Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!

Week #64!

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Traffic Jam. Look for the link up to go live Thursdays at 9:30pm EDT. Melynda, from Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household, Lisa, from Boondock Ramblings, and Sue, from Women Living Well After 50 and I are the hostesses for the Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot. Sue’s post goes live in Australia on Friday at 12:30 pm.

How has your week been? Our weather has been glorious if a little dry. We could definitely use some rain. My oldest picked up some purple coneflowers (echinacea) for me so I got those, along with the hollyhock I bought last week, planted. The hump is going to be glorious in the coming years. I’m not sure what else to add to it. Everything up there is in shades of blues and whites except for the tree and bushes. I think it needs some yellow, but I’m hesitant to add black eyed Susans as they spread so much and choke other things out. Maybe, I’ll just have to add yellow yarrow…nope…I’m holding out for the pastel ones! We’ll just have to wait and see what’s new in the clearance corner at Lowe’s next week!

The four of us would like to see the Weekend Traffic Jam grow bigger, so please link up your favorite posts! I’m especially looking at my fashion friends! We are woefully underrepresented in the link up! They can be fashion, DIY, food, lifestyle, travel, you name it! Please visit the other co-hosts as well as two or three of those linked! You just might discover a new blog. I know that’s how I’ve discovered so many and found new friends. And, please spread the word about Weekend Traffic Jam

Featured favorites from last week:

Most clicked…and a happy birthday to Penny!
This looks like the perfect summer dish!
Happy birthday to Shelbee!
I didn’t know about this Frank Lloyd Wright home!
Dumb cane…read this if you wonder why!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Don’t forget some of your older posts might be just right for this time of year! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Wow, thanks so much for featuring me and thank you one and all for hosting this link. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Traffic jams are super annoying.

  3. I’ve been getting busy with my to do list: it’s summer cleaning for me here. Organizing and decluttering and then I will get to some cleaning hopefully. Trying to get in a few trips to the pool with the boys too.

    • I really need to write a to do list and get things done! It’s so easy to let it slide when you don’t really have a schedule. I have been looking at my closet with the idea of doing a major purge. Have fun with your boys…do you have a neighborhood pool? That’s one of the thing I miss at our new place.

      Thanks, Mireille!

  4. Marsha,
    My Link Ups are Number 24, 26 and 27 for this week!!
    Thanks so much for hosting!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  5. I just put in some hollyhocks too! And I’m nursing some seedlings for black hollyhocks. They are doing really well. I know I’m going to have too many n

    • Oh, when I was a kid, we would have to drive past this little church, and they always had black hollyhocks growing there. Can you really have too many?

      Thanks, Michelle!

  6. Another hollyhock fan here! I planted a mixed color packet of hollyhock seeds last year and they are thriving. The colors range from white to a dark maroon. ‘So pretty all together. Thank you for hosting this lovely party! -Marci @ Old Rock Farmhouse

    • Oh, that sounds gorgeous! So, you didn’t have to replant them? When I grew them before, I always saved the seeds and planted them again in the spring. I’m so glad you link up with us.

      Thanks, Marci!

  7. Hi Marsha, looks like a few have linked up this week which is great. Have a lovely weekend. x

  8. I’d love to see a picture of your back area with hollyhocks when they are established. Such pretty flowers. Thanks for the link party.

    • Thanks, Lynne! I actually ended up planting the hollyhock plant on the south side of the house as I wasn’t sure it could tolerate the wind on the hump. I fully expect it to be eaten by bunnies, though! I love hollyhocks and will definitely be planting some inside next year!

  9. I wasn’t aware of that Frank Lloyd Wright home either, Marsha! I know my husband (who is an architect) would love it, too! Thanks, as always, for hosting us all! We’re sharing #61 this week. Wishing you the best weekend!

    • Thanks, Laura! I have always wanted to go to Falling Waters as we studied that when I taught fourth grade. This sounds like the perfect fall road trip! I’m so glad you link up with us!

  10. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

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