Better than one…
My style has changed, evolved, whatever you want to call it over the years. Just as now, when I was teaching, I was known for wearing skirts and dresses. But, I don’t think I ever mixed prints or matched patterns. Let’s just say I was a toned down version of the current me. What I did do then and still do now is buy the same thing in a different color. If I find something I like that fits well and works for me, if it’s available in another color, and I like it, I’ll buy it!

A little more…
Is it a bad thing to buy the same item in different colors? Obviously, I don’t think so! Others, however, may disagree with me (that’s ok). There are times, though, I don’t buy in different colors. There are a couple of reasons for that. One of them is price. I love a bargain, but if I think something is worth the expense and will last for more than two seasons, I’ll splurge. I think that’s why so much of my closet is old! Another reason would be if the item was so very unique that a second would stand out (and not in a good way). Does that make sense? I can’t really explain it. But, even though I really like it, I wouldn’t buy another of this coat/dress (here). I even buy doubles and triples of certain basics like good white tee shirts. When you find the perfect (or almost perfect) white tee, you stock up!

Two is better…
When Gudrun Sjödén started seasonal sales in December, I bought another Polly dress (seen here). Honestly, I wanted this color from the get go. But, I went with the black/ivory version because I thought I could do more with it. I love a good jersey dress, and Gudrun Sjödén does them so well! One of the Gudrunistas on Instagram frequently wears her scarves wound round and about her neck like this. I’ve discovered a couple of things about doing it this way. I don’t have those pesky ends to wonder about, and the scarf actually does a fabulous job of camouflaging my double chin! I don’t buy a lot of yellow/gold, but a scarf is the perfect way to incorporate it into my/your wardrobe. I really wish I had an orange slip, but I thought this moss green slip worked well. I figure, if you take the turquoise and the orange in the dress and mixed them together, you’d get the moss green! I really do love the way these slips add that bit of je ne sais quoi to an outfit.

The Lewk!

I love these Leighton boots by Miz Mooz! They appeared for the first time on the blog here. Even when I don’t put my orthotics in them, they are comfortable…not walk all day comfortable but meander around the mall comfortable. I am seriously considering another pair because two is better than one, right? I also have lots of rewards at Nordstrom after Christmas. I am not one to wear a necklace under a scarf, but I’m trying to change that. Today, all of the jewelry is from different vendors and is years old. The necklace is from J Jill. I don’t even want to think how old the bracelet is (from Talbots), and the earrings were a gift from Nigel (a business trip to the Southwest). I’m not sure why, but I almost always think of turquoise as a summer gem. Of course, the only real turquoise are the chips in my earrings. I like the way the turquoise colored and wooden beads mimic the colors in my dress.
Wrap it up, Marsha!
My mom has been on my mind a lot lately. She passed in February 2004. It feels like a lifetime ago and yet like yesterday. Dad once told Nigel to take a good long look at Mom because that’s what I would be like in 20 years! To say we were alike in temperament is an understatement. But, Mom wasn’t into clothes at all! I think the only thing she ever bought doubles (more likely quadruples) were her polyester pull-on pants. So, can we talk? Are you someone who recognizes a good thing and thinks two is better than one? Or, are you more a one and done kind of person? When presented with a choice, do you go neutral or all the colors? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as soon as possible.

A new location…
We tried a new location for photos. I think it might work…just not on a windy day! Consider this the blooper reel!

10 on the 10th…
I haven’t forgotten! I’m just trying to figure out what to do with it this month. I promise to have it up either tonight or tomorrow!

