The Freeing Power of Ish

I wish this photo had come out a bit clearer as this little corner has perfect lighting!

Once a blogger…

A few weeks ago, I was at a ladies’ retreat for my church. I know I say it all the time, but I truly am not a church lady. It’s just hard to meet other women of a certain age when you move at another certain age. But, I digress. The retreat was wonderful though I had to leave early. That may be for a future post. During one of the sessions, and apparently a fan favorite, one of the leaders read a book to us. And, as I was sitting there, it occurred to me, it would make a wonderful blog post. See, I told you I wasn’t a church lady…thinking about the blog when I should have been thinking about the book!

The book…

The leader who is a former first grade teacher read Ish by Peter H. Reynolds. Apparently, this is the middle book of a “Creatrilogy.” I didn’t know that until I looked up the book! I will have to check out the other two. This book is about a small creative boy who is bullied by his older brother into believing he’s less than.

Buy it here!


It seems like it happens with every new fashion season. We get that list of what’s in and what’s out as well as the do’s and don’ts if you’re of a certain age. Actually, that certain age seems to be moving downward a bit, I think. While I used to notice the over 50 crowd being targeted, I’m seeing more and more of those lists aimed at the 40s and over. It’s sad when you think about it.

So, the power thing…

Here’s the thing. If you know me in real life (IRL…for all the cool kids), you know I frequently start conversations with those three words. We have the power to accept or reject the lists of do’s and don’ts as well as the what’s in and what’s out. Does that mean we should totally ignore them? I don’t think that, either. I look at them as guidelines more than anything. I never liked skinny jeans so I wore them…well, I probably could count the number of times I wore them on one hand. I do, however, love the wide leg jeans for a couple of reasons. I like them because they remind me of the jeans I wore in the 70s as well as they seem to fit my body better. I also have admit I love the slight swish of the hem as I walk! Now, do they look good on me? Well, you know what they say about the eye of the beholder!

A little more…

So, without giving too much of the book away, try using the suffix -ish every once in a while. Look in the mirror. Is your makeup good-ish? Is your stomach flat-ish? Are you, perhaps, style-ish? The idea is not to downplay any of these things. The goal is to accept yourself where you are right now, to accept good-ish, flat-ish, and style-ish right this very moment. I know, I know. I’m coming off a bit of a hypocrite here. I’ve written frequently about how I’m not happy with my body, and I’m not. But, I’m actively working on that. So, when I look in the mirror, I am definitely using the -ish suffix a lot!

Perhaps a bit more…

I couldn’t write this blog post and not mention my brother-in-law. Nigel comes from a rather large family. His brother next oldest to him was named Ishmael. But, he almost always went by Ish, but he was Uncle Fish to my kids. Ish was a VietNam War veteran and passed away a few years ago as a result of Agent Orange. I think he would probably have liked this book, too.

Our day…

On the day we took these photos at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (AKA Newfields), I didn’t realize it was the first Thursday of the month. That is free day! And, it was rainy so it was the perfect place to go for lots of people. I am still camera shy in front of people. There’s always that awkward moment when they offer to take photos of both of us. I should just accept and hope they go on their merry way. Instead, I just wait until they pass or find empty places. I swear, this day, there was this guy who was following us. He was probably wondering why that other guy needed so many photos of his wife at the art museum!

My outfit…

I wore the Polly dress from Gudrun Sjödén as well as this fun polka dotted slip (similar). I had to pull the slip way up over my bosoms in order for it to just peek from the bottom of the dress. It’s not unusual for Gudrunistas to wear several layers at a time. I think that’s probably because most of them live in Scandinavia. The dress is a wonderful jersey with pockets even! It’s almost too narrow to wear one slip under. Again, those style-ish Gudrunistas often wear two different color slips under their dresses. I tried that, but this dress wasn’t having it. For someone who gave up slips in the 90s, I really do love these slips. I’m even getting a little pattern mixing going on in this look! Is it stylish in the true definition of the word? Probably not. But, I think it’s style-ish, and that’s what counts!

Robert Indiana’s “LOVE” installation is here!

The Lewk!

