Several years ago, Nikkie of Nikkie Tutorials fame produced a video entitled “The Power of Makeup.” If you haven’t seen it, I’ve posted it below. Go ahead and watch; I’ll wait. It’s pretty amazing, right? I loved her comment about people approaching her and denying to her face that it was her in the photos! Makeup is a pretty powerful medium. You can change the shape of your face if you know the tricks. Oh, and, FYI, I don’t! What I wouldn’t give to have Nikkie do my makeup! I don’t try to contour my face. I barely put any blush on. And, there are days, I’m sure when I’ve been a bit heavy-handed with my bronzer! My point is makeup is one way to change the way people perceive you.
And, then there’s hair…
I haven’t always loved my hair. It’s thin, baby fine, and stick straight. My natural color was a nice enough shade of brown. My youngest sister went to beauty school, and when she graduated, I began my trip down Dyeing Drive! At first, it was just a few highlights to frame my face. These were semi-permanent, I think. Next, we moved to even more highlights as the wisdom strands appeared. Eventually, it was full-on dyeing on the regular. One of the things she would do much later is to bleach a section of my hair in the front. She called it an angel’s kiss. I just liked how there was this tiny bit of something different!

A little more…
Then, we moved, and I had to find a new stylist. I continued with the dyeing for a few years, but I was curious about what color my hair had become. My sister had been reluctant to let me go grey as our mom did not have pretty grey hair. It was really salt and pepper and drab. L, my new stylist, was up for the adventure. I don’t really remember what the process was. I do think she did some bleaching and highlighting, but my hair was much shorter then and grew out rather quickly. Of course, Covid then entered the picture, and I didn’t see my stylist for close to a year. I was good…I didn’t even cut my bangs! I had been growing them out, too! I was beyond thrilled to discover I had been hiding silver locks underneath the brown dye!

Just a skosh more…
Over the years, L has entertained my desire to play with my hair. It’s been rose gold/pink (not a fan) and straight out purple. Earlier this year, I asked her to put some teal and pink streaks in it. These were all very fleeting and gone in a couple of weeks. One other time, she’d done some kind of magic, and I had opal colored hair. We both agreed she’d never be able to recreate it again, but it was such fun while it lasted! So, when I went in the last time, and L asked what I wanted to do, I said, “How about a deep purple?” She grinned and went running to her stash! She came back with three or four colors…all of which she proceeded to put on my hair! She was a bit chagrined when she washed my hair because, instead of deep purple roots, I had Superman blue! I didn’t mind a bit. I knew it would wash out, and it was a good blue…Blazer blue, in fact (my grade school mascot was a Blazer always dressed in blue).

OK…maybe a little more…
Well, this time, the color is lasting much longer! I don’t exactly know why. The first week or so, I washed my hair with normal (as opposed to purple) shampoo and did so in cold water! I wash my hair in the shower so all of me got nice and wet IN COLD WATER! After those first weeks, I decided to go with my regular routine. I only wash my hair three times a week, but I wet it down every day and use a purple conditioner every day. The color has now faded to some pretty nice cotton candy shades.

So…Power of Hair…
I have been getting lots of compliments on my hair since I decided to go grey (this isn’t a bid for compliments). It’s actually rather shocking to me because my hair has never been my strong suit! But, with these new colors and the fading, I am getting compliments from the most unlikely sources! Nigel and I had some doctors’ appointments in the last few weeks. I’ve been complimented by men and women of all ages. Most surprisingly, a construction worker popped out of a door (you know the ones they put up temporarily), stopped out of shock because he obviously didn’t expect two people to be there, and then said, “I love your hair!” And, he wasn’t talking to Nigel! When I get these compliments, I’m a little taken aback because I’ve grown used to my hair and don’t expect these responses. But, then, I remember and thank the person! Who knew it would take Superman blue to get a response of any kind from a construction worker…a first for me!!!

