Does Babbel Teach Dog?

Honest to goodness! This is one of those days I would love to speak dog! Jack has been boof-y all day. He just sits in a chair or on the back of the couch (yes, I know, I’m a bad dog parent) and boofs. It’s particularly bad if Nigel is gone. I have even gone so far as to close the draperies in “his room” so he can’t look out the window…Jack not Nigel! It doesn’t matter. He’s just not content with being quiet today.

What would he say…

Hmmm…maybe, I don’t want to know what he would say, right? Most days, I think he would say (in a Scottish accent, of course), “I certainly do love you, Mum.” Or, “Mum, I’m feeling a bit peckish. Might I have a biscuit?” Of course, there would be other days when he would probably be saying things which I shouldn’t repeat…after all, he is my dog. And, goodness knows, he’s heard a word or two!

Honestly, though…

There are days I do wish I spoke Dog. Those would be the days when I know Jack doesn’t feel well, or he just wants to tell me something other than professing his undying love for me. Jack is my first dog. All of our other dogs loved me, but they were Nigel’s dogs. That’s a bit ironic because he is neither a dog person nor a pet person of any kind. But, the dogs always recognized Nigel as the pack leader and adored him. Jack is his own person dog and loves me far beyond any feeling he has for Nigel.


“Up” is one of my favorite movies. Do you remember how the dogs had those collars that translated their thoughts into words? I wonder if that’s in the pipeline. I don’t think I would be buying one for Jack because all I would hear is, “Mum, I want a cookie.” “Mum, can we go outside?” “Mum, dump my toys on the floor even though I won’t play with a single one.”

The outfit…

Today’s outfit is one I’ve put together in my head a couple of times. I bought this dress weeks ago at Old Navy. It was one of those times when I used rewards so it was literally pennies. But, I was a bit stymied about how to style it because it’s really just a box with sleeves. And, while I am just a zucchini with arms and legs, the two do not necessarily a good look make (box with sleeves and zucchini with arms and legs). Then, I was perusing the Target site on the lookout for a belt. I admit to being a belt snob. It has to be leather unless it’s something like this belt or this one. As a just missed being old enough to be a hippie, I do love a good macrame belt! I ordered both and really like them. I’m wearing a Kantha Bae Unity Tie Button Down over it because it’s been a bit chilly here in Central Indiana. I love these button downs, though, technically, they are button ups! Those little strips hanging down can be tied together to create a different look completely. I’ve not quite gotten the hang of that yet because they definitely look like something that should not be hanging up, down, or anywhere around on me. I think I would like them just as well without that.

The Lewk!

These are the second pair of shoes I bought from Super Lady Star. I’m not going to provide a link because, quite honestly, I think they’re junk! I have worn them maybe two times, and the “skin” on the wedge is flaking away. The description says they are “cowhide leather,” but I have my suspicions. I was hoping they were actually a supplier for another shoe retailer I know and love. They are not. Another problem I have with them is the wedge on the right foot is slightly wonky. I often fall off the side as I’m walking in them, and my right foot is not my bad foot! Now, onto the good stuff! The earrings, necklace, and bracelet are all from World Finds. This is an amazing company with even better customer service. My earrings and necklace appear to be sold out right now, but they are always restocking so you might check later if you like them.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I must admit I am not in love with this look. I like the belt over the dress because it gives the illusion of a waist. I thought the colors of the button up would work well with the navy and white stripes of the dress, but there’s something just not quite right. I’ll have to study on it for a bit. So, can we talk? Does your dog, cat, hamster, or even goldfish talk to you? Do you understand them? Would you even want to? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise I do respond as quickly as possible. Please do check back if you don’t receive an email. It seems some people get them and others don’t. I have no idea why!

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am now an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off any order over $75.

Thank you!

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Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend with Michelle every Thursday. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!


  1. No pets of any kind here so I can’t say anything about them speaking to me but I do have one of those boxy dresses and I have such a hard time styling them too.

    • Thanks, Joanne! I suppose, if I really wanted to, I could put some darts in to shape the waist a little more. But, adding a belt is easier and doesn’t take much time!

  2. Our cat, Harvey, does talk to us. I wish we could understand! When we travel, upon our return he meets us at the door and “talks” a lot! I always wonder if he is telling us about his time with the cat/house sitter or if he is using “choice” words to tell us how he feels about us leaving him! Sometimes we can ask him a question and he responds. Once again, I would love to know what he is thinking/saying!