These are my infamous Josef Seibel potato shoes (seen here). They’re my second pair of potato shoes. My first pair was black. Here is a similar pair. Hmmm…do I need a new pair of black potato shoes? Are you wondering why I call them potato shoes? My daughter dubbed the first pair that because she said it looked like I was walking around in potatoes! They happen to be very comfortable potatoes except for that bit around the heel where you can see the moleskin I’ve attached. All of the jewelry has appeared on the blog, too. With the exception of the smokey topaz earrings (from eBay), it’s all old and from Stella & Dot. I thought they worked rather well with the dress.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

I did enjoy the retreat, but I felt a little badly about also thinking about the blog during that time! We were at a church camp with really nice accommodations. It truly was nice to talk with other women close to my age about this, that, and the other. So, can we talk? Have you ever gone on a retreat of any kind with women of your age? Do you feel like age and trends dictate too much about our style lives? Are you willing to be a little -ish with your life? Please leave me a comment or two, and we can talk. I promise to respond as quickly as I can.

Thank you!

I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, subscribing or emailing! It truly means so much to me! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am also an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. I am an April Cornell Brand Ambassador for another season. You can use my code, MARSHA15, for $15 off any order over $100. For the Zuvi Halo Hair Dryer, use Marsha12 to get 12% off your order at this link: If items are on sale, you can use Marsha5 for an extra 5% off sale prices. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion Style,  Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue as well as Deb’s World. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, I do deClaireMummabstylish, and Style Splash. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend every Thursday with Melynda and Lisa. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!

10 on the 10th…

It’s not too late to join me for this month’s 10 on the 10th link up! And, don’t forget, every Thursday, you can link up your favorite posts to the Weekend Traffic Jam!


  1. Gorgeous photos, Marsha! And I love this dress with the long layered slip underneath. I need to get some long slips, I think! What a beautiful message from the book as well. We should all be happy with our ishes. I know I am! I recently went to an autumn equinox yoga and mediation workshop. There were 3 other women around my age and 2 women who were probably 20 years older. It was such an amazing experience sharing all the women-of-a-certain-age struggles. It does become harder and harder to make new friends the older we get. So I commend you on doing things like attending church retreats! I want to take a road trip one day to your part of the country!


    • Thanks, Shelbee! I almost think the slips make the looks. Otherwise, it’s just a cream and black patterned tee shirt dress. I was in a group of almost 30 women so the sharing wasn’t as intense. But, it was still good just to get away for a bit.

      Well, Indiana is a bit boring unless you head a little south of me…Brown County is gorgeous. That’s where the glaciers stopped thousands of years ago so it’s quite hilly and tree covered. It reminds me a bit of Asheville. I have always wanted to live there!

  2. Hi Marsha:

    Thank you for the Thursday reminder for the weekend blog-link-up!

    I also appreciated your reflections on being a woman of a certain age.

    And the Gudrunistas – now that feels like a fashion tribe.

    • Thanks, Adelaide! Oh, the Gudrunistas are definitely a fashion tribe. I wish I could pull the look off as effortlessly as they do. You can find them on Instagram with the hashtag #gudrunista. You’ll be amazed at the colors and creativity!

  3. Great photos Marsha (& Nigel)! That dress is really stunning, I love the pattern.
    I haven’t read Ish but it sounds like something I’d like.
    I can relate to being camera shy in front of others. I have recently used my DSLR on the tripod out front by myself and my neighbors are always outside. They know I have a blog but I hate that they watch me – I feel so silly posing!! UGH!!!

    • Thanks, Kellyann! Once I convinced Mike that direct overhead lighting wasn’t good, we were on a roll. Once he gets going, though, it’s hard to get him to stop. I finally just take the phone away and say, “Let’s enjoy the visit now.” As far as I know, my neighbors don’t know I have a blog. They probably wouldn’t know what that even was, though! Let’s just say I’m one of the younger people at our end of the neighborhood!

      Oh, I think you would like Ish. I don’t know what the other two books are about, but I’m going to try to find them.

  4. Love that dress.It is so You. I think you are brave taking photos in public places like the museum. However most people take photos in public places, don’t they? I have stopped worrying about what other people say women of any age are told what they should or shouldn’t wear. I started wearing leggings when I started going to the gym several years ago. I was heavier than I should have been. Then I had cancer and lost a ton of weight. The legging were comfortable and I continued to wear them just for the comfort. In dress style I again go mainly for comfort, whether loose and flowing or conservative and classic. Depends on my mood.

    I will have to find Ish. I also have a friend who would love that book. Thank you for sharing. As always, I love your blog posts.

    • Thank you so much, Eileen! You make my day every time you comment. Trust me, I look around and around before taking photos. I’m sure the people who are looking at security tapes/cameras are wondering what in the world I’m doing!

