I think it was anyway…

These may not be Barbie’s, but they were the closest I could come to my inspiration. The first photo refers to “I Love Lucy”, and I do remember her wearing this style a lot. For some reason, though, I think I had a Barbie outfit which was a dress over pants. It may have been a jumpsuit with a skirt over it also! That style has always seemed so chic to me! And, I do think Lucy Ricardo was very chic (which reminds me I haven’t watched that movie yet).
Style Imitating Art Inspiration, too

I’ve spent the last couple of days sewing with my oldest granddaughter. She thinks I’m teaching her “how to sew” like that has a beginning and a definite end! It’s been fun showing her little tricks and short cuts as well as trying to instill in her to do it right the first time. I missed posting for Style Imitating Art, but I did participate. You can see Shelbee’s post here. I decided the look was too good not to use so here it is!
My mom, the seamstress!
My mom was a pretty talented seamstress even though she would never have called herself that. She had an old Singer sewing machine and would take it out at times to sew something or other. One time, she had a length of marigold orange floral fabric. I don’t know why she had it or where she got it. But, she decided to make Barbie clothes for my Barbie. I’m pretty sure I only had one at that time. I think I only ever had three or four. Anyway, Mom made my Barbie lots of different things out of that fabric…without a pattern! Unfortunately for Barbie, there may have been many things, but they were all the same fabric! I’m 99.9% sure she made Barbie a pair of pants with a skirt to go over it!

To sew or not to sew!
I am not that talented! I need a pattern. I cannot sew without one nor have I ever made my own. But, oh, my goodness! Have you bought a pattern lately? They are expensive!!! I also remember buying patterns with only a few sizes in them. Now, there are several sizes within the envelope. My granddaughter was not impressed with having to cut out all of those pieces! One of the things I find interesting about patterns is they do not appear to use vanity sizing at all! We used one of her tops as a guide for choosing the right size. By the time we bought the fabric, the pattern, and the notions, I’m pretty sure we could have bought a top for less! The time, though, we’ve spent cutting out the pattern pieces and the fabric has been priceless. And, I will gladly spend the money to encourage her in learning a new craft.
My Grandma Luderman had a tin full of buttons. I loved that tin! I loved running my hands through the buttons, finding the sparkly ones, creating sets of matching ones. It was magical! I have absolutely no clue where she got that many buttons! I’ve been collecting buttons for years and have nowhere near that many! Did your grandma have a button tin? Just me? That’s OK. When we were shopping for the fabric, the pattern called for a button. Before I could even say we didn’t need one, my granddaughter said, “Oh, we don’t need to look for one, Granny. We’ll just look in your button tin.” As we were going through it, she said, “I just love this, Granny!” Some apples don’t fall far from the tree! What’s funny is that one of my Facebook memories this past week or so was of her mom sitting at her sewing machine (a Christmas gift from me one year). Want to take a guess who was teaching her?

What’s next?
She’s already decided she wants to make another one in a knit fabric! I don’t have near as much experience sewing with knits so there will be a bit of a learning curve for both of us! Luckily, she’s got two weeks for Spring Break so I’m pretty sure we’re going shopping soon! This child is such an old soul. She needle felts, makes resin jewelry, beaded jewelry, and is always on the lookout for a new craft! I really wish my younger granddaughter lived nearer because I think the two of them would have such fun creating things together. I can’t wait to teach that granddaughter to sew, too! Hmmm…sewing machines as Christmas gifts perhaps?

