Final Fridays: For What It’s Worth!

A rare sighting of Nigel!

Number 8

Well, August is coming to an end, and I, for one, am ready. We began the month with lots of rain and have beautiful yards to show for it. But, this past week, the weather turned hot and humid with heat indices around 107F (41.7C). That is miserable. We also have an air quality alert which is nothing new for the Indianapolis area. So, I’m ready for cooler weather with less humidity. If you’re new to the blog, this is my monthly recap with a few opinions thrown in. Those opinions are the “for what it’s worth” part of this! I’m also throwing a link party so please link up your favorite posts. Don’t have a blog? Don’t worry! You might find a new blog or two!

What I’ve been reading…

This was a slow month for reading. I thought I’d read quite a few books, but when I checked Goodreads, the number was low. Oh, well, I enjoyed most of the books! I continued the young adult fantasy fiction and read the two Clocktaur War books by T. Kingfisher. Both were winners and definitely should be read in order. You know what? I had to google what Here’s to Us was about! OK, I’m back. I actually liked this book quite a lot. It’s a little different from Hilderbrand’s usual scenario.

A little more…

Maame is sort of a coming of age novel except the woman is in her mid twenties. Many different themes are all entwined in this story…racism, being a caretaker, learning about sex when you’re in your mid twenties. Did I like it? I think so, but I’ll admit I didn’t necessarily feel a connection to the character because I’ve not experienced any of the above. Now, Everything I Never Told You? I really wanted this to come out differently. The book ends on an up note, but halfway (or maybe even earlier), it’s not what you want.

A skosh more…

OK, so, Amy Shumer is someone I’ve heard of, but I’ve never really followed. I did watch a couple of her shows on Netflix when she and her husband were cooking in their apartment during Covid. Definitely not the Amy Shumer in this book. She says it’s not a memoir. It’s more like a collection of stories and memories. And, if you’re not one for lots of talk about sex, you might want to skip this one. But, I will tell you this. Reading this book is a lot like what I think being Amy’s friend or neighbor would be like. It’s written in a breezy, conversational tone, and I like that. I didn’t know I’m Glad My Mom Died is a memoir. I mean what real person would write a book with that title! And, I’d never heard of Jennette McCurdy. I have heard of “ICarly,” though. This is a gut wrenching book. I know it says it’s “impressively funny.” I didn’t find it so. It’s the story of McCurdy’s rise to fame as a child star and what her behind the scenes childhood was like. I think it’s a good book, but I don’t want you to think you’re going to be laughing. Shumer’s book will make you laugh out loud at times and cry at others. McCurdy’s book just makes you wonder.

What I’ve been watching…

I have started “The Seven Year Itch” several times and never made it through. I was determined to do so, and it helped that Nigel was watching, too. He loves Marilyn (as do I). I think the worst part of this movie is that, at no time, does Marilyn’s character have a name. She’s gorgeous and ethereal, but the story line kinda sucks. Somewhere or other, I saw a reference to the real Chevalier, Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-George(s). And, his story stuck with me. I love period movies so when I saw this, I immediately clicked. Luckily, Nigel is OK with it because I also watch “Guardians of the Galaxy” with him. This movie, “Chevalier,” has some gorgeous costumes and backgrounds. It’s a little short on the story, but, hey, they only have so many minutes, right?

A little more…

I went to see the “Barbie” movie with my 14 year old granddaughter and a group of her friends. They giggled through most of the movie, but I was touched to my core at certain parts. Yes, the fashion is amazing. And, I recognized many of the references to old Barbies. I didn’t get the “2001” reference, but thanks to Penny, I remembered that. But, Gloria’s speech…oh, my goodness! Tears streamed down my cheeks because that monologue completely nailed it. Now, if you want to watch a really different movie (and by different, I mean weird), take a look at “Don’t Worry, Darling.” I didn’t realize that Harry Styles was an actor. Watch the movie, then google it to get it! I certainly didn’t pick up on the “gimmick” of the movie. Let me know if you did!