      I am far less worried about what I wear in public now than I used to be. Most of that, though, is because hardly anyone here knows me! That is, in itself, a blessing and a curse. I dress according to my mood, too. There are days I just feel ugly, and I don’t even try to look better. And, that is silly because I should do the exact opposite, right?

      I hope you can find this book. I want to find the other two and see how they relate.

      Thanks again, Eileen!

  5. I love the idea of “ish”. It’s funny because I say that regarding time …let’s meet about 3ish. But it works for everything!!
    This dress is incredible with the slip under it. I’m all about layering and this wins the cake!!
    I know what you mean about taking photos in public. I swear it’s easier with a group of us as opposed to when I’m out by myself!!

    • Thanks so much, Jodie! I don’t think I use it much at all except for the word, stylish. But, you can bet I’ve been using it more since our retreat! I really love the layered look of Gudrun Sjoden. I just have to watch myself because it’s easy to get carried away!

      Oh, a group would be easier, I think. But, I’m getting better at it. Mike has no problems with it at all…hahaha!!!

  6. I could talk about “-ish” all day. On the one hand, I love the thought of being kind to yourself, and “-ish” certainly does the trick. On the flip, I think too many people today (myself included) use “ish” to escape commitment and responsibility… (ooh, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning).
    Your outfit was perfect for a museum…so creative and a very modern spin on your style. I feel like the Swedes/Danes etc could take any print make it sleek and artsy. And yay you for upping it with the slip.
    I greatly appreciate your ability to make an outfit your own. I absolutely lack that creativity (even after following Jodie for years), let alone confidence. Heck, I’m still hiding in my backyard whenever I need to take pictures of myself, haha.
    Enjoyed your trip to the museum! Thanks for sharing the works!

    • Thanks, Em! I did have one of the “security” people give me the head to toe look and then say, “Oh, yes!” That kinda made my day. I find the museum and the grounds to be the easiest place to hide in for photos! I use my front porch because not too many neighbors would be able to see me anyway. I can’t take credit for the slip because those slips are a big part of the look for this brand. Since I started blogging, I have become a little more creative with my clothes. It’s just more fun.

      I totally get what you mean about using -ish to get out of things. Because when the contractors were putting in the studs holding up the roof of our house, I certainly didn’t want them doing a good-ish job! That would be disastrous as they’re kind of put together like the Domo in Florence…they use the tension pushing against each other with a few vertical supports.

      Thanks, Em, for coming by!

  7. I love the photos in this post, Marsha! And the print of that dress is gorgeous, full-stop, and quite fall-ish.

    • Thanks so much, Sally! Did you pick up on the birds in the print? It came in two other colorways, but I knew I’d wear this one most.

  8. I love the photos of you in front of Stary Night. That is such a pretty dress! I like trying new trends but don’t let them dictate my style. And, yes, I think it’s okay to be a little ish!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    • Thank you so much, Jill! I can’t wait to see the exhibit. I can’t wait to wear this dress in other ways because it’s just such a good one! Being a little ish is good for everyone every once in a while!

  9. That dress is beautiful! I love the print and the print mixing you did with the slip underneath!

    • Thank you so much, Laura! I really like wearing these slips under dresses. I’ve got three of them now!

  10. I love all the photos!! And I think you are very stylish. I know I break fashion rules all the time, probably even more than I know because I am in the over 40 crowd.

    I have not been on a retreat with women just my age-ish. I went to a retreat once in Texas for parents of children with hemiplegia which was fun but we were all different ages. I am not opposed to a retreat. I always dream of a retreat where we all get our own nice cabins in the woods, can spend the day reading and hiking and doing yoga, then meeting for dinner and a bonfire and a glass of wine. I think that would be perfect.

    • Thank you, Erin! You certainly don’t look over 40 so go ahead an break all the rules you want. Break them even if you do look over 40!

      I like your idea of a retreat very much…just time alone, relaxing, and breathing. Sounds perfect!

  11. Pingback:Always Double Check! - Marsha in the Middle

  12. You look fabulous Marsha and I love the colours in your dress. I love the ‘ish’ suffix and using the suffix -ish every once in a while. to accept yourself where you are right now. You saw my post about overcoming my self-consciousness to model some lingerie. I felt so much better than I expected and my body wasn’t too saggy-ish! LOL (is that even a word) x

    • Sue, you looked fabulous in your lingerie! And, your body definitely wasn’t saggy-ish! I’m glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for the compliments!

  13. Pingback:A Good Day in Polka Dots! - Marsha in the Middle