Ageless Style: Sweatin’ with an Oldie!

But a goodie!

It’s the third Thursday of the month, and I’m joining the other ladies of Ageless Style with a new style challenge!  Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style selected sweatshirts for this month. I think that’s a hoot because Jodie lives in Arizona!! Last month, Joanne of My Slice of Life chose ponchos, wraps, or capes. In case you’re unfamiliar with this group, each month, one of us picks a theme. We then create outfits with that theme or trend in mind. Since I’ve joined the group, we’ve styled holiday looks, Very Peri (Pantone’s color of the year), booties, and cardigans. You can find my looks here, here, and here. I have to admit some months are easier than others!

On a regular day…

When I was teaching, I had (OK, I still have a few) sweatshirts with the school logo, name, or student council on them. At the end of the year, we took our students on an overnight study trip to a camp. I still have that sweatshirt, too! So, sweatshirts are in regular rotation here at Haus von Mitte (see this post to understand). But, they are of the working kind…frayed at the cuffs, stained here and there, just a little on the ratty side. When Jodie suggested sweatshirts (and I’m really intrigued why she chose them), I was a little flabbergasted.

What’s a girl to do?

At first, I thought I’d just use a sweatshirt and a scarf with some other accessories. But, that just seemed a little tame for a challenge. One of the people I follow on Instagram is this fabulous woman from Canada (here). She buys items and embellishes them in the most glorious ways! Now, my sweatshirt does not even come close to the things Judith makes and wears, but I gave it a shot!

What I did

Over the almost ten years I’ve been retired, I’ve indulged my creative spirit in many different ways. I’m sure I mentioned it somewhere. One of the things I did for ages was felt crafting. This is not the same as needle felting (I’ve dabbled but not much). I made several wreaths and experimented with crafting different kinds of flowers out of felt. At first, I was going to stitch these flowers down. But, then I thought of my hot glue gun. And, why not go the easy route. I knew, if this was a massive fail, I could always construct something else out of felt and embroider it over the hot glue mess residue. First, I placed the flowers where I wanted them on a flat surface. But, when it came to gluing them to the sweatshirt, I wasn’t exactly sure where they would fall. The last thing I wanted was for a flower to be…well, you know where! So, I did what any good drag queen would do! I glued them on while I was wearing the sweatshirt!!!

Ah, but will I wear it?

You know what? I think this will be a fabulous shirt to wear in the fall for a visit to the gardens at Newfields. I’m not so sure I would wear it under anything like a coat or even a light jacket as the flowers would get smooshed. Nigel thinks it’s pretty cool because he always thinks the goofy stuff I do is cool! I think I’m going to do a bit of embroidery around the neck and maybe even some of the flowers. It just seems a bit unfinished. I don’t know…you know how your art teacher always said to stop before you did that last thing that ruined your project…yeah, I’m half afraid that may happen. But, I can always rip it out if that happens. That’s the magic of doing something yourself…you can undo the magic!

The Lewk!

I think this is the sweatshirt I bought. I’m not 100% sure because I bought it in the store. I like that my sweatshirt is shorter than usual. Most sweatshirts are way too long for me and not in a good way! The jeans are also from Old Navy, but I have no idea when I bought them. The shoes are old (similar) from Cobb Hill by Rockport. I like them because you fasten them and then just zip up the back. I wore the green earrings as a pop of color against all of the blue!

Not quite there yet, but…

I do not currently have any types of affiliate links…fellow bloggers, if you have any hints on how to accomplish this, I’d appreciate it. But, I thought I’d include the disclaimer information should this ever happen! Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. On this post as well as all past posts, italicized links are provided as a convenience to you.

And, now for the good stuff!

Here are links to all of the lovely ladies in the Ageless Style collaboration. Please do visit them on their various media. Also, please join the party and click on the link below to share how you wear sweatshirts! Join the party even if you don’t wear sweatshirts! Link up with us, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment!

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Bo ~ Bo’s Bodacious Blog
Blog / Instagram /Pinterest / Bloglovin’

Carrie ~ A Simple Lovely Life
Blog | Instagram Pinterest | Facebook |

Joanne ~ My Slice of Life

Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style
Blog | Instagram | Facebook |

Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle
Blog /Instagram

Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom
Blog | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook |

Rosemary ~ Distinctly Southern Style
Blog / Instagram / Pinterest / Facebook

Robin ~ Hello I am 50ish
Blog / Instagram / Pinterest / Facebook

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I wonder if many of you are surprised to know I don’t dress up every day! I don’t. My life is simple, and that’s the way I like it. Having said that, I admit to loving clothes (like you didn’t already know that). I enjoy getting dressed up as well as just hanging out in a plain sweatshirt and jeans. And, as shallow as this makes me sound, pretty clothing makes me feel pretty. It also boosts my mood and my confidence. If that makes me shallow, I’m going to own it. What about you? How have you been feeling? Does clothing help you feel better? What do you think of this embellished sweatshirt? Would you wear something like this? Please leave a comment or two, and let’s talk! Thank you to those of you who subscribe! I deeply appreciate each and every one of you.