We finished “The Righteous Gemstones” which I always think of as “The Fabulous Gemstones.” I think, while there is lots of over the top action, there is probably a lot of truth behind the premise of this series. I really like John Goodman, but I’d have liked him more if he’d dropped the southern accent. The series has been renewed for a fourth season even though it truly felt like it had come to an end. I know I listed both “The Witcher” and “The Lincoln Lawyer” last month, but both had split seasons. Henry Cavill is so gloriously handsome, but his character could work on his conversational skills! If you want a seriously good series, watch “The Lincoln Lawyer.” Wonderful actors, twisty plot turns, and a murder to solve…what more could you want?

A little more…

I hadn’t realized the next season of “The Great” was back on Hulu. Again, this show has amazing costumes and scenery. It doesn’t purport to be the true story of Catherine the Great, but there is some history in there. This is another series you might want to skip if the f bomb and sex scenes bother you because this show would have you think that’s all those Russian aristocrats did! “Betrayal” is a true crime podcast/series. It follows the courtship and marriage of two college sweethearts. As you can tell from the title, someone is betrayed. It made me cringe, but I’m not saying anything more about why.

Oh, my…

OK…now, if you want so weird it can’t be true, watch “The Curious Case of Natalia Grace.” My aesthetician actually told me about this (she tells me about a lot). I happened to mention it to my oldest son who said, “Mom, J and I both worked for that guy at Circuit City.” Yep, I think that means I’m less than six degrees from this smarmy dad. This case occurred about an hour away from me. It’s a case of “do I believe this? Oh, come on, that can’t be true. And, seriously?” I’ll be curious what you think of it if you’ve seen it or watch it in the future.

After Nigel goes to sleep, I watch my shows. I really, really disliked the first season of “And Just Like That.” Did you realize these women are the same age as the women characterized in “The Golden Girls?” It just seemed like a cash grab, and I just didn’t feel anything genuine in it. But, I decided to see what was happening in the second season. I have to tell you, it feels more like the original series. I just wish they would do something different with SJP’s makeup. Is it just me, or does she look washed out? I think she needs a brighter lip and some kind of eyeliner or no eyeliner. I can’t tell. I find myself looking forward to the next episode. Now, “Drag S.O.S.” is just a charming, makes me cry every time reality show. It takes place in England and centers around the House of Gorgeous. This drag family traverses the country, finding people who need a little “fabulous” in their lives. It is really just a lovely, lovely, heartwarming show. If you’re expecting “RuPaul’s Drag Race” level drag, this show isn’t it. If you’re looking for a little bit of drag and a lot of heart, this is the show for you.

What I’ve been working on…

You won’t believe it, but I still haven’t finished anything I’ve been knitting. I actually have all the knitting done for the Turnstile Wrap. I just have to sew it together. I think I’m putting it off because I’m afraid I’ll discover I hate the way it fits, or the color is wrong for my skintone. Both of those would be terrible (OK, first world problem, I know) because I’ve spent hours knitting this. I enjoyed the pattern. I used Malabrigo Rios. Malabrigo doesn’t do dye lots, though. You’ll notice a slight color variation even though I bought all the skeins at the same time. And, of course, I’m starting something new. It’s another scrapghan. This is actually the Chameleon scarf pattern and is a nice mindless crochet pattern. I can easily crochet this without looking at it. I am trying to get that yarn stash down.

Oh, yeah, I’m doing this, too…

I’ve now turned into a plant assassin. I have grown dracena for years and never had a problem. All of a sudden, two of the three just decided they were done! As you can see, the third is thriving. I googled propagating them, but I’m not having any luck so far. I’ve actually thrown out two of the three starts in the photo below because they were just rotting. I’m not holding my breath for the other. I usually have so much luck with dieffenbachia, too. But, this plant has just about given up. I’m not sure of the name of the last plant, but you can see it’s not very happy, either. I am beginning to think it’s the self-watering pots because they look overwatered. The soil, however, is dry. Another factor is how dark this house is. We only have six windows in the entire house. Five of them face the west.

My outdoor plants are flourishing despite the heat. I do water more now than earlier in the year. The neighbors probably wish I’d get rid of the ugly green five gallon bucket sitting at the edge of the patio. I have water in the bucket up about half way. I then put the hanging ferns in the bucket, water them, and leave them (one at a time, of course). This way, they pull up the water through their roots. I usually do that once a month, but have had to do it a couple of times a week lately. I took this photo of my hibiscus bush in all its glory. I’m pretty sure it’s now done blooming for the season.

