Traffic Jam Weekend Reboot!

Week #9

Welcome to another edition of Traffic Jam Weekend with me and Michelle! We are so glad you’re joining in on the fun and sharing the link up! Life has been kinda quiet around here. I’m still looking at the big stick on paint sample from Sherwin Williams and pondering if it’s the right color for our bedroom. It’s only been there for about six or seven weeks now! Anyone used Silver Strand and loves it or hates it? Suggestions welcomed!

Thank you to everyone who has been linking up! We are continuing to grow so spread the word that Traffic Jam Weekend is back!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Michelle and I invite you to link up your favorite gardening, DIY, baking, fashion, or book review posts!  We ask you to visit other blogs to show your support!  Once again, thanks for your support!


  1. Mica Away From The Blue

    Good luck with picking the right paint shade! 🙂

    We had such a hard time picking the colours for our house when we were building – a lot of touring the different model homes and making notes on the paint colours they had before we decided, haha!

    Thank you for the link up!

    • Thanks, Mica! You are so smart! When we painted the kitchen and living room, we used the same paint we’d had at our other house. It looks different during different times of the day…the amount of light in the room really makes it change.

  2. I need to do something about my sad wardrobe. LOL. I didn’t really want to for a long time because I have been unhappy with my weight but I am down 11 pounds and have a few more to go! Maybe by next month I will be ready to add some new pieces to my closet. 🙂

    You always look adorable!

  3. Thanks for the party. I don’t know what Silver Strand is. As for wall colors, I only paint my walls white. It goes with anything, and I can bring any color in I want with accessories.

    • You are welcome. Silver Strand is a paint color from Sherwin Williams. I tried, at our last house, to live with white walls, and I just couldn’t do it. They always look so good in other people’s homes!

  4. Thanks for the opportunity to linkup here. Much appreciated.