The Lewk!
The star of this outfit is definitely the dress. It is the Virginia dress from April Cornell. I really do love it when clothing has a name! I haven’t gotten around to hemming it yet because even I know it’s too long! The pants are Mathilda Jane Finns. The neat thing about these is I was able to just cut off one of the ruffles and didn’t have to worry about raveling since they’re knit! Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like they make them anymore. I really wanted to get a pair in black because they’re just a little different from your standard legging look! I completely forgot to get a photo or two of my accessories. The boots are seen here. The earrings and cuff are old and from Stella & Dot. I actually have the cuff listed on my Poshmark closet, but I think I’m going to take it down because I’m kind of into cuffs right now! The necklace is a Kendra Scott Nordstrom Anniversary sale item from a few years ago (similar).
Not quite there yet, but…
I do not currently have any type of affiliate links. But, I thought I’d include the disclaimer information should this ever happen! Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. On this post as well as all past posts, italicized links are provided as a convenience to you.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I may have missed the SIA challenge, but I’m glad I was still able to use the outfit. If you’re close to my age, do you remember Barbie having an outfit similar to mine or the photos from Pinterest? Would you wear this look? Do you have a button box or remember playing in one? Let’s have a conversation. Leave a comment, and we can! Thank you, thank you, thank you to my subscribers! I’m so glad you’re with me here!
Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m also a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here).
My mom was a seamstress and I actually wanted to be a fashion designer when I grew up. Working together we made lots of clothes of for me; including all my prom dresses. We always started with a pattern too but I got her to alter them… and yep, I’m pretty sure we saved no money at all going that route as dressmaking supplies have gotten pretty expensive.
Oh, Joanne, that is so very cool! I made my prom dress (it was ugly), but I can always say I did it! It is surprising how expensive things have gotten. We have, however, already purchased fabric for a second shirt so the price is coming down!!!
Absolutely LOVE hearing these memories AND the way you look in this! Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Keep it up my dear friend.
Thanks, my gorgeous friend! Memories are what make us human, right?
I am embarrassed to admit that I do not even sew buttons on! I make such a mess, my husband ends up doing it. My dad could sew too and actually reupholstered furniture for us.
You did a great job Marsha!
Thanks, Kellyann! Upholstery is one of those things I tried (I still have the chair and it’s a mess) and failed! But, when you’re as short as I am, you quickly learn how to hem! And, my mom was one of the original do it yourselfers, I think! She made sure my older sister and I could sew and embroider. I don’t remember if she worked with my little sister as Mom was working outside the home by that time!
My mom used to sew too. Matching outfits for me and my sister. Lol! Love this pretty dress. The print is lovely!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I don’t think my mom ever made us dresses though she did teach my older sister and me how to sew. I think that would have been very special to having matching outfits!
Marsha, I love, love, love this look! That dress is fabulous and I have been a fan of dresses or skirts over pants for as long as I have been dressing myself! I loved reading about your sewing projects with your granddaughter! Those are such special moments. My mother was a talented seamstress and made all of our clothing when we were young. She was teaching me how to make clothing when she passed away and then I kind of just stopped learning at that point. But…my grandmother had a button tin and my mother had a button in and I still have a button tin! There is something really special about piles of buttons. I don’t know what it is either but I have been fascinated by buttons since I was very young. In fact, my first earrings that I ever wore were buttons with posts attached. I had a whole bunch of colors and loved those earrings so much. I was in kindergarten and I remember the boys started teasing me calling me “button ears” and I got so upset that I didn’t wear earrings again until high school!
Oh, Shelbee, I can believe you wouldn’t wear earrings for that long. It’s horrible how certain comments remain with you for years if not decades. I was convinced I was fat after my dad died in 1974 when I overheard one of my aunts talking about me. I think that began my lifelong body dysmorphia. I was not fat; I was just right!
I hope you take up sewing again some day. With youtube, you could probably have a lot of fun redoing some of your clothes. And, it would be a lovely way to remember your mom.
Oh, buttons…they are just it, aren’t they? I just love them…they can make or break an outfit. They can steal the show! I’ve been so surprised to see how many people have commented on having a button tin!!!