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links, discount codes, and such:
Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. Use Marsha12 for 12% off any order of $65 or more at Buykud. I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: https://www.zuvilife.com/products/buy-zuvi-halo-hair-dryer?sca_ref=4039595.v4RNNsWxxF. If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:
Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez Mireile, The Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World and A Fresh Cup of Coffee. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, Doused in Pink, I do deClaire, Mummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda, Lisa, and Sue. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!
Oh yes I will definitely buy multiples when I find something I like… as long as I like the other colors/patterns it comes in!
Ahhh, a woman after my own heart! I almost always regret when I don’t get another of something that is a “unicorn” piece.
Thanks, Joanne!
My goodness, that print is SPECTACULAR! The colors, the wavy vertical lines, the birds…just WOW.
Multiples is a great topic!
I actually have quite a few multiples (in different colors) in my wardrobe, too. When you find something that has the right fit and style, it can be like finding a unicorn, and when it’s a basic/staple item like a T-shirt or pullover sweater or simple pants, it’s not like anyone is going to notice that you are wearing the same cut of T-shirt a couple times a week. I find that it’s a lot easier to put together outfits when I have fewer different silhouettes to deal with (silhouettes and proportions being the most challenging aspect for me). For example, I have a little mini capsule made up of multiples that I wear a lot in spring and fall: 3 pairs of skinny pants, 3 long open sweater vests, and several t-shirts. Because each of these components has the same shape, I know that if Pants A and Vest B and T-shirt C work together in silhouette/proportion, then any combination will work! And because the colors go together, it makes for very easy mix-and-match outfit making.
On the opposite end, if a statement piece (like this one) has a fit/fabrication/etc. that you like, and you are happy to have it be noticeable (unlike my basics discussed above), it can be a smart decision to buy multiples because it becomes part of your style signature. As for me, I don’t necessarily notice when you wear the identical dress in a different color/print because I see this category of long print dress (that includes your April Cornell, Gudrun, that brand you and Daenel wear…Kantha Bae?, etc.) as a cornerstone of your style. (You might laugh that I’ve categorized them together because the brands have their own individual vibe but they come together to be “Marsha-type dresses” for me, if that makes any sense at all!)
I think maybe it’s that middle ground, where something isn’t a basic and isn’t a signature, that may be the area where buying multiples could be a mistake; you might get tired of wearing the same somewhat-distinctive item over and over again and/or feel like you look too repetitive in your looks. If they’re basics, they kind of fade into the background so repetition is less of an issue; it’s other aspects of the outfits that will make the statement. If they’re signature pieces, looking/feeling “repetitive” in the sense of having a consistent style that expresses your personality and what you love is great. But that somewhat-distinctive item might work really well for you to pop into outfits occasionally to keep things interesting (so maybe you only need one of them), but it might become stale/boring or start creating a “not me” feel to your outfits if it appears to often. An example of this for me is probably soft wide-leg pants. I have precisely one pair of them that I like to wear to shake up my typical slim-leg pants profile, and it’s in a color/print that I really like and is very wearable for me; if I bought more of that item in various colors/prints, I would either (1) split my wears across them, which is a waste of money and closet space or (2) feel like I need to wear that item more often than I want, which would make me dissatisfied.
Examples of times to wary of buying multiples:
-You love one particular piece a lot, then you buys others that you really don’t love. For example, maybe I really love the colors/print of a certain shirt so I buy it. Then later, when other colors of the shirt are on sale, I might be tempted to buy additional ones, not thinking through that the reason I loved the shirt was the color/print, not the other aspects of the shirt!
-You like the other colors it’s available in, but they aren’t ones you actually wear very often and don’t really have anything to wear with them. So the multiples become closet orphans.
-You have an item that works great for a type of life event/situation so you buy more of them. But since that situation doesn’t come up very much, you find yourself waffling between whether to wear your favorite one or one of the others just because you have them.
-It’s a new type of item for you that you’re still figuring out how/if you will wear it. Buying multiples when you haven’t figured out how the first one is going to mesh into your wardrobe puts you at the risk of a costly purchase mistake.
