Two weeks ago, I linked up with Kym at A Fresh Cup of Coffee for her year long series of Twenty-Six Lists. She has come up with a list of 26 different lists. She also has a link party. They range from Goals and Accomplishments (seen here) to things like “Lucky Days,” “Music on Your Playlist,” and “Blog Reading List.” I decided to combine fashion posts with the list posts. But, since I’m now part of the Style Imitating Art curators, I think my 26 list post will be just a list. If you’re a fan of lists, head over to Kym’s blog and click on Twenty Six Lists. If you scroll down to the bottom of the post, you will find the entire list so you can be prepared.
This week’s list…
Oh, this is a tough one for me. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…I’m lazy! This week’s list is a list of things to do in the winter. Hmmm…wait a minute…this wouldn’t have to be things I’m actually going to do, would it? Yeah, let’s run with that one! If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere and taking part, I’d still go with the things to do in the winter. But, I doubt Kym would care if you switched it to things to do in the summer.

The list…
- Build a snow fort.
- I would totally do this if we had enough snow! Unfortunately, the snow we do have is the kind that doesn’t pack so I can’t build a snow fort. I remember making some pretty cool ones when I was a kid. I had an older sister who would sometimes help. But, it was primarily my little brother and I who would build them, play in them, and, ultimately, destroy them!
- Go tobogganning
- When we lived up north, we would sometimes go to Pokagon State Park. A toboggan is a wooden sled with a curved front. You generally go down hills on it. The toboggan run at Pokagon has a total vertical drop of 90 feet over the course of a quarter-mile. The website says the highest recorded speed is 42mph. I could have sworn it was more like 60! One of the times we went, some kids had hollowed out the spot at the end of the run and used that snow to build a hump. We went down the run, hit the hollow and then ricocheted right off of the hump into the snow. I’m sure we were air borne for a bit! Oh, my gosh! We laughed so hard, grabbed our sled, and raced back up to the line for another ride down the run before our time was up. And, yes, this was quite a few years ago. But, I will never forget the thrill of crashing down that run.

- Drink hot chocolate.
- I like hot chocolate; I really do. But, I have yet to find that miraculous hot chocolate that makes me feel like I should drink hot chocolate regularly. I do remember, when Nigel and I were first married, making him some hot chocolate after he’d been called out for a service call. Early in our marriage, he worked for the phone company and then the local electrical company. As a lineman, he would be on call and would sometimes have to go out in the middle of the night to repair things. So, one bitterly cold night, I thought I’d be the perfect little wife and make him some wonderfully warming hot chocolate. I used Hershey’s Cocoa. I didn’t realize it was actual cocoa with no sweetening in it at all. Oh, I failed miserably as a perfect little wife that night!
- Bake bread from scratch
- Early in the pandemic, I was going to bake bread because I was a little panicky. Well, we all were, right? So, I ordered some yeast to bake bread. That wasn’t happening because everyone else had the exact same idea. But, as I’m writing this, I do remember, again early in our married life, baking bread from scratch. I think it took several cups of flour, lots of kneading, and really wasn’t that good. Then, I graduated to those frozen bread loaves. Anyone remember those? You would take them out of the freezer, butter them up real good, put them in a heavily buttered loaf pan, and let them rise. Then, you would bake them. When they actually rose, the bread was delicious. But, I didn’t bake bread very often as Nigel and I worked different shifts so eating bread wasn’t exactly a priority then.

- Watch black and white movies
- What is it about winter that makes me want to watch old black and white movies? I think they just make me feel cozy and warm…except I usually watch an old Alfred Hitchcock thriller! And, those are anything but cozy and warm.
- Make snow angels.
- I’d like to say this was only a couple of years ago, but it’s probably closer to ten than five! When my daughter and her family lived in Virginia, they obviously didn’t get very much snow. One day, we were Facetiming with them. It had snowed quite a bit at our house up north. My grandson wanted me to make a snow angel, so I did! Here is his delighted little face, and the brown lump on the ground is me making a snow angel!

- Keep warm.
- I love winter, and if you ask my friends, they’ll confirm that. But, I am 100% over this arctic freeze situation. I’m ready to be warm again. Now, listen, I’ll layer with the best of them. But, when I’m layering cashmere over merino over a tee with a scarf, things are a little out of control.

