Lots of new…
This year, I’m going to try really hard to link up with Kym at A Fresh Cup of Coffee for her year long series of Twenty-Six Lists. I think she does a photo challenge the other 26 weeks. Since she does this on alternating Tuesdays, I was torn about how to go about this new challenge. Do I do two posts on Tuesday? Do I skip a fashion post? Or, do I combine them? I bet all y’all are thinking I took the lazy route and combined them, right? Well, that is, ultimately, the route I decided to go. But, the reason for that is the number of views my posts get if I post twice on the same day. One post will get far fewer views and clicks than the other. This occurs every third Thursday for Ageless Style and the Global Writing Challenge. Anyhoo, head over to Kym’s blog if you want the list of 26 lists. She is organized and has the entire list planned out!

The rules…
Kym chose something close to my 10 on the 10th prompt (catch the preview here). Here are Kym’s words:
“a link-up with a prompt of a list theme every other week and participants can share a very simple list or elaborate on their answers; and the lists can be three items or thirty, a bullet list or essay style. It’s a fun way to get to know each other and there are plenty of ways to interpret the list prompts, depending on how much time you have to spend, and how much background you’d like to share.”

List #1…
List your accomplishments for 2023 and your goals for 2024. I think I will probably vary the way I respond to the lists depending on the subject. This go round, I’m using bullets (if I can figure out how to do that).
- Accomplishments (in no particular order)
- Rebooted the Weekend Traffic Jam with several different co-hosts
- Painted two bedrooms and the front hallway
- Rearranged the house to “save” my hutch
- Participated in ten Global Writing Challenges
- Wrote a monthly article for our church newsletter
- Did my first sponsored post
- Collaborated with three retailers
- Discovered new “friends” via the blogosphere
- Planted assorted perennials
- Murdered several houseplants
- Added to my pile of UFOs or WIPs
- Started writing my life story via Storyworth
- Continued my Brand Ambassadorship with April Cornell
- Made it through two fairly serious surgical procedures
- Completed three or four afghans
- Goals (in no particular order)
- Lose weight
- Get healthy
- Exercise
- Travel
- Write a church mini retreat
- Wallpaper the primary bathroom
- Finish at least one UFO (if not all)
- Start a book club

A look back…
I know lots of people (memes and gifs included) felt like 2023 couldn’t end fast enough. I’m not sure I fall into that category. It seemed to speed by, and I kinda regret that. I’m at that stage in the game where I want the years to meander a bit, last a little longer, stick around for a bit. My mom used to say the years sped by, and I think she was only in her late 50s then. It’s just so weird to me to think my 70s are approaching at warp speed. The only truly scary thing about this summer was when I thought I had cancer. That was the longest month of my life. It’s really something when your doctor looks you in the eyes and absolutely cannot tell you you don’t have cancer. I’m sure there are some of you who know exactly what I mean. Luckily, I didn’t have cancer. Other than that, the rest of the year here in Central Indiana was fine…not Ruth Zardo fine, though (IYKYK…just google it), but Marsha fine.

A little more…
I’m still feeling a little bit confuzzled in this new house. Except for the house we lived in when we first got married, I have always lived in a house with a basement. That’s always been a non-negotiable for me. I think it’s because, when I was eight, the Palm Sunday tornadoes roared through Indiana. I’m not 100% sure if that’s also the same time our entire neighborhood lost power for several days or not. But, I do remember riding around looking at all the destruction with my grandparents. I have been terrified of tornadoes for my entire life, and I’ve always insisted on a basement. Well, a basement was a no go with this contractor. So, I have a crawl space with this heavy, heavy wooden trapdoor-like thing you have to lift to get into it. I told Nigel, “None of the little old ladies and men in this neighborhood will be able to lift that thing.” His response was so encouraging, “I’m not going down there if there’s a tornado. It’s a death trap.” Men!