What a lovely dress! When this gorgeous spring weather starts, I’m all about dresses. I don’t sew anything. I’m not even patience enough to get the thread in the needle.
Thanks so much, Nancy! I really enjoy sewing and made all of the curtains in my house except for the sheer ones. I’m more about the straight lines as I don’t always have success in creating anything to actually wear!
My mom still sews (although not as much as she used to) and even with my knitting…it’s definitely more expensive than buying premade most of the time. But there’s lots of love in those handmade things.
I styled an outfit like this one and really loved it. It was when our ageless style group posted about gem colors. I’ll have to do it again,
I used to sew quite a bit more when my kids were little. And, then when the granddaughters came along, I made them both so many jumpers. I think those were rather economical, but I just can’t get over the price of patterns today!
I love this look, Marsha! And I do remember seeing this style on TV – probably “I Love Lucy” because I watched it a lot as a kid. It’s such a chic look, so I am glad you brought it back. And what a fabulous floral! So cool that you teaching your granddaughter about sewing. I have fond memories of sewing sessions with one of my grandmothers too. I’ve never become much of seamstress (although I still think I will aspire to it some day), but I have quilting. Oh and I do remember those wonderful button tins! I had only a couple of Barbies growing up. I liked my Barbies, but preferred creating rather than dressing her up.
Thanks, Michelle! I remembered it on Lucy after finding that picture on Pinterest. It really is rather chic, isn’t it? And, I do love a good floral!
My granddaughter and I are having such fun. The only problem is convincing her to buy the right fabric. She’s a bit of an old lady at times! I am jealous of your quilting skills. I know I could do it if I would just apply myself to it. But, then, I’d get so caught up in it I would forget about other things!
My MIL is an incredibly talented seamstress. She used to work in a clothing store yeeeears ago. I wish that I’d taken the time to learn from her {or had paid attention in Home Ec}.
I love the dress over pants because of coqui do. The print/color is beautiful. And, yep, I remember Barbie’s dress over pants with the removable skirts.
I had Home Ec in 7th and 8th grade…out of a book! Our principal didn’t think we needed ovens or sewing machines!!! Can you believe that? I learned the basics from my mom and then was pretty much self taught in later life. I sewed lots for my kids and left it for a bit.
Thank you! I thought I was making it up or misremembering! I knew I had a Barbie with a dress over pants!!!
What a pretty post. I read it then scrolled up and back down to look again at the images. I remember that outfit on I Love Lucy. I thought she was so chic. So elegant. Wearing outfits like that around the house. Imagine!!
And you look just as chic in your look. When I saw this outfit on Instagram, I didn’t realize it was a dress over pants. Fell in love at first sight with that pretty print and the colors. Never noticed the pants peeking out.
My mother sewed very well. And always said that anyone who didn’t sew had no idea what was involved. She attempted to teach my sister and me. Didn’t go well. Then in my young adult years, I got a crazy notion and bought a sewing machine. Made one dress and retired from sewing. So I applaud you. For learning to sew, and for passing that talent and skill along to your granddaughter. LOVED the story about the button tin. My mom had one. I used buttons to teach the kids about the Dewey Decimal System in the library. Paired the book The Button Box with other sorting stories for the lesson. Thanks for reminding me of that!! It was a favorite lesson.
Off to check out the SIA challenge. I need to get back to doing them. But LIFE.
Oh, I bet your students loved your lessons, Leslie! I wish I had had the time to always prepare for each and every lesson like that, but reality was I just couldn’t! I love to sew, but I sometimes get very flustered while doing it. I always seem to have deadlines, too! Top #2 is sitting on the table where it’s been since Tuesday night! I have to get it finished tomorrow or Saturday at the latest! It’s done in jersey so A can’t possibly do it as I’m fighting it tooth and nail!
Wasn’t Lucy gorgeous? I mean it wasn’t like ladies actually lived like she did and dressed that way, but still, make believe is just that! I’m glad you liked my look. The pants didn’t show up as well as I wanted them to because the wind wasn’t cooperating plus we were on a bit of time crunch that day. I don’t really remember why!
Thanks, friend!
This post resonates.on sew [haha] many levels…
My mom sewed but mainly for making repairs on things.
I, on the other hand, learned to sew early (a neighbor taught me – I don’t think my mom had the time or patience) and made my Barbies lots of outfits. And, twenty or so years later, I started working at Mattel designing for the Barbie division!
Button tins… oh yeah. Mom has a great collection.
Loved the pun, Anne! We had almost the reverse experience! I would never have had the patience to make clothes for Barbies! Such small pieces! What a cool job to have…designing for Barbie…I’ll bet you’ve got lots of stories to tell!
Aren’t button tins the best?