Nigel and I decided to take a little road trip. I recently celebrated my birthday, and this trip was my present (he said). This time of year is one of those iffy times. If you go north, you never know what the weather is going to be. If you go south, you may or may not have really warm weather. It’s a crap shoot, I guess! In the end, we chose to go to Asheville, North Carolina. I really wanted to go to Burlington, Vermont, but it would take two days to get there.

We ultimately chose to go to Asheville because the weather was warmer. It’s also about seven hours closer! In my head, Vermont isn’t really that far because it’s north, and Indiana is more north than south. But, I’m guessing Google doesn’t lie! The irony is we decided to take two-ish days to get to Asheville. We drove to Sevierville, Tennessee, spent the night, and then drove on to Asheville the next day.

Why those two destinations…
You may be wondering why in the world we would even think about those two cities. Well, Asheville does have the Biltmore Estate which is amazing. And, Burlington…well, Burlington is home to the flagship for April Cornell. It’s also a really lovely college town. We have been there many times. One of my favorite things to do is ride the ferry from Port Kent, NY to Burlington, but it’s closed for the season already. And, of course, the reason we went to Asheville was to visit the April Cornell store there!

Yes, we seriously drove more than seven hours to visit the April Cornell store in Asheville! You probably think that is just crazy, right? But, the drive is gorgeous. We passed through the Smokey Mountains. If you’ve never driven through the Smokey Mountains in the fall, you are definitely missing out on some glorious color! I didn’t take any photos, though, as I was knitting. I love to travel, but I am not a good traveler. I always take lots of things to do in the car…several books and a couple of knitting/crocheting projects. I am lucky because I am not one of those people who get nauseous when riding in a vehicle.

If you ever get the chance to visit Asheville, I encourage you to do so. It has a thriving downtown with lots of fun little shops. The Asheville River Arts District is home to many different artists. There is something for everyone! You can read more about it here. And, there are so many wonderful restaurants. We love Tupelo Honey (which is opening in Indianapolis soon). Nigel likes the fried green tomatoes. I love the biscuits and blueberry compote!

The store…
This is the third time, I think, we’ve been to the April Cornell store. I completely forgot to get a photo of the front windows! I was just so happy to be there. I had planned to wear an AC dress, but I forgot certain necessary underpinnings. As soon as I walked in the store with my hair gone flat and rather non-fashion-blogger clothing, I was greeted by Anna exclaiming, “It’s Marsha in the Middle!” My friends, I was gobsmacked! Well, honestly, my first reaction was who is she talking to! Then, reality hit, and I was all smiles the entire time I was there!

More about the store…
I have probably given you the impression April Cornell only sells clothing. That cannot be farther from the truth. While most of the thing in the photos below do not show up on the website, if you visit an April Cornell store, you will find them jam packed with lovely little objects you can add to your home to make it feel a little more cozy and pretty. We were there just as they were transitioning from fall to Christmas. You may see some Christmas things sprinkled in here and there.

A little more…
Nigel good-naturedly took a seat whilst I tried on all manner of things! There were a couple of dresses I definitely wanted to try (here and here). Both of these dresses are gorgeous! They didn’t come home with me because I don’t think I look good in a square neck dress. Nigel didn’t like the duster on me. It hurt my heart to say no to that dress, I will tell you that! It is exquisite, but it is not for someone as vertically challenged as me!

What did I buy…
Well, I’m not going to tell all here! I tried on the Fairy Tale dress and loved it. I knew, however, it wasn’t a dress that would fit my lifestyle. I did add another Hannah Jersey dress to my closet and have already worn it twice! I purchased a few other things including the fabulous leather obi belt. That doesn’t show up on the website, but you can call Anna at the store (828-575-2830) and ask for the “Fat” belt! She’ll know exactly what you mean! I like the way clothing is displayed in the store. Rather than being in sizes, all of a particular item is hung together. April also does different stories or collections. Those are all hung near each other. So, when you are shopping there, you can easily find coordinating items. Of course, the staff are willing and eager to suggest things!

The Lewk!