Still more…
Of course, the added bonus to a basement was all the storage, and believe me, I love storage! I had an entire room…well, I shared it with the furnace, the water softener, the radon gas mediation thingamabob, and the sump pit, but I had a room where I could store my Christmas stuff, leave my ironing board up all the time, and just have any kind of decor I wanted. It’s interesting because I wasn’t that much into creating decor for different seasons when I was teaching. I do think I poured all my creativity into my teaching. When I retired, that creativity had to go somewhere, so it went into decor! I actually had another room in the basement for my sewing, and I truly do miss that. I’m a messy sewer…sewist…atelier (ooh, I like that one). I like to spread all my stuff out and leave it there until I’m done…however many days that may be. Now, I have a card table (insert that ba-dum Debbie Downer always got on SNL).

The outfit…
Honestly, I could wear this Dahlia Duster dress every day (see it here). I love the colors, the way it camouflages my zucchini body, the swoosh factor; I love all of it! The people on the Kantha Bae Facebook and Instagram pages are really into the hippie look. That makes me laugh because, with very few exceptions, they were probably born in the 90s or this century! They combine this, that, and the other. And dang! Can they pull it off! I’ve had this Monarch Maxi skirt (same skirt, different pattern) for ages and couldn’t figure out what to wear with it. Well, I decided to emulate my young hippie friends and put two somewhat similar items together. And, you know what? I really kinda like it and won’t hesitate to wear it again. Did you notice it in the other photos?

The Lewk!

Remember how I told you I was tracking my spending? Well, I bought these before 2023 ended so they totally don’t count. Spring Step, the parent company of L’Artiste, is (maybe still, I’m not sure) having one of those buy more, save more sales. I was actually going to buy a different pair, but I kept coming back to these Fantastic Booties. My only problem was the red or the brown. I ultimately went with the brown because, well, just look at them! I thought they were perfect for both the Dahlia dress and the Monarch Maxi skirt. I threw on some beaded necklaces, bracelets, and etched silver earrings (all from J Jill a couple of years ago) to up my hippie currency (or is it cred).
Wrap it up, Marsha!
I totally realize my storage problem is a first world problem and that I’m extremely fortunate to live in a brand new custom built home. I also know I sound like a complete brat as I complain about having too many Christmas tubs which need to be stored in the crawl space. I know all these things yet they are my reality. And, I honestly try to keep it real with you. So, can we talk? How do you like this format for these two posts combined into one? Do you think it would be better to have two distinct posts (please say no)? Have you ever lived through something that kinda informed the rest of your life? Am I really just a whiner (please say no)? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as soon as possible. Don’t forget to visit Kym to see her lists!