Oops…the Power of Hair…
Hair is such a part of who we are, isn’t it? Think of the money you spend (or maybe it’s just me) on products, appointments, tools, etc. If we didn’t care about the way our hair looked, we certainly wouldn’t be spending such copious amounts! Now, before I go any farther, please don’t take this for any kind of hair shaming. I know many people have given up any kind of dyeing completely. And, vice versa, there are many who will dye their hair until their last breaths. You know what? Both kinds of people are right. We should do what we want with our hair. It’s ours, right? So, the power of hair is that it has the ability to make us feel like a million bucks or a dropped and forgotten penny. The power of hair is that it can transform a middle-aged Midwestern granny into someone who gets compliments from a construction worker! The power of hair is that it’s ours, all ours, and we get to decide! The power of hair is ours to give!

Casual look…
As you have probably figured out, these photos are from a few weeks ago, probably within the first week of my appointment. I thought I’d make my hair the star of the show so I went with very neutral clothing. My top is the Weekend Jersey Blouse from April Cornell (gifted). I have to tell you I really do love my jersey clothing from April Cornell. It’s always so comfortable as well as having some kind of special something. This top has rather intricate tonal embroidery. I am also a brand ambassador for April Cornell, but I only share codes I receive on catalogs. The code for this month is for free shipping on orders over $200. The code is CHEERS. Trust me, there are lots of goodies on the April Cornell website on sale, too! At this point, you may not receive them by Christmas. You might be able to sidestep that by calling the Asheville store! My jeans are actually cropped flares…hahaha!!! I love cropped pants because they end up being the right length on me! These are Wit & Wisdom (similar).

The Lewk!

Continuing with the neutral theme, I pulled out these Chelsea booties from Sofft. I love them! I think I bought them in one of the NSales a few years ago. The necklace and earrings are ages old and are from Talbots. Are pearls a neutral? I think so because they go with just about everything!
Wrap it up, Marsha!
Well, now! I’m off my soap box! I’m not sure I wrote the right words for this post. I’ve always heard it said your hair is your crowning glory. I’m in deep trouble! My hair is thinning, and my hairline is receding. I had an aunt who looked like a monk when she died (you know…bald on top with just that fringe around the edges). Losing my hair scares the bejeebers out of me. I don’t want, for one single minute, to downplay those who lose their hair due to cancer or alopecia, either. They have their own battles, I’m sure. But, I know that my hair is very important to me. So, can we talk? Are you among those who stopped dyeing your hair and love it? Do you think your hair influences the way you feel? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise I will respond as quickly as possible.

Affiliate links and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!
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10 on the 10th reminder…

It’s not too late to add your post to the link party! It doesn’t have to be about 10 on the 10th either! Just search for the 10 on the 10th and add your link!