What I’m buying…

I haven’t really bought that much this past month. Lilly Pulitzer had a little sale early in the month which amounted to 30% off so I bought a dress and tee. I bought the shoes, dress, and tees seen in this post. But, those two tees cost me pennies as I used my rewards from my Banana Republic card. Oh, and I bought the denim jacket seen here. I am failing miserably at my one thing in, one thing out, though!

Where I’m going…

Well, I’ve at least got Nigel thinking about renewing our passports so that’s a step in the right direction. We are both ready for a trip, but the heat is keeping us home. I can be miserably hot on my patio and not spend any money whilst doing so! I really do hope this summer is a fluke!

What I’ve worn…

Wrap it up, Marsha!

August was another month where I didn’t feel 100%. It’s only been in the last week that I’ve felt more like me. Luckily, my gynecologist had warned me that recovery would take this long. Thank you for the kind words and notes after my surgery. So, can we talk? Have you read any really good books? What tempts you to pick up a book? How about the movies or TV shows? Are you having hot weather, wet weather, or really, really nice weather? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as quickly as possible.

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off any order over $75. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!

Thank you so very much for reading today’s post. I hope you enjoyed it. I also very much appreciate those of you who comment, email and/or subscribe. It’s what keeps me going! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend with Emma every Thursday. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

Featured favorites from last month…

Suzy looks glorious, doesn’t she?
Shelbee and her family on vacation!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. I realise I am a plant assassin too. Love The Lincoln Lawyer. And I agree I think SJP makeup is a bit off…..

    • Thanks, Hilda! So, what is it with SJP’s makeup? I think it’s her eyes. And, I never used to be a plant assassin, but I’m going to blame it on the house!!

  2. Wow, you’ve read a lot of books Marsha! I don’t read books during the day – too busy. If I do get time to sit and read I have two political journals for some serious reading and thought, then there are my podcasts, which I am addicted to. My book reading takes place late in the evening as part of my ‘go-to-bed’ routine. It’s quite effective as I often find myself falling asleep that way!

    Barbie was just so clever and funny – think it was so very good and deserves all the accolades it gets. And your weather!!! Another wow! We had one hot day this week (Wednesday ) and then the following day was just as humid but was cloudy and then ended with violent thunderstorms and torrential rain.

    Thanks so much for hosting. Have lovely weekend 🙂

    • I used to read so many more books than I do now, Penny. I think Covid (I never had it) changed my attention span as I just can’t sit and read like I used to do. I have never found reading in bed to put me to sleep. I know most people do, but I’m better with watching TV!

      I do hope Barbie gets some awards. I love the message it sent, and I did, after you sent that link, recall the scene. I’m not sure if I could get Mike to see it or not. He likes action movies.

      We continue to have warm days, but this coming week is supposed to be much cooler. I think it’s just a tease as it will surely warm right back up the next week. We won’t have truly cool weather until the end of September.

      Thanks, Penny!

  3. I would not call I’m Glad My Mom Died funny either but I did find it a bit heartbreaking; having watched ICarly a lot with my boys I knew who she was and found her story quite riveting. We found Don’t Worry Darling to be such a weird and twisty movie for sure and I can never get over the antics of the Gemstones.

    • I don’t know that I chuckled at all with that book. I just felt so badly for her. Did you google Don’t Worry Darling? I missed so much of what was really going on! And, there’s supposed to be a fourth season of the Gemstones! I can’t imagine what they’ll get up to in another season!

      Thanks, Joanne!

  4. I’m having a huge stressful morning, well had actually. So I’m leaving it with enjoy your weekend…..

  5. So much you are watching right now! I loved Barbie too and can’t wait to watch Just Like That’s current season. SJP is my fashion icon. I don’t mind her being washed out. Just give me all the fashion. Lol! I am watching Suits right now and I’m obsessed. It’s an old series but so good. Love your patio and all your plants and flowers!

    • Thanks, Kathrine! The fashion is so much better this season, I think. I just can’t figure out why her eyes look like they do. I would kill (almost) for her hair! I will have to take a look at Suits.

  6. Marsha this was such a good post, from the rare sighting of Nigel to the shows and books – so much to enjoy! I felt the same way about the Barbie movie but had such a had time putting it into words. Went way beyond what I was expecting!

