Traffic Jam Weekend Reboot #4

Week #4!

Welcome to another edition of Traffic Jam Weekend with me and Michelle! The weather in central Indiana has been its usual self. Tuesday, we still had snow on the north side of the house. Wednesday and Thursday, it’s been in the 60s (15.5C) and raining. Nigel sewed more grass seed to fill in the bald spots. The rain is good for that. We have a large hump behind us as a “screen” from the houses behind. We have been trying to come up with a plan for that. I think we’re going to plant a mixture of red twig dogwood and forsythia bushes and a maple tree or two. I also hope to plant some annuals and bulbs there, too. I’m quite ready to do some planting, but the garden stores don’t have much yet.

And, now it’s your turn!

Michelle and I invite you to link up your favorite gardening, DIY, baking, fashion, or book review posts!  We ask you to visit other blogs to show your support! 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. Marsha, thanks for hosting this link-up (I’ll thank Michelle as well). I’ve got a post about shopping habits that came out earlier today that I’m excited for people to read. I hope you and your hubby have a wonderful weekend.


    • You are very welcome, Rena! Your post was really interesting. I’m not sure if I participated or not, but I did comment on it! Enjoy your weekend, too!

  2. Thanks for hosting Marsha! Have a great weekend!

  3. I was looking around at my garden too and planning what I want to do when the weather finally allows.

  4. Thanks for hosting Marsha, so glad I made it in time! Been a crazy week.