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, My Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, Being a Wordsmith, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I’m a co-host on the Weekend Traffic Jam (here). I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I also host Final Friday Print Mixing on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
I definitely feel like my hair influences the way I feel. I haven’t dyed my hair since my boys were quite tiny… but I don’t have any gray hairs yet and I’m not sure if I’ll start playing around with color then or just let it go slowly gray. I say I don’t care but that’s easy to say when it hasn’t started happening yet! Lucky for me my family tends to go gray later in life than most so I think I have a few years yet to worry about it. I do have very fine/thin hair though and prefer it permed so it has body and volume to it so I do sit through the torture of a perm once a year.
Oh, the perms I’ve had! My hair is so thin (this sounds like a set up for a stand up routine, doesn’t it), the perm rods would leave permanent marks for weeks on my scalp! And, then just as I began to like it, the curl would begin to leave! I think hair is one of the first things other people see and that’s why it’s so important to us, right? When you get those first wisdom strands, just go with what feels right! There is no right or wrong answer…no matter what anyone says!
I spent my teen-age into my 30s years fighting/hating/despising my thick, natural curly hair. Fast forward to today — I’m 64 and am so very thankful for every strand. For years I wore my hair short, but discovered how much easier it is to manage when it’s a longer length. With all the products and tools available today, I have options. And, I love that! I am doubly blessed to have found an amazing stylist who I visit every two months or so. Currently I cover the the grey and play with highlights. At this point in life, I am finally liking my hair and having fun with it!!
Oh, Beth, I’m so glad to read that! Isn’t it funny how long it takes us to recognize what was literally staring us in the face? My granddaughter has the thickest curliest hair. At this point, she just washes it and puts loads of product into it. But, she’s at that age where she can just where it loose and long. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say she didn’t like it. I don’t know that I ever disliked my hair as much as I just didn’t like it…does that makes sense? It was the hair I had and I had to live with it. We are of the same age so you know the number of products was pretty limited (hello, Aquanet). I wonder…did you set your hair on orange juice cans? And, I think a good stylist is very important!
Thanks for coming by, Beth!
Oh now I am laughing because my mom used to roll my hair in orange juice cans with Dippity-Do … DO you remember that? What a memory!!!
Oh, my goodness, Beth! Of course, I remember Dippity-Do! Did you apply that, then use that funny paper-like tape to hold your bangs down? I really didn’t need to do that because my bangs were already straight! But, I did try to use the Dippity-Do on little pincurls at the side of my face…do you remember that! I didn’t use the orange juice cans, but my older sister did. I remember sleeping on those crunch curlers that you had the plastic pokey like pins. And, then the hair dryers? I remember when Mom brought our first one home! We were so thrilled! Oh, thank you for a giggle and a trip down memory lane!!
You have such beautiful hair Marsha – I would NEVER guess it was fine or thin. The color is so pretty on you too that no wonder you are getting compliments from all kinds of people! How fun!
Thanks, Kellyann! I spend so much time on it, I’m glad I’ve got someone fooled! I do like the color, but I really like my “natural” silver, too.
I think the fabulous color shows a spark of your personality and that’s why people compliment it. Besides it’s different. We think that grey hair means old lady and boring. But you are showing how that’s SO FAR from the truth.
I keep saying I want to add a cool color to mine too once it goes grey.
Spunky, for sure!!
Thanks, Jodie! I have just been overwhelmed by the number of people who say something about it! Although, when my hair was silver, a neighbor’s mom who is a hairstylist told me she has young women who come in asking for hair like mine! So, maybe it’s time for all of the silver haired old ladies to rise up and revolt!!! Just kidding…or am I?
Oh, goodness, I see an entire rainbow of colors on your head!
I’m not surprised a builder and others have complimented your hair. You can totally carry it off. People don’t expect vivid colors on older women and it suggests a rebellious, mischievous personality. I’ve dyed my hair since I was 14, and it surprises me to see how long it used to be when I had dark hair.
Thanks so much, Gail! It’s just so unusual for me to hear compliments on my hair because it was always just so blah. Brown, kind of behivey, not very stylish. When I decided to go grey, I also decided to let it grow out. And, I really do like the result! Oh, I quite like that…rebellious and mischievous!!!
I’ve been loving what you’ve been doing with your color of your hair. It makes me want to color my hair pink! Lol! I am a kinda of a crazy person when it comes to hair so I get the power of it. Thanks for sharing this awesome video. Love this chic top!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I used to say, “It’s only hair.” Then, I realized it was more than just hair. It was the feeling of empowerment it gave me. So, color your hair as bright a pink as you want! You’ll never know until you try it! Oh, you should watch the video where she does half of Adele’s face! Amazing!!