These boots are a case of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” fashion-wise! I honestly have no idea how old they are…if I had to guess, I’d say at least ten years old. I also have them in black. I do wish I’d been smart enough to buy back up pairs of them because they are just that good! These are by Born and have appeared on the blog many times. You can see them here with a brown dress. The earrings are Lagos. I think these are the right ones.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I admit to a slight obsession with April Cornell clothing…and, that extends to the stores! They are really magical places. I do hope, if you are ever in the vicinity of one, you are able to visit! You won’t regret it. And, I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful it was to be greeted by name…even if it was my blog name! I had hoped to meet Michelle (Funky Fashion Style and My Bijou Life) in Asheville. Unfortunately, overnight, I came down with an awful case of stomach flu. We decided to head home and make many stops on the way. I was completely miserable, but you really only want to be home when you’re not feeling well, right? So, can we talk? Are there stores or boutiques you just love to visit? Would you drive hours just to go to a store? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I will answer as soon as possible!

Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!
I do hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week if you live in the US! I am so grateful to all of you who subscribe, comment, or email me! It means the world to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
The festive season is alive there and it’s wonderful to see. I love those boots as well. Have a great week
Thanks so much, Heather! Yes, these boots are wonderful! Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh I love to travel by car too, but I can’t read or even look at my phone without feeling a bit sick. So I enjoy the scenery and we drive together. I would travel to visit a store I adore! And buy a lot then! Looking forward to see what you bought.
Oh, Nancy, I don’t think I could travel at all because I just don’t like the drive part of it. My mom always thought that was the best part of a trip. Not me…I think the destination is the best part! I will be sharing soon!
Thanks, Nancy, for coming by!
I’ve wanted to visit Ashville for years now but we never seem to make it there! Somehow I have it in my head that it would be the perfect area to retire to; close enough to family we can drive there in a day but far enough from the beach that it’s not suuuper hot in the summer. We’d still have 4 seasons but milder winters from what we get here… I’m so sorry you got sick on your trip; that makes for such a long drive home. That looks like such a lovely and fun store though.
I think Asheville would be a lovely place to spend my retirement. Unfortunately, the husband does not! I’m not sure I would like to live anywhere that didn’t have the four seasons. We have several neighbors who winter in Florida…I would be missing the snow for sure!
Yep…that stomach bug was the worst. I still felt badly even after being home for a couple of days.
Thanks, Joanne, for coming by!
Michael and I are considering Asheville as a place to retire. Haven’t been there yet but hoping to spend a weekend there next year. So glad you got to visit April Cornell. I adore this dress you are wearing!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! It’s such an easy dress to wear, too! I hope you get to Asheville to visit. I highly recommend the Biltmore Estate in the springtime or very early summer. And, there are so many wonderful restaurants…our favorite is Tupelo Honey.
How cool that April Cornell recognized you! Sounds like such a fun little road trip. Sorry you got sick for the ride home. I am from Massachusetts so I grew up going to Plymouth and Vermont all the time. But I do not miss the dealing with all the snow at all. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Thanks, Meagan! I didn’t meet April…this was Anna, one of the sales associates at the store. I have met April at her flagship store in Burlington. She’s a very cool lady! Oh, I’ll bet you’re very glad you’re not in New England now!! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!
What a wonderful birthday trip (except for getting sick at the end!) – and how fun to be recognized coming in to the store! I had wondered whether you were able to meet up with Michelle. When I lived in NC, I never made it as far as Asheville but that entire area is beautiful. And the fall color is much richer and brighter in NC than people expect. I envy your ability to do things in the car on a road trip – I’m one of those people who needs to look out the windows to keep from getting car sick.
Oh, Sally! I was so surprised to be greeted by that! I honestly didn’t think, for a little minute, she meant me! Michelle and I were hoping to meet up. But, that stomach bug hit hard and lasted quite a bit longer than I’d ever wish on anyone! Asheville really is a gorgeous place…well, all of North Carolina seems to be…at least, the places I’ve visited.