Oh, Sally! So much to talk about here! We should be neighbors…you would keep me from buying things I really like but may not look good in and I would encourage you to buy things you wouldn’t necessarily choose but look fabulous in! On second thought, it’s probably a good thing there are several hundred miles between us. I love that you think in terms of “Marsha-type” dresses! Do you actually think that when you see one? I honestly have no idea where this deep love of dresses comes from because I was such a tomboy all my life! I have always loved clothes, though. I think one of the items of which I have multiples and your theory about having them and they become stale are the charming cardigans from Talbots. I have several in lots of different colors. Every time I think about getting rid of them, I think, “Oh, one of these days, I’m going to need the perfect third piece. This will be that.” But, honestly, I don’t reach for them because I feel like they’re not me right now. So, do I get rid of them when I have ample space in my closet to keep them? They are a true classic…a button down cotton crew neck cardigan. I keep pondering that. I probably just need to start wearing them to see how I feel in them and then make a final decision. Thanks for this excellent comment, Sally!
Yep, I totally think “Marsha-type” dress when I see one, and it makes me smile!
The Talbot cardigan question is interesting. I tend to be slow to make decisions about what to purge from my wardrobe because my own style fluctuations have a rhythm that I might not wear something for a couple years then start wearing it a lot again. I agree that wearing them and seeing how you feel in them will help make the decision. If you are keeping them for the time they’ll be the perfect third piece, what happens if you create an outfit like that and wear the cardigan? You might decide that it’s a perfect third piece *in theory* but not for who you are now, or you might decide that the cardigans do work for that circumstance, creating an outfit you like, and it’s worth holding on to them.
You could also consider an intermediary step between keeping and purging by packing them so they aren’t part of your main wardrobe…or putting them into an area of your closet that isn’t your “working closet” area, if that makes sense. That way it’s not cluttering up your working closet and making it hard to see what you have.
It’s interesting that having clothes that are kind of “on standby” can sometimes make me feel a sense of security, like “when I need it, it will be there” but other times feels like a burden or an obligation, and purging them feels freeing. I will sometimes put something aside for a while, then when the time is right, out the door they go. I personally believe in taking my time with making these decisions because when I am fast to get rid of things, I sometimes regret it…or worse, end up buying something to replace the thing I let go of! I really try to avoid the expensive and environmentally unsound practice of closet churn, and if I hold on to things a bit longer than I needed to, I figure no harm is done.
I like the idea of packing them away, but then I would completely forget where I put them! Options are limited here for boxes and such. But, my closet is quite large, and they aren’t taking away from anything else. So, they will stay for a bit. I have winnowed out the colors I no longer can wear (due to going grey). They truly are the perfect third completer piece, and I think that’s why I hang on to them.
Thanks again, Sally!
I occasionally buy multiples, but only if I know I will wear both. Mostly I have multiples of basics. That dress is so pretty! I love the print!
Thanks, Laura! After I got the black/ivory one, I really wished I had the more colorful one. Luckily, it was on sale so I bought it! Most of my doubles are basics!
I always think it’s a good idea to buy multiples, like a great pair of jeans, but I never do and always end up regretting it. I love the print of your dress and how you layered it! Those boots are fabulous!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you, Jill! There have been a few (more expensive) things I haven’t bought in multiples and regretted…like my Born boots. I was looking at them on Poshmark. They are more expensive used than I paid for them brand new, and I’m not willing to pay that!
I just love that print and I adore how you print mixed it with the scarf.
Tone down. That’s exactly how I was before blogging. Much much much more toned down.
You know I don’t usually buy multiples. But I see the advantage especially if it’s a great sale. But usually if it is a great sale I’m buying the last one, I guess. I guess I also really like variety so if I buy multiples then I have the same of it.
I don’t know, I’m just weird that way!
Thanks, Jodie! As I’ve said before, the Gudrun crew necks are a little low, and my neck gets cold. So, a scarf always works. I was glad this one picked up on the yellows in the dress. I think I dressed fairly colorfully, but I didn’t do any pattern mixing when I was teaching. I did do some before I started blogging but not near as much as I do now.
I don’t think you’re weird. You just like lots of variety! I do, too, but, sometimes, I also like the same thing is different colors! Being different is what makes the world a better place…well, being weird does, too, sometimes!
I have no problem with buying doubles in different colors, I have been doing that for years and it works for me. When I worked I only wore a skirt or a dress, never pants! To me that was reserved for home and casual time, to each his own. I am a very reserved person when it comes to colors and patterns, but I love the pop of what you have here.
Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 297. See you again next week!