10 on the 10th reminder…

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes, and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: https://www.zuvilife.com/products/buy-zuvi-halo-hair-dryer?sca_ref=4039595.v4RNNsWxxF. If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
I’m glad 2023 is over, well at the end of the day it’s just a day that past isn’t it. Anyway…. I’m totally the opposite of you, I’m always cleaning up and nothing is being left. Ha ha, I wish I was easier at that! If a Blogger post 2 posts on one day, I always read one. Sorry.
Thanks for the input, Nancy. That’s what I think most people do. I think I’ll combine these kinds of posts, but the ones I do on the third Thursday I will have to keep separate. I’m glad you were honest with me. I really appreciate that.
I try really hard to combine posts when I can and not have 2 in the same day for that same reason! I think this format worked just great.
Thanks, Joanne! I think I will have to continue to separate the Ageless Style one and the Global Writing challenge because they are so different, but I will continue to put these kinds together!
Oh the skirt and dress do work so well together – I did have to scroll back up to notice the layering after you mentioned it, they combine so nicely! Such a beautiful dress and skirt, and they are a great pairing!
I think whatever works for you for blogging is the way to go forward
I’ve tried a few things over the years but I’m settled into my 2-3 posts a week. I try aim for 3 but sometimes, it’s just 2. Whatever is achievable at the time is the right way to go 
Thanks, Mica! I was really surprised at how well they went together. I really do like them together.
As for blogging, I’m always impressed and a little intimidated by bloggers who post every day (like Sheila). Most of them, I know, have staff though (not Sheila).
First off, I LOVE the outfit.
You’re definitely not a whiner. We get used to something and it’s hard to change it. I know exactly what you mean.
It’s very impressive to list what you’ve done in a year this way. It really puts it all together.
As for getting done with all of my UFOs, I don’t think that’ll ever happen, LOL
Thanks, Jodie! I really loved how the colors worked so well together. I don’t even want to add up how many years I lived with a basement. It’s well over 60…that I do know.
I’m sure I did more things than this, but I couldn’t think of them. Another thing I need to add to my calendar, I guess.
Yes, we are going to finish UFOs…well, I hope I am. I don’t know how many you have!
Murdered several houseplants – LOL! I did this as well. My poor plants. I had so many and now…I don’t.
I love that dress you are wearing! And is your little door to the crawlspace like one of the wooden ones you see in movies, that people open to take shelter from tornadoes?
I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong with my houseplants. I used to be a good house gardener, but I’m like the kiss of death now. I’m seriously wondering if it’s our water. And, then that makes we worried because we drink that water!
No, our door thingy is actually several thick boards screwed together with a handle. They fit into grooves in the cement so the door is completely flat against the floor. I’d rather have one of those shelters like you see in the movies.
Thanks, Erin!
Well you look fabulous Marsha and no, I didn’t realize you had a skirt under that duster! I thought it was a dress – a beautiful one at that.
Definitely combine the two topics, ugh, the thought of 2 separate posts! And listen, you are not a whiner when you share how you feel. I’d be bummed too if I had no basement after having one before. Honestly it’s one of the reasons I’d love to move up north. I can imagine myself having loads of storage space and not having to climb a ladder to get things!
Thank you, Kellyann! You always make me feel better. I really do miss the ease of a basement because you can leave them a complete mess if you want, or you can live in them…we’ve done both! I’ll keep an eye out for a house for you with a basement!
I have never combined any of my Kantha Bae stuff, but I was just looking for inspiration for a blog post, and these two were holding hands! Hahaha!!
I didn’t live in a house with a basement until I moved to the midwest in 7th grade. But now I’m so used to having a basement I can’t imagine how I could get by without one! I see the conundrum with only crawl space. Quite a few houses around have a partial basement and then crawl space and we vetoed them when house hunting. But after 5 full years here I still feel really strongly about this house being our forever home so it all ended well! Your new boots are stunning. I love the embroidery! Statement shoes for sure!
Thanks, Laura! Our last house was really very nice (if I do say so myself), and now I know we should have stayed there and invested in a chair lift for the stairs when we eventually needed them. But, our forever home was the one we left in 2015…we just didn’t know it then. There are days I catch myself thinking about what I’m going to do in the backyard only to remember that backyard doesn’t even exist anymore. You are lucky to know this is your forever home, and from what I see, it’s absolutely lovely!
I really did dither about the red or the brown with these boots. I’m so glad I went with the brown because just that little bit of brown makes them that much more versatile.
Thanks again, Laura!
“Murdered several houseplants”
This is why I have only one houseplant. I kill the rest.
I absolutely love those boots! I have a thing for cool shoes. I love the dress too.