The outfit…
I wanted to try something different with my Monique Everyday dress from April Cornell. The last time I wore it (here), I wore my favorite brown boots from Born. This time, I decided to go with a pair of booties that have the same colors as the dress. I don’t know why I didn’t pick them the last time because it’s kind of a match made in Heaven! Poor Nigel was shivering so hard as he took these photos, I was sure most would be blurry. I really do love this dress. It’s such an easy fitting dress, and it’s on sale right now with most sizes in stock. You could even use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off orders of $100 or more. I like that it has elastic at the waistline rather than the button-on ties. It really helps to define my waist better, I think. And, it has pockets. I mean, what’s not to love!

The Lewk!

I was going for an artistic background, but I think it’s waaaaay too busy! Everything kind of gets lost amidst all that pattern. These Georgiana boots are the beginning of my love for all things L’Artiste! I don’t know why I didn’t pick those last October when I wore this dress the first time. It may have been because I didn’t want any leg to show, and it was too warm to wear tights then. My necklace and bracelet are from the Effy collection at Macy’s. But, I’m pretty sure, when I bought them, the store was still LS Ayres! That means I bought them before 2006. For the record, LS Ayres was so much better than Macy’s. I don’t know if it was still a family owned business at that point, but I miss Ayres. My earrings are from eBay which means they’re over 12 years old because I retired almost 12 years ago. I bought the hat (isn’t it cute) from the April Cornell store in Asheville (a phone call away). I know it should have been pushed down farther on my head, but I didn’t want hat head as we were going out to dinner with some friends when we took the photos.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I am enjoying these 26 lists of Kym’s. I think some of them will be easier than others, but that’s always good brain exercise. I feel like these winter activities would all be fun, but I’m not really inclined to do many of them. When we lived up north, there was this delicious place called DeBrand’s Chocolates. I always wanted to have hot chocolate there. Actually, I think there’s one near the Fashion Mall. Maybe, I can convince Nigel to go sometime soon. So, can we talk? Do you have a winter to do list? Have you ever gone tobogganing? Were you one of those who baked bread during the pandemic? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as I can.