I really am lucky to be able to read or knit while traveling because I really dislike the travel part of trips! My mom always yelled at me to quit reading and look out the windows on family trips!
Thanks, Sally, for coming by!
I think that’s a fabulous way to spend your birthday. In fact, we usually travel around town visiting different stores on my birthday, but this year I called HALT because my closets are full,, haha.
Can’t wait to see the obi belt. I need one now.
Hahaha!! I am shocked you’d admit to full closets, Jodie!!! I take advantage of some birthday discounts but fewer and fewer every year.
What a way to spend your birthday- and that’s amazing April recognized you, how fun! And I am LOVING your hair! Gorgeous and vibrant like you!
New post is live here, hope to see you there!
Thanks, Ashley! I wish it would stay these colors, but it has already faded to cotton candy colors! I’m too chicken to color it myself! I wish I could say it was April who recognized me (though I have met her twice). It was Anna at the store. She manages their social accounts. I need to bop over and check out your post! I’ve gotten behind on my blogging duties!
Happy Belated Birthday! What a fun way to spend it! Ashville looks like a cute town! And how fun that you were recognized! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! Asheville really is a neat town…lots to see and do! It was fun being recognized, that’s for sure!
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!
I so enjoyed hearing about your birthday trip – except the part where you got sick. (Sad face) We went to Tupelo Honey when Shelbee was here. Very tasty. That would be so amazing to be greeted in the April Cornell store like you were. What fun! And your outfit is fabulous! Such a pretty dress.
Thanks, Michelle! I really wish I hadn’t gotten sick so we could have gotten together! Those biscuits at Tupelo Honey are amazing! Luckily (or unluckily), they are opening one in Indianapolis! My first thought, honestly, when I heard it was “Who is she talking to?” Hahaha!!!
That’s a lovely birthday trip! The dress looks amazing on you.
Thank you so much, Lovely! It was a wonderful trip!
Marsha, I love this adorable dress on you and I love that you drove 7 hours to go to the April Cornell store! How exciting that they greeted you as Marsha in the Middle! They should because you are definitely a walking billboard for the brand! I am super bummed that you weren’t able to hook up with Michelle on your visit. I am heading that way in February for my annual Asheville road trip…maybe you can do the drive again and meet up with us! Hehehe. That would be so fun!
Oh, Shelbee…you make me chuckle…a walking billboard!! I guess I kind of am, but the clothing just seems to be me! I really wanted to meet up with Michelle, but she would not have wanted to be around me…that is for sure! Oh, February might be a fun time!!!
Thanks, Shelbee!
What a beautiful dress and it sounds like such a fun trip for your birthday, although it’s a shame you got sick! Hope you are all rested and recovered. It was so nice they recognised you from your blog too
Hope you are having a great start to your weekend! We have another pool party today
Thanks, Mica! We did have a fun trip until the stomach problems! It was just funny and shocking when I was recognized!
I had a nice weekend, but it sounds like yours was much better!
Marsha, one of these days we need to hang out. LOL. You are my kind of people. I would 100% drive days to visit a store as well. And Asheville and Vermont are both on my lists of places to visit! I am glad that you had such a great trip!
Oh, Erin! I would love that…though I’m old enough to be your mom! I do think we would have a blast! Maybe next summer, I can finally make it up to the Greenfield Village! And, yes, you need to go to Asheville if only for driving through the mountains! Vermont is just such a gorgeous place…but, then now that I think of it, it reminds me a lot of Michigan!!!
The Smokey Mountains are beautiful anytime of year! I am sure they were especially stunning with their fall colors! Glad you were able to get away for a bit!
We were there just a bit past their prime, but they were still gorgeous! I love the Smokey Mountains so much and would just love to live there!
Thanks, Laura, for coming by!
Pingback:The Best Black Friday Sales! - Marsha in the Middle
That’s a lovely dress. Fun post. How amazing that Anna knew who you were! I haven’t travelled far to any particular shops, but I remember a few years ago I was desperate to have a certain dress I’d seen in a magazine. The retailer was in the US and didn’t ship to the UK. I asked one of my colleagues, who was going to the US, to buy it for me. Sadly, the dress didn’t look great and I had to sell it!
Oh, that’s so disappointing, Gail! All that trouble only to have something not look good! I am beginning to recognize what I can and cannot wear (you would think I’d already know). It was really fun when Anna greeted me! I think my smile lasted most of the day!
Thanks for coming by, Gail!