Final Fridays: For What It’s Worth!

I finally found the pitcher flowers!

Number 5

As usual there are lots and lots of words in this one as well as lots of photos! If you’re new to the blog, this is my monthly recap with a few opinions thrown in. Those opinions are the “for what it’s worth” part of this! I’m also throwing a link party so please link up your favorite posts. Don’t have a blog? Don’t worry! You might find a new blog or two!

What I’ve been reading…

remarkably bright
white hare
Mrs Astor
how to sell a haunted house

This was a slow reading month for me. I liked all four books, but I just couldn’t seem to hit my stride while reading them…with the exception of the Grady Hendrix book! Remarkably Bright Creatures is an amazingly beautiful book about relationships. Sure, there’s a bit of an almost impossible to believe story line in it, but I loved the book despite that. A book of historical fiction, The Second Mrs. Astor, was a very good counterpoint to James Cameron’s Titanic. We meet some of the same characters briefly. Like many books I seem to read, the author must have had a word count she needed to meet because the ending was a bit lackluster. I would still recommend it if you’re into Titanic stuff. The White Hare was a book I struggled getting into. I think it was because I had a pretty good idea about the outcome. Think of it like a red velvet cupcake. The frosting is what you really want (and lots of it), but the cake part can be a little dry. Like the cupcake, the inner story was just a little dry, but the outer story was luscious.

A little more…

Now, let’s talk Grady Hendrix! I’ve read other books of his, The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Vampire Slaying and The Final Girl Support Group. Hendrix did not stay away from gore or evil lurking in every corner in the first two books. And, he definitely did not with How to Sell a Haunted House! I liked this book for a couple of reasons. It’s set in Charleston where my daughter lived for a few years so I was familiar with many of the places he mentioned. The second is…well, I’m not going to tell you because I don’t want to give anything away! This book is one wild ride, and just when you think things can’t get any weirder, sister (and brother), hold on to your seats because they are! If you’re not into the supernatural, these may not be the books for you. If, however, you take these things with a grain of salt (thrown over your left shoulder for good measure), then try one of them! I think my favorite was the Book Club. But, don’t take my word for it!

What I’ve been watching…

I got smart and jotted down the things we’ve been watching. We started watching Yellowjackets again, but I don’t think we finished the season. I’ll have to check. And, of course, we had to watch the next season of Star Trek: Discovery. I’ll be honest; it’s not my favorite. I don’t know if it’s because the actress playing the lead seems to be just acting rather than committing to the character, or if the story lines just leave me cold. If you’ve watched it, let me know what you think. On the other end of the space/time continuum, we watched Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. I’d have to say the only redeeming quality to this movie, for me, was the all too brief presence of Regé-Jean Page! It’s your typical, run of the mill fantasy-adventure movie.

A little more…

The next two shows, a movie and a series, have strong leading female roles. The Mother stars Jennifer Lopez as an ex-military assassin who has to rescue her daughter. I’m not familiar with J Lo’s music, but, as a rule, I think she’s an underappreciated actor. She is not afraid to look unattractive in a world where that is taboo. Is this movie a bit farfetched…maybe…but I still enjoyed it. The Diplomat is a television series on HBOMax and stars Keri Russell. I wasn’t familiar with her, but she was Felicity. One thing I do remember is the hoopla when she cut her hair. In The Diplomat, she plays a diplomat (duh) who believes she’s going to the Middle East. At the last minute, she’s sent to London. She is not happy, and we are subjected to her character being surly and churlish over this terrible gig! She refuses to dress in more than a black suit, and her hair is usually looking rather dirty and in need of a good brushing. I don’t say this to cast aspersion on the actor or the character. I think it’s used as a device to get across that she just doesn’t care to present herself as anything other than who she is. Rory Kinnear is also in this show and, as usual, delivers a top-notch performance.

Still more…

We watched the rest of Marie Antoinette on PBS. I’m so glad it’s been renewed. I mean, I know how it’s going to end, but the costuming, the scenery, and the skullduggery are all just so over the top! Of course, we watched Queen Charlotte. I love period pieces anyway, but the costuming and the wigs were amazing on this show. I was a bit disappointed that the series just seemed to end. I would actually love another season of this spinoff from Bridgerton. And, while we’re talking all things royal, I watched the coronation of King Charles III. You know, I think I would have maybe chosen a different name as the first two King Charleses didn’t fare too well! But, I loved the pageantry and having been at Westminster several times, it was nice to be able to figure out where things were taking place.

