess xx

    • Thanks for your support whenever you can, Jess! I’m sorry to hear about the health issues. It seems to go with the territory these days, right? We have painted two kitchens now, and I loved the way they turned out. We decided to go with painting rather than replacing because both sets of cabinetry were all wood. I’m hoping to replace our laminate countertops with granite someday. My son and I are going to be in London this spring, too, I hope. I really need to get busy on that. The Cotswolds and Scotland are beautiful. I love Bath…it is just gorgeous!

  11. It’s cold and grey here – it’s going to get warmer but that means rain and wind. I spent half an hour looking at property in Portugal to cheer myself up this morning! Thanks for hosting!

    Emma xxx

    • Oh, but those summers in Portugal! It’s funny because I look at property in Ireland to cheer myself up! Thanks for linking up, Emma!