    • You know, we had a cat, Oscar, whose meow often sounded like a drawn out Mom! He’d do it when he wanted inside! Jack doesn’t really “talk” much, but the other day he was certainly boof-y! Animals are such fun, right?

      Thanks, Lisa, for coming by!

  3. Our dog is my dog – she loves me more than anyone or anything! I always say if the world looked at me the way Sophie does, I’d be set. I can literally do no wrong in her eyes. Oh, the love of a dog!
    I’d say you styled this dress very well Marsha, you definitely made it your own and isn’t that what is best about fashion? Great print mixing and lots of fun!

    • Oh, Kellyann…you nailed it! A dog’s love is just so unconditional. Our other dogs loved me, but they adored Mike! Jack adores me and has decided he is a lap dog. That would be fine, but he is a 26 pound lap dog!

      I’m glad you like the outfit. I’m still unsure. Maybe it’s just the photos not doing it justice. I think I’ll still wear it like this when I need that extra bit of warmth!

      Thanks, Kellyann!

  4. I think you’re being overly critical of the outfit. It’s fabulous and I love the belt (of course, since I have the wider version).
    Maybe you are yearning for a little more color? I know you have colorful kimonos too!
    Right now our pup is still groggy from the anesthesia. But there are days you just wish you could talk and understand them. Especially when they are in pain.

    • Oh, I hope Piper is feeling better soon. Then, comes the rough part…trying to keep them from being too active!

      This was the first time I put the two together…in my head, it worked. In reality, it’s OK. But, it definitely needs something more should I ever need to wear something for warmth.

      Thanks, Jodie!

  5. My husband is the pet whisperer around here. It would definitely be easier to handle a sick animal if they could tell us what is wrong! To me, the striped dress calls for bright color, but I hear you that it is not easy to style.

    • Thanks, Sally! This is the first time I put this button up with the dress. And, I think you’re right. It just dulls the look completely. I really thought the two would work, but you live and learn, right?

      My husband is not a pet person at all. But, I have to give him credit because he cares for our pets just the same. He just doesn’t love on them.

  6. I think I’d love to speak both cat and dog! We have one of each and whenever they encounter each other there is a lot of talking going on! haha! Love your pattern mixing going on. I’m the same way about belts-they must be leather!

    • Hahaha!!! I’m not sure I’d want to hear what my cat (I don’t currently have one) was saying. I’m sure it would be all kinds of snarky! Thanks so much about the pattern mixing. And, I’m glad to hear I’m not the only belt snob around!

      Thanks, Laura!

  7. I used to wish I had a headband I could put on my babies to know what they were thinking or wanting: would have made life a lot easier, lol! I think the same with pets. I haven’t had a dress like that in quite a while, the last was from Old Navy so probably an old version of this particular tshirt dress. I found I didn’t wear it very often.

    • Oh, those baby years were so hard. I was never one of those moms who could tell the difference between their crys, either. Yeah, this dress is rather shapeless without a belt, but it cost me pennies. So, I’ll keep playing with it!

      Thanks, Mireille, for coming by!

  8. Your kimono game has been on point lately, Marsha! This is another gorgeous one and I really like it over the striped dress. I am also a belt snob! Cheap leather ones are the worst. So it either has to be real leather or some fabric or canvas material. I am digging the macrame style belts right now and have added 3 or 4 of them to my closet in the last 2 years. The sandals are adorable but super bumming that they are not good quality. This was a super fun post to read. I am cracking about dog speak. I always think pets must have the most interesting stories to tell. Can you imagine all the things pets see and hear in their respective homes?! I always talked to our dearly departed bunny George and the kids would tell me he doesn’t understand English. I asked them what language they thought he understood. They said rabbit. And I asked how many rabbits does he know? The only language he has ever been exposed to is English and cat. He probably thinks he’s a cat. And English is his language! LOL


    • Hahaha!!! I love your story about George! I think you were probably right…he learned English because cats are too busy being aloof that they didn’t talk to him. I always wonder if Jack doesn’t have a Scottish accent. One of my granddogs is a grey lab. When my son-in-law “talks” for him, it’s always in this slightly dopey voice which perfect fits Charley!

      I don’t wear that many belts now. I have quite a few and am slowly incorporating them into my outfits. I just recently added two macrame ones that I really like. This poor kimono was just sitting there waiting for someone to claim it! I really like this particular style because you can change up the way you wear it.

      Thanks so much, Shelbee, for coming by!