Where I frequently link up:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs!

Join us, won’t you?


  1. Well, you have to know that with Jodie, even something seemingly simple like a sweatshirt is not at all what you think! The woman has amazing creativity coursing through her veins!
    Well done on the crafting and creating of your embellished sweatshirt! I think it will be great in fall and I might even pop a striped oxford shirt under it because who doesn’t love stripes and florals together?!

    • Oh, thanks for the suggestion! I never thought of that and I have the perfect shirt!!!

      Yes, I can’t wait to see Jodie’s post!

  2. What a fun sweatshirt Marsha! I love what you created! I would love to see you dress this top up as well. Thanks so much for the link up!

  3. Your sweatshirt is a beautiful work of art!

  4. Marsha, this is brilliant! I love these felt flowers scattered all over your sweatshirt! Old Navy has some really cute options but I definitely would prefer your personalized version of it! Well done, my friend. Very well done!


    • Thanks, Shelbee! There’s nothing a little felt and a hot glue gun can’t fix, right? It’s an extra type look, but I’m fine with that!

  5. Your flowered sweatshirt is awesome, Marsha! I love everything about it – the look, the fact that you did the embellishing yourself, and what an upcycle. Fabulous!


    • Thanks, Michelle! It’s a little bit out there even for me, but I really do like it. It kind of inspires me to try some others. The only problem is it’s so heavy I have to keep pulling it down in back…maybe I need to add something on the back!

  6. Oh my Marsha, are you ever so creative!
    I love your floral sweatshirt, and I am sure that you will wear it again.
    It is lovely and one of a kind.


    • Thanks, Rosemary! It looks a little arts and crafts, but that’s ok since I’m not trying to pass it off as anything but homemade!!!

  7. I love how you added some embellishments to the sweatshirt: I thought you had purchased it like that. Well done! I wish I was crafty but not usually.

    • I have always dabbled in the needle arts, but this was the first time I tried something like this!!!

  8. Now that’s taking a sweatshirt and making it something special. You definitely get the prize for most creative (of course yours is the first post I’ve read, but I’m thinking you still win).
    Love this Marsha, Of course, if you do need to cover up to stay warm, a wrap would be perfect, don’t you think?
    And why did I pick sweatshirts? Just because I thought it was something everyone would have, and it’s getting to the time here in AZ, that those things get put away. Basically one last hurrah, haha.

    • Thanks, Jodie! I wanted to do something really cool like Judith does from on Instagram. Mine is nowhere near as cool as her things are, but it’s a start!!!

      I really did wonder what you were thinking…who would have thought it would be so pragmatic!!!

  9. That is so cool that you embellished this sweatshirt yourself. I was a bit flabbergasted by the challenge too. I thought “Sweatshirts are so casual, how do you style them to make it worthy of a style blog?”. Then I googled “How to style a sweatshirt” and saw a plethora of ideas and I realized I was way behind the trend. Now I’m seeing sweatshirts styled everywhere! I was even watching a movie and the lead actress had a sweatshirt on with the coolest wide leg flowing pants. They are definitely having their moment.

    • Hmmm…I’ll have to pay more attention, I guess! I have many sweatshirts, but none of them were quite up to the challenge! I thought I’d give it a try with embellishing it. It is just a bit over the top, but I really like the way it turned out.

  10. What a fun idea to add that embellishment! Before I read that under the photos I was sure you’d bought it like that, it’s such a cute statement top for spring – cosy and statement making! 🙂

    Hope you’re having a great weekend 🙂 We went to a birthday party yesterday which was fun.

    • Thanks, Mica! I wanted to do something to it, but I wasn’t sure what. I came across these flowers and thought, “Why not?”

      The daffodils are blooming, but I think we’re going to just cozy up at home this weekend! Have a fabulous week!

  11. What a wonderful idea of embellishing a sweatshirt!
    I did that years ago for my family Christmas sweatshirts!
    I should have done that for this collaboration!
    I have lots of college sweatshirts from my college and my kid’s colleges that I wear when I workout or if it’s game day.
    I even put on my Wisconsin sweatshirt for March madness! (they’re playing tonight!)

    • Thanks, Robin. I don’t have any sweatshirts from my college or even my kids’ colleges! Nigel has tees from Wabash and Franklin. I even went to the same university as my youngest for my Master’s, but I don’t have anything from there! I must be sorely lacking in loyalty!