    • Thank you, Kellyann! Oh, that Barbie movie had me in tears a lot. I know it’s been polarizing, but the message is a good one for girls and women.

  7. My favorite post of all time. Thank you!! Thank you!!!

  8. I always enjoy reading your monthly recap posts, Marsha. I felt the same way about season one of And Just Like That. I felt insulted by a lot of it. Season two is definitely much better. I just finished binge watching Manifest on Netflix. My kids are so glad it’s over because I literally could not stop watching until I finished. It took over my life for the past few weeks! I am watching The Great for the second time through with Jeff. We love it. Thank you so much for the feature this week!


    • Thanks, Shelbee! Now, I kinda hope for a third season of And Just Like That. We watched Manifest when it was on regular tv. Did they add extra seasons on Netflix? The Great really is a fun show…not so heavy on the history but lots of fashion and swearing!

      You are so very welcome for the feature!

  9. How is it already the end of August?? Thanks for putting The Lincoln Lawyer TV series back on my radar!

  10. Plant assassin, LOL. That describes me to a tee. We laugh that we’ve even killed mint before, and everyone says you can’t kill mint.

    I always feel so left out because we rarely watch shows on TV. Oh, an occasional movie here and there, but the advantage of having a dog is she makes us get out for evening walks more. Sitting is the new smoking, right??
    You should join our FF book club. It’s right up your alley, and you’d give some great discussion, i just know.


    • I’m usually much better with plants. I’m just going to blame it on how dark this house is! I think I’m down to one plant from when we moved in! Actually, there are two really big plants in the garage that I’ve only watered a handful of times since we moved in. They are growing like crazy!

      We don’t start to watch tv until after 9:00. It’s rare to have the tv on in the daytime which is a big change for us. I do need to get out and walk.

      I will have to think about that. I read a lot but rarely sit and think about what I’ve read…quite literary, right?

      Thanks, Jodie!

  11. I’ve watched quite a few of these ! Agree that And Just Like That second series is much better than the first, but could be so much better. I quite like Henry Cavill’s gruff voice and grunting! We have had a poor summer weather wise, just a few sunny days, nothing prolonged. I’ll also be glad of cooler weather, it’s hard to sleep at night.

    • I’m hopeful, if there’s a third season, And Just Like That will get better. I think they’ve added so many characters that it may have diluted the stories. But, I’m enjoying the extra characters. I had thought Henry Cavill wasn’t going to be in this current season. But, I was glad to see him!

      Our weather has just been awful, but the coming week is supposed to be cooler. It has definitely been an odd summer. Luckily, we have air conditioning.

      Thanks, Gail!

  12. I just finished the Lincoln Lawyer and loved it! I need to watch the Curious Case of Natalia grace now. Sounds interesting!

    • Oh, you will have to watch it, Laura, and then tell me what you think of it. It’s so out there, it’s hard to believe it’s true!

  13. If there is a third season, I’m hoping that And Just Like That will improve. I believe they may have overpopulated the storylines with too many characters.

    • I agree with you, Mr. Malik. I think there may be too many characters for a series with so few episodes in a season.

      Thanks for coming by!

  14. Donna-Lynn E Connolly

    Hi, Marsha – I was jealous about all of the rain that you mentioned…until I heard the part of it being 41.7C. Yikes!!!
    You’ve devoured some great books and movies this month. I was surprised how much I loved the Barbie Movie….and Gloria’s speach….incredible!

    • Thanks, Donna-Lynn! The rain was really unusual, but I’m afraid the heat may be the new norm. We never used to get that hot…maybe one day every few summers. Now, it’s every summer and several days.

      Oh, I’m so glad you were moved by Gloria’s speech. I had tears streaming down my face because it was all so true.

  15. Hi there Marsha, this is my first visit to your blog from What’s Been On Your Calendar. I haven’t seen the Barbie movie but I can see from the different generations of commenters I know that there is something for us all. I think some reviewers are not using entirely accurate descriptors of some books …anyway I haven’t read the one about the mother being dead but am aware it’s about abuse too.
    I’m checking in from Australia and I think we are scheduled for our turn at a hot and dry summer…and I don’t like that at all.