What I’ve been working on…

I seem to not only be the Queen of Procrastinators but also the Queen of Unfinished Sweaters! Right now, I have four to be finished. A week ago, there were only three, but I didn’t understand the way to attach the sleeves to the purple sweater above. So, what did I do? I started another one! That’s the grey you see in the first two photos. Actually, it’s an amalgamation of two patterns. I couldn’t get the stitch pattern to come out for the sweater I had originally started so I switched to a different top down sweater with lots of cabling on the front. Will I finish this one? Well, I guess only time will tell!

A little more…

It seems we’ve spent lots of time out in the yard planting things and getting everything ready for summer. We added hostas and Japanese painted ferns to the north side of the house. It doesn’t receive any sunlight until very late in the day. The landscaper planted one, notice I said one, rose when the mulch bed clearly indicates two! She said what we had picked out negated the price of a second! I wasn’t going to argue with her so we took ourselves off to a new-to-us garden center and bought a second. She planted a David Austin Susan Williams-Ellis. When we were first talking rose bushes, I told her I wanted a rose that smelled like a rose. This one has a scent, but it’s not very powerful. I’m a little disappointed after we bought the second, Desdemona. It looks and smells like a rose!

The Desdemona is in the foreground.

The front and north sides…

The south and back sides…

This area definitely needs some love! Not sure what I’m going to do here as we share it with our nextdoor neighbors.

What I’m buying…

Honestly, this is the section I am most uncomfortable writing. I feel like I’m boasting about what I’ve bought. I spent many, many years counting every penny. And, now, I can afford to buy clothing I like. So, with that caveat, here we go. I took a chance and ordered two pairs of shoes/sandals from a new company. The shoes look a lot like L’Artiste. I’ll have to wait until I get them to see. I ordered them the middle of April and still haven’t received them. I guess saving a few dollars isn’t worth the stress of watching my shoes go to Cleveland, OH, sit there forever, find out the tracking number was counterfeit, and then have the shoes come through California. The first pair finally arrived on Tuesday. They weren’t in a box but wrapped in paper and in those strange paper-ish bags, covered with bubble wrap and squashed into a plastic bag! I don’t think I’d have received them if I hadn’t threatened to notify my credit card company to cancel the order. I’m still waiting on the second pair!

A little more…

I also purchased the beautiful silk dress from Nordstrom. I know it was a splurge, but I think it’s the kind of dress that will stand the test of time with changes in accessories. I also bought a few more linen pieces from J Jill as well as the fun pants and tee seen here. One thing Nigel convinced me to buy was the Dyson Air Wrap system. I’m still learning how to make it work for my hair. I have extremely fine hair that doesn’t hold a curl. What you usually see is my hair freshly done and hairsprayed within an inch of its life! These Kantha hoops are so much fun and actually show when I wear them. When I tried to put one on, the post broke right off. I notified World Finds and asked for a replacement finding as I was pretty sure I could “restring” them. Instead, they sent me a brand new pair! That is true customer service. I purchased a few dresses and tops from April Cornell. I also finally bought a dress and slip from Gudrun Sjödén and love them!

Where I’m going…

Seriously, I wish I could write I’m going somewhere. But, the reality is we’re playing a waiting game for now. The next few weeks will provide some answers to some questions. I hope to spend this fall doing a fair bit of traveling.

What I’ve worn…

Wrap it up, Marsha!

Well, if you’ve made it this far, I applaud you and your persistence! We didn’t really seem to do much this month other than work in the yard. I miss having larger areas to plant, but I’m loving what we’ve done so far. Nigel has promised me a couple more rose bushes…maybe more Desdemonas. But, there is an Emily Bronte, and I love Wuthering Heights! I’m so glad I note things down in my editorial calendar so I can quickly figure out what I did! Maybe, I’ll have a sweater done next month! So, can we talk? Have you been busy planting outside? Or, have you been busy preparing for winter weather? Are you team sci-fi/adventure/fantasy, or are you team historical fiction/give me a storyline? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise I will respond as soon as I can. The next week or so is going to be a little iffy for me so please bear with me.

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am now an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post. I am now so very happy to tell you I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off any order over $75.

