Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!

Week #15

Welcome to another edition of Traffic Jam Weekend with me and Michelle! And, I’m very, very late getting this posted! What can I say…I totally spaced on it being Thursday!

Thank you to everyone linking up with us! Please spread the word about Traffic Jam Weekend! It’s always fun to “meet” new people!

Featured favorites from last week…

Most clicked
One of my favorites
Another favorite!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Michelle and I invite you to link up your favorite gardening, DIY, baking, fashion, or book review posts!  We ask you to visit other blogs to show your support!  Once again, thanks for your support!


  1. Marsha,
    Thanks for visiting and your kind words!!!
    And Thanks so much for the feature!! I gave you a Shout Out on Face Book and will do so in my next post too!! Thanks for again for hosting such a lovely party each week!!! I truly do appreciate it!! I hope you are having a great week!!

    • You are very welcome, Debbie! Enjoy the weekend! We are having a few cool days with some much needed rain!

  2. How flattering to me “most clicked!”

  3. Aww thank you so much for saying mine was a favorite! That is so sweet!!! I really enjoyed all of the posts I managed to read last time!

  4. Thank you for your time in hosting and may you have an awesome weekend.
    my entries for this week: are Red Velvet Pancake with Delicious Cream Cheese Filling and Parmesan Crumbed Baked Pork Chops

  5. Thank you for hosting this great party! I would love to I share an invitation to come join us at Fortheloveto.com link-up .. hope to read you there ?.

  6. Thanks, Marsha, for giving us this opportunity to link to your website it’s an amazing chance; thanks for it again.