I think that the post works well combined.
I would be worried about not having a basement too if I went through what you did. We went through a horrible storm one time while driving somewhere and after that I was always on edge about driving if I knew there was going to be a bad storm. Of course, I freak out about a lot of things so when other people aren’t even worried about something bad happening, I’m right there to worry for them! Ha!
Thanks, Lisa! Believe it or not, I used to wear loafers in different colors. There was nothing cool about them, but they worked with my teacher clothes!
I used to be such a good plant mom, but I’m killing them right and left!
I need to get over the tornado thing because there hasn’t been a tornado here in years. But, with the weird weather now, who knows? I do know I’ll be the first one down in that little hole, though!
Pretty dress and it goes so well with the skirt and boots. Tornadoes – eek – I’d never thought about that. You had a busy year! Time does seem to go faster now. I enjoyed 2023 too. Sorry you had a cancer scare.
Thank you so much, Gail. Oh, yes, tornadoes are a way of life here in the Midwest. I haven’t ever actually been in one, but I will never forget the sight of those flattened buildings when i was a child. I don’t think who was more relieved about the cancer scare, me or Mike. But, luckily, it all ended well.
Hi Marsha there are so many link ups on offer. I like the idea of writing to a prompt so may join the Twenty-Six Lists if I can remember. You certainly achieved a lot in 2023 and isn’t it wonderful being able to write them down and reflect. You have a good variety of goals for all areas of your life so here’s to ticking some off in 2024. xx
Thank you, Sue! I link up quite a bit. That’s how I’ve found so many different blogs and bloggers. I like the format of Twenty-Six Lists…loose and casual. I think I’m going to write things down in my editorial calendar so I can do this again in January 2025 (oh, my word, can you imagine).
Pingback:A Completely Different Look! - Marsha in the Middle
I am glad you are fine. I appreciate the Louise Penny reference (and didn’t need to look it up)!
Thank you so much, Elizabeth! You must be a Ruth Zardo fan! I’ve yet to watch the tv series because I’m so busy reading the books!
Very late in the day I’m saying that outfit is gorgeous and as for your boots – they’re amazing. Not many houses in the UK have basements now – but they did have, so all our older housing stock there’s often a basement but they’re also often very damp!
Thanks so much, Penny! I love colors and combining prints so this worked well. Really old homes here in Indiana have cellars…with dirt floors. When we were first married, we looked at a wonderful house…until I went in the cellar. There was no way I would ever go down there nor would I store anything there. I’m very particular about basements. Our second home had an iffy basement, but I could hang clothes down there to dry. I think there may have been some shelving to store things because it would often flood. The last basement was truly the best because it had been built with the intention of someone having their bedroom down there (we didn’t build it).
Thanks so much for linking up with me and sharing about Twenty-Six Lists too! I love your list of accomplishments that including overcoming challenges and having fun! We often don’t give ourselves enough credit for the things we got done. Your goals aren’t a great deal different from mine.
My impression is that you have the energy and motivation and joyful spirit that it takes to achieve those goals too! And the dress and the boots are so on point – love them!
You are welcome, Kym! After I published the post, I was worried you wouldn’t want that much traffic since you returned to full-time work. So, I’m glad you are happy about that. Oh, I love that I give off that kind of vibe. I feel more positive about losing this weight than I have in a long time. I just want to be healthy again! And, I just discovered the mini retreat isn’t until April…hurray!
Thanks, Kym, for coming by!
Oh my gosh, Marsha, I think this is my favorite ever outfit of yours! That skirt is absolutely brilliant with the dress. I thought that it was all one dress! And those boots are simply spectacular. You have definitely captured the essence of Kantha Bae with this outfit, my friend. Beautiful! As for combining both post topics into one, you should do whatever feels and works best for Marsha! I, too, am always shifting myself straight into a place of gratitude as soon as any complaints of my first world problems begin to surface. We truly are fortunate and blessed.
I really love this question…”Have you ever lived through something that kinda informed the rest of your life? ” Jeff and I were just discussing this very topic the other night. I feel like every experience that I have lived through has informed the rest of my life. Like we are all just giant mixed up concoctions of our unique experiences. Fun topic for discussion and really great post, my friend.
Thanks, Shelbee! This was my first time combining Kantha Bae pieces. And, it will probably be my last as it doesn’t seem like any of the others go together. I don’t know…I’ll try and see what happens!
I think that’s interesting you and Jeff were talking about this. There have been several life-defining moments for me as well. I guess if we didn’t have experiences we would be the equivalent of a rock, right? Love that…”we are all just giant mixed up concoctions of our unique experiences.” You should totally write a post about it!
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