Well, you already know how much I love your purple hair! And why wouldn’t that construction worker compliment you?! You are adorable and stylish and obviously super fun! I always said that I would not stop dying hair until I was 60, but then Covid came along and changed my mind! I haven’t dyed my hair in a few years now and I am kind of loving being an old gray haired hippie! I did dye my hair consistently from the ages of 14-45 and now I am done! I agree with you completely that it is our hair and we should wear it however we love it. My 11 year old just went platinum blond! He actually wanted blue, purple, and pink but the stripping process took 4 hours and he was finished sitting there. Haha. I am going to take him back in about 6 weeks and get the color added if he wants. Fun post!
Wow…platinum blond!!! That was quite a process for him! I think that’s wonderful he can wear his hair in those colors. When I was teaching, kids couldn’t wear colored hair even on “Crazy Hair Day”…too distracting! What a bunch of horse puckey!!!
I just think it’s a hoot I had to wait to be this old to be complimented by a construction worker! But, hey, I’ll take it! You are so good for my ego and my id, Shelbee! Good old Covid helped along the grey hair movement, didn’t it?
Thanks so much, Shelbee!
I love your hair -both in the natural silver and the fabulous purple. If my hair was white, I would be keen to try some wild colors on it. I think I was 48 before I tried coloring my hair. And it wasn’t because I was dissatisfied with the gray strands; it was for fun because I’d never done it. Although it’s hard to tell now, my natural color when I was young was a bright shade of red. So I went for a bright shade of red. And funny story…, I started teaching in a business college then, and word got back to me that my students were afraid of me because of my red hair. They thought I had a temper to match. Despite the fact that I’m all of 5’2” and never yelled at any of them.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I really do like my hair for the first time in my life…well, for about five or six years now anyway! Oh, my goodness!!! I can’t imagine anyone being frightened of you…because of your red hair!! That’s strange how your hair color has changed so much. I would never have guessed it was red!
I started liking my hair in my late 30s and probably because I started to experiment with different cuts and getting highlights more regularly. I now get hightlights twice a year and I am working on getting my hair cut every 3 months instead of 6 months. It takes me an hour to get to my friend’s that cuts and colors my hair. I am loving these shades and it sure is fun to get compliments for unexpected people!
Thanks, Mireille! I always joked that my sister only knew one haircut…the one old ladies got! I could barely talk her into trying anything new! My stylist now is much more open to trying things, and I love it!
The beautiful lavender colour looks really good on you. It’s such a great bold choice!
Thanks so much! I really do like it a lot!
Totally agree that there is so much power in our hair (and how we feel about it). It can be empowering but it can also be a source of stress. Your hair is giving me LIFE with all these pretty colors woven so expertly through it. It’s blended and beautiful!
Thanks, Ashley!!! I was thrilled with the result even though L was a little bit worried about my reaction!! It was such fun whn it was realy vibrant. Now, it’s much more muted, but I still like it! Your hair is amazingly beautiful as are you! But, I’m sure, like me, you spend lots of time working with it to get it just right!
I think playing with your hair is so much fun! I would do it more often if I had more time for upkeep and such. Honestly I’m so lazy I often only get highlights twice a year. Yikes! I think it’s amazing when people are brave enough to try something new and bold. Your hair turned out so cute on you!
Thanks, Laura! I don’t have two young children around to care for either…so there’s that! And, now, I’ve just decided I’m going to have fun with not only my clothes but my hair, too! It’s a temporary thing (though it’s lasting much longer than usual)!
It’s amazing because your hair doesn’t look thin and baby fine so you’ve got a great hairdresser as the style too is lovely. But the colour is above and beyond – really great on you. Love it. yes, I totally get the reluctance to go grey as I dyed my hair for decades and didn’t know what it looked like. And I was reluctant to stop the dye as my mother’s hair didn’t look good when she stopped dyeing her hair. But actually I somehow stopped a bit before lockdown and surprise surprise it actually looked better than the custard yellow I’d been putting on it for yonks. So glad to be au natural now!
But your colouring is so good – keep on with those streaks – they’re very you!
Thanks so much, Penny! I will probably add some more color next year, but I’m happy to have this color fade away to the silver again for a bit. I do have an amazing hairdresser! She always works her magic on me! But, I spend probably an hour every time I have to do my hair just so it doesn’t look thin and fine! You have gorgeous hair…it looks quite thick and wonderfully full of texture. Isn’t it funny how much time we take messing with it only to discover we should have just left it alone?
Marsha, your hair looks freaking amazing!! I just ADORE it! It’s funny, I’ve been toying with putting a temporary (wash out) bright pink or something on my greys just for Christmas. I know my dark hairs won’t take, but the whites will, so it might look cool (it might not lol). But I thought it would be fun to try it, so I’ve been looking for one I can just do at home. Can I find it?! Nope…I guess I might have to just go to Amazon and see if they have something!
Can’t wait to chat to you on Monday!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Aww, thanks, Suzy! I really do love the way it turned out! My hairstylist was a bit worried I would be upset! But, my goodness! It’s so unique and awesome! Well, it was anyway! I am almost tempted to try to find stuff myself, too! But, I’d probably burn my hair and really end up with a shaved head (which is something I really would like to try but haven’t had the nerve to do yet)!
I cannot wait to see you on Monday either!!!!!!!