Thank you!

Thank you so much for supporting my blog by subscribing, commenting, or emailing. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend with Michelle every Thursday. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

And, now it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. I’m still thinking of buying the Dyson package, but hell is it expensive or what! I don’t know any of the books you read more the series you watched, lol. What can I say, Holland is a small country……

    • The more I work with it, the more I like it. Yeah…that cost is painful. I bought it at Nordstrom because so many people in reviews complained it quit working right after the warranty was up. I know Nordstrom will stand behind it forever! I would love to visit Holland some day. It looks lovely!

      Thanks, Nancy!

  2. I really enjoyed The Diplomat a lot. I mostly recognize/know Keri from The Americans where she played a Russian spy. But I like her character in The Diplomat much more. I used to love historical fiction but for some reason I haven’t been reading any historical fiction novels (despite having asked for and been gifted several at Christmas and picking up a handful of them at the library each month!).

    I worked a bit on planting this week and put out a few posts of annuals; despite weeding and getting the garden ready just a few weeks ago, I noticed yesterday that it’s already time to weed again! I’ll put it off for another week or so though as I hate weeding.

    • I haven’t watched The Americans. I think it was too closely related to whatever was going on in the world at the time…I don’t really remember. I should add it to our to be watched list! I like historical fiction if there’s a connection I can relate to. And, I rarely buy books because I rarely reread them. There are probably only two I reread…Wuthering Heights and The Inferno…bet that surprises you!

      Oh, we have mulch all around the house. The grass just keeps peeking through…drives me crazy!

  3. First off, love all the greenery around your house. You must show pics when we are in the middle of summer. Love these pretty roses and all of your looks are fabulous. I need check out some of these shows you are watching. I finished Queen Charlotte and would like to see The Diplomat.

    • Thanks, Kathrine! I am hopeful everything gets even bigger and better. I’m a little worried about the winter, though. A neighbor lost all of his bushes and perennials on the west side of his house this past year. I’ll just baby them along and keep talking to them!

      I think you would like The Diplomat. It’s a very smart show once you get Keri Russell’s character.

  4. Only 4 unfinished projects? Hahahahaha. The worst part is when you leave them for so long, I totally forget about them. But I have this idea for a couple of them…we will see if I ever get to it.

    • I think I have one other, and that is a crocheted afghan. But, these sweaters…I have got to just sit down and figure them out!

      Thanks, Jodie!

  5. Busy month! Looking forward to seeing the new shoes that look like L’artiste. I enjoyed The Diplomat once I realized it was a bit of a spoof. Enjoy your weekend.

    • Thanks, Gail. The pair I’ve gotten are quite colorful…I knew they would be, but I was surprised to see how closely they resembled the photo on the website.

  6. Thanks for the linkup opportunity. Happy Memorial Long Weekend to you

  7. I liked Queen Charlotte, but thought it could have been an extra season too! I wonder if they will do another season but focus on Violet or another character?

    • I have heard there will be more seasons, but I want more of Queen Charlotte’s story line. She’s such a captivating character! And, it took me so long to realize the connection between Violet and Lady Danbury! That was a surprise!

      Thanks, Laura, for coming by!

  8. Next time I will join this linking party. 🙂

  9. I should have warned you about Super Lady Star’s shipping time. I think they are all shipped from China. I ordered three pairs of sandals from them and love them all. That makes 5 purchases from them in total for me. Now if they weather would just get warm enough that I could wear them.

    Your baby gardens look wonderful! The landscaper should stick to the plan, not change it because her costs were higher than she expected. I mean, it seems like she doesn’t understand the term “plan!” Hmmpphh!

    • Thanks, Michelle! I knew the shipping time would be longer than usual, but the tracking was just so wonky. According to the first, they made it to Cleveland and just sat there for weeks. When I tried to use the tracking number on the USPS website, it said the number was counterfeit. That’s when I started to get worried. The first pair is here and really cute though I’m not quite sure how to style them! I’m really anxious to see the second pair as they are sandals!

      We were goofs and didn’t ask for a copy of the amended landscape plan. It’s all good because I like the rose we bought much better!

  10. Hello Marsha! It sounds like you had a busy May. The yard is looking great. Nice work. Of the shows you mentioned, I’ve only watched The Diplomat, and I quite enjoyed it. Here’s to a joyful June!