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes, and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: https://www.zuvilife.com/products/buy-zuvi-halo-hair-dryer?sca_ref=4039595.v4RNNsWxxF. If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
I haven’t gone tobogganing since I was a kid. we do have lots of sleds and have gone many a time with our boys but toboggans seem to be nearly impossible to find. Our boys always included a jump on our sled runs too and it was a lot of fun.
I forgot to put in my post that the people running the toboggan run made those boys fill in the hole. I suppose it was dangerous, but it sure was fun when you hit it! I wonder if toboggans require a special way of making them. I still have the old wooden sled with metal runners we used when I was a kid. I use it as a Christmas decoration and always expect to wake up some day to find it missing.
Thanks, Joanne!
I really like the hat with the dress – perfect combo!
I feel the same way about hot chocolate. I really want to find some that I think is worth it but I have yet to do so. But I do love the idea of it!
Thanks, Kellyann! It’s a really cute hat, and I need to wear it more often. That’s exactly the way I feel about hot chocolate…I love the idea of it, but I haven’t found any that is really worth it.
Seriously those boots are amazing!!
We have the Ryze hot chocolate almost every night. No sugar, made with mushrooms (very good for us), and helps us sleep. It’s not super sweet but that’s good for us since we gave up sugar!!
I do think the snow is pretty, but I don’t miss the freezing cold or icy streets!!!
And good for you guys for doing chair yoga. I wish more people would try it,
Thanks, Jodie! These little boots are so comfortable and cute. I scraped one toe and need to try to find something to cover it. Hmmm…hot mushroom chocolate…sounds different!
We love the chair yoga and both of us feel more stretchy.
That’s a great dress and looks lovely on you. Ah yes, snow, once upon a time winter in the UK was really cold and we often got snow down south where I’ve always lived. Now all we get is wind and rain and a feeling of cold dampness. But when the kids were growing up we usually had snow every winter and we made snowmen and actually had a toboggan – those really were the days! But I never made a snow angel! And keep warm! I’ve read about the severe cold in the States – you take care
Thanks, Penny! I’ve always thought it would be lovely to be in London around Christmas time with the snow in the air. But, I guess I would have needed to visit several years ago, right? Oh, that wind, rain and damp just make for misery, don’t they? Our temps went up today so all the snow is gone, but it’s that damp chill now. It is strange to see green grass, though!
The boots are perfect with the dress and that color looks great on you!
Thanks so much, Lisa! I really do like these boots with this dress. They are almost perfect together!
Oh you make me laugh with your house hold cours. baking bread has never been my thing, but I guess it is delicious. Making snow angels always gives me the creepes. I always imagine they’re is dop poo there……. yeah that’s me…..
Nancy, you do make me laugh!!! No dog poo in the front yard…that would have been the backyard. I wish we still lived at this house because we had a glorious backyard (garden). I actually am glad I didn’t have to bake bread as it probably would have been terrible!
Thanks, Nancy!!
You look so beautiful and that colour really suits you! Love, love the dress so much and the boots too!
So happy to have stumbled upon your blog!
Wishing you have a lovely day!
XO, Melissa
Thank you so very much! That is so kind of you! I’m glad you’re here! I hope you’ll join me for Weekend Traffic Jam and other link parties!
Your story about the hot cocoa made me giggle because I’ve dealt with that issue with every. One. Of. My. Kids. I mean, you’d think after the first two tasted that nasty unsweetened cocoa that the other two would pass. Nope. LOL
Ahhhh the pandemic bread days. That feels so very far away now.
That’s such a great dress. I really like the color and the shape. It’s quite lovely.
Hahaha!!! I love it! It only took me once to realize you do not just add milk to that powder! The pandemic does feel like a lifetime away.
Thanks, Daenel! The dress is really a unique shape, and I love it.
I wish there was a toboggan run near us. The kids would love it! We have gone sledding though. Hopefully we get more good sledding snow now the freezing temps and rain are done! I love fresh baked bread. I started sourdough loaves during the pandemic and should get back to it! My sourdough starter is feeling lonely! Haha!
Pokagon would be a weekend kinda trip for you, but I know those weekends are precious. I am pretty sure they even make their own snow and/or ice if it gets too warm. But, you probably have some good sledding hills near you. I’m glad I didn’t get into the sourdough craze because I know what would happen with each warm loaf fresh out of the oven!!!
Thanks, Laura, for stopping by!
Hot cocoa from unsweetened cocoa – that would certainly be a surprise! I prefer vanilla to chocolate so I’ve been drinking French vanilla flavored hot coffee drinks this winter. I’m not sure I could bring myself to try Jodie’s mushroom version, haha!
Oh, it’s like drinking brown sawdust…there’s very little flavor at all. I don’t like coffee so I’m kinda stuck when it comes to hot drinks. I do like hot tea, but I rarely take the time to fix it. (Yeah, I’m passing on the mushroom hot chocolate, too…shhh…don’t tell Jodie)!
When I was a kid my dad built me the coolest snow fort with stairs, a spot at the top of the stairs and a slide that came down, along with a wall around a courtyard where the slide came down. It was awesome. He built my son one when he was little too. It wasn’t quite as elaborate as mine, but both of the forts had tunnels in them.
I love those shoes…again, the shoes. I know. It’s a think with me, but this time I also love the dress! The color is gorgeous on you!
Wow!! That is some kind of snow fort! How long did it last? Tunnels are always a fun addition to a snow fort.
Hahaha!!! I have always had a thing for shoes, too, but it’s only been a few years that I’ve indulged myself.
Thanks, Lisa!
What a fun to-do list!! I loved building snow forts and making mazes in the snow in our backyard when I was a kid. We tried to make an igloo one year, but we had no idea how to go about it and looking up an instructional video on youtube was not a thing back then! LOL We went tobogganing a lot. Those days are behind me now, but I would LOVE to stay a night in an igloo or “ice castle” hotel. How fun would that be! I’ve been baking my own bread for many years, but I also stepped up my game during covid like so many other people. Thanks for sharing your list in the link-up!
Thank you, Kym! Oh, we wanted to make an igloo one year and actually tried to make blocks out of freezing snow and water. Then, we realized how many blocks we would need! Isn’t it funny how we rely on YouTube for everything these days? Check out Safiya Nygaard’s channel on YouTube. She has stayed in an ice hotel. I’m not sure I’d want to stay in the one she went to, though!
I thought about getting a bread maker years ago, but then I realized I’d just be eating more bread! Good for you baking your own bread…I’ll bet it’s delicious!
Pingback:Style Imitating Art: “Evening Poplars” - Marsha in the Middle
Those boots are EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, MK! I love my boots…all of them!