    • Welcome, Denyse! The Barbie movie really is fun and meaningful all at the same time. Hmmm…I don’t usually read reviews prior to reading a book because I want to form my own opinions. When I read a review for anything, I want honesty more than anything.

      I hope you have a pleasant summer full of warm not hot days!

      Thanks so much for coming by!

  16. Hey Marsha, you are looking towards cooler weather I know there have been heatwaves in the US and Canada. We are looking for warmer weather. I love all of your outfits and you look very stylish. I loved ‘Everything I Never Told You’ and have read a couple of other books by Celeste Ng. I also enjoyed The Lincoln Lawyer (which I didn’t think I would). Thanks for linking up with us at #WBOYC? I must try to get to your link ups and make a note of when they are. Take care and Happy September. x

    • Thanks, Sue! Apparently, we were under a “heat dome” for a couple of weeks. Thankfully, we’d had unusually wet weather so our yards didn’t suffer for it. They are getting crunchy now. ‘Everything I Never Told You’ was heartbreaking, wasn’t it? I guess it bothered me how the other children were so aware of their parents’ preference for their sister.

      My link parties are every Thursday, the 10th of the month, the third of the month, and the last Monday and Friday of the month…gosh, I didn’t realize I had that many!

  17. I love, love, love the Rightous Gemstones – soooooooo wicked! And so extreme. I spent a lot of time wondering how they didn’t laugh all the time saying some of those shocking lines. The sister if fabulous. I too, weirdly mix up the name. I wonder what that’s about? I like Amy schumer – might check that out. Good round up – you’ve been busy with the popular culture – I like it! #WBOYC (I also hate watched and Just like that – they seemed absurdly rich and instead of glamourous, just vacuous and a little pathetic)

    • Oh, Lydia!!! You are so right. I bet they had to have walked away from some scenes and roar for a bit! I think Amy Schumer has written other books, but this is the first, I think. She writes just like I imagine she talks. I enjoy that kind of writing.

      And Just Like That…it’s like a trainwreck, right? Carrie must have inherited some really big money from Big! Even Aiden seemed shallow and uninteresting. I suppose, if they were middle class people just barely making it, we wouldn’t watch? I don’t know. I did like this second season much better than the first.

      Thanks, Lydia, for coming by!

  18. That’s a lot going on Marsha! I haven’t watched any of the shows you mention but i do like your honest reviews of them! I hope you’re feeling better now and getting over the summer heat. Exciting news about a possible trip, where are you likely to go? I haven’t seen the Barbie movie yet but want to. All the best for September and thanks for joining us for WBOYC.

    • Thanks, Deb! We are debating going to upstate Michigan or Vermont…both long drives. I am feeling much better now. We had a lovely week of cooler temps, but next week they will climb high again. Oh, do see the Barbie movie. It’s really quite good! Thanks for hosting WBOYC!

  19. I was astounded when I read that the golden girls were the same age as SJP and co in Just Like That. They seemed so much…well… older. I preferred the second series to the first, seemed a tad less try hard. I didn’t know what to think of Don’t Worry Darling, but watched it on a plane at the urging of my daughter & then went down a google rabbithole afterwards. Thanks for linking up with us this month.

    • I was shocked, too, Joanne, but I checked it out. Blanche was actually only in her 40s! I guess that goes to show how clothing and how you present (or are presented) yourself to the world definitely makes a difference. Oh, my goodness! I didn’t pick up on anything in Don’t Worry Darling. There were things I wondered about, but, never in a million years, did I know what was going on. I’m glad to see I’m in good company!

      Thanks, Joanne!

  20. You’ve been busy this month! Books, knitting, TV and movies and whatnot.
    Your patio looks so lovely and relaxing. But I’m sorry about your indoor plants. So sad (or annoying, rather) when they die. I’m a frequent plant killer myself but for some reason, most outdoor plants are usually happy with me!
    I don’t think you need to worry about not fitting into that colour – look at you in the pink dress, you look fabulous!! Nice work knitting by the way.

    • Thanks so much, Susanne! We need to spend more time on the patio, but it faces that hot western sun! My outdoor plants are doing fairly well with a few exceptions. I love to knit and have so many things going at once. I’m hoping to finish one or two before the end of the month!

      Thanks again!