    • Thanks so much, Christie! We have been working hard on the yard and landscaping, but, unfortunately, the next couple of weeks are going to be dry. That means dragging hoses all around.

      Have a wonderful June!

  11. Hello Marsha, thank you for joining us for WBOYC? to share what you’ve been up to. Your fashion photos are lovely and so full of Springtime. Here in Australia we are finishing Autumn and heading into Winter. Although where I live in Queensland, winters are mild and sunny. I have seen good reviews of Remarkably Bright Creatures so must add that to my never ending TBR list. Enjoy June we are heading off to a cruise in June which I’m looking forward to. xx

    • Thanks so much, Sue! Our weather has been delightful, but it looks to be quite warm this coming week. We haven’t had much rain so that means lots of watering ahead. Oh, I think you will enjoy Remarkably Bright Creatures…and, I definitely understand the never ending TBR list! But, that just means there are still lots of really good books to read!

      I hope you enjoy your cruise.

  12. Ooh, I loved The Diplomat, Queen Charlotte, and Marie Antoinette! Now that spring has arrived though, I don’t have much desire to watch television!


    • They were so good! I really hope there is a Queen Charlotte sequel. I’m pretty sure there will be additional seasons based on the Bridgerton books, but I just loved the Queen Charlotte version. We don’t watch tv until around 9:30 at night. Then, I do my blogging so it’s just background noise unless I like it!

  13. Your garden looks lovely – as does all the colour you’re wearing for Spring. I loved Queen Charlotte and thought the same about Keri Russell’s hair in The Diplomat. Thanks for linking up with us this month.

    • Thank you, Joanne! I thought I was being a little snarky about Keri Russell’s hair, but it really bothered me! I hope there is a sequel to Queen Charlotte. It seems as if they could do another season…maybe with the new heir being born.

  14. Hi, Marsha – Thank you for linking up with us at #WBOYC.
    I also greatly enjoyed Remarkably Bright Creatures. Yes, you have to suspend belief – but once you do, the book is absolutely beautifu!

    • Thank you for hosting it, Donna! Suspending belief…I hadn’t even thought of that! I just loved everything about this book!

  15. Your wardrobe is beautiful – care to shop for me? I detest clothes shopping. Well really any kind of shopping. As to TV ans movies and books I am team historical fiction all the way. Can’t do sci fi at all but rarely watch TV or movies. On our recent long flight home I watched Paddington 2 – right up my alley!!

    • Thank you so much, Bernie! I would love to go shopping for you! You probably wouldn’t like what I picked out, though! I detest grocery shopping…so tedious and they move things around all the time!

      I love historical fiction, too! Sci-fi is not for me, but my husband likes it. It’s been such a long time since I’ve been on a plane…I hope that changes this year!

      • I love colour so you might be surprised — I love your colourful dresses. I don’t really like any kind of shopping but tolerate grocery shopping when I have to. My other half does a good portion of it. I usually go to the same store and I can mostly find what I need.
        I hope you get to travel somewhere. It’s almost like discovering a brand new thing again as it has been a long time. Bernie

        • Thanks, Bernie! Oh, I hate grocery shopping! It’s the worst…our grocery store was replaced during the pandemic. We were ordering our groceries online and picking them up. Now, when I go into the store, I’m totally lost. It doesn’t seem to have any rhyme or reason to the layout! Nuts are near the bakery. I would put them in the baking aisle. Peanut butter is in the aisle with baby food. Honestly? I’d put it with the bread!

          I am hopeful we are going somewhere this fall. But, time will tell!

  16. Hi Marsha, lovely to see all your spring fashion and to read what you’ve been up to, very busy lady!! Thanks for joining us for WBOYC this month, it’s always fun to read your posts 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Debbie! Thank you for allowing me to link up! It’s amazing to see what I get finished in a month!

  17. Oh thanks for hosting the link up Marsha, I’ve joined you with a couple of posts. I’ve been watching Queen Charlotte and loved it. Have you seen the series? also lovely outfits and thanks so much for adding to my linkup this week. Jacqui x

    • You are so very welcome, Jacqui! Yes, I loved Queen Charlotte! I do hope there is a sequel even though I know there are more books in the Bridgerton series. I’d love to see more about her.

      And, thank you for hosting your link up!