Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!

Week #65!

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Traffic Jam. Look for the link up to go live Thursdays at 9:30pm EDT. Melynda, from Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household, Lisa, from Boondock Ramblings, and Sue, from Women Living Well After 50 and I are the hostesses for the Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot. Sue’s post goes live in Australia on Friday at 12:30 pm.

How has your week been? My week has been one of answers and more questions. Nigel had an appointment with the surgeon Monday. He has avascular necrosis which means, for him, the balls of his femur are completely dead. There has been no blood flowing to them for quite some time. He will have both hips replaced this summer. But, the surgeon was amazingly observant and had several questions. Now, we’re probably looking at seeing a rheumatologist in the future. I feel such peace knowing we have a diagnosis and a treatment plan for at least part of his problems. I can’t wait for him to be back on his feet instead of relying on a walker.

The four of us would like to see the Weekend Traffic Jam grow bigger, so please link up your favorite posts! I’m especially looking at my fashion friends! We are woefully underrepresented in the link up! They can be fashion, DIY, food, lifestyle, travel, you name it! Please visit the other co-hosts as well as two or three of those linked! You just might discover a new blog. I know that’s how I’ve discovered so many and found new friends. And, please spread the word about Weekend Traffic Jam

Featured favorites from last week:

Most clicked!
Also most clicked!
Such a twinkly place!
Now, that is what I call fun!
I don’t understand the writing, but these photos are worth 1000 words!
Three ingredients for such yummy treats!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Don’t forget some of your older posts might be just right for this time of year! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Hi Marsha, the weeks fly by don’t they. Can’t believe we are already at another Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot. Have a great weekend. x

    • I know, Sue! I always worry that it’s Wednesday, and I haven’t mailed out the info for the traffic jam! Have a fabulous weekend! I’ll be inside where it’s cool!

  2. Seeing that walker brings back memories, I was so happy to be rid of that thing. Everything will be so much better soon, you’ll see. Thanks for the party.

    • Thanks, Amy! We are borrowing it from a neighbor, but Mike says he’s going to have to buy her a new one. He’s going to smash this one when he doesn’t need it anymore…I think he’s kidding…but, I’m not 100% sure!

  3. Thank you Marsha! <3

  4. Once you get that diagnosis, you can move on and into action! So happy that you finally have answers and can move on to the next stage. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers!

    • Thank you, Erin! It is so good to have a plan. The surgeon was shocked that he was walking normally at Christmas. But, maybe he really wasn’t and it just seemed normal to me by then. Anyway, we are on the way!

  5. Marsha,
    Thank you for the feature!! I will be giving you a Shout Out both on my Face Book page and in my next Blog post!! Also Thank You for hosting each week!! I truly appreciate all the work that you put into hosting a link party!! I hope you enjoy your weekend and stay cool….
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

    • You are very welcome, Debbie! Your twinkly stars just caught my eye! I hope you are doing well as you learn this new way of life.

  6. Hi Marsha! I’m so glad you got answers regarding Nigel’s condition and treatment plan! We recently went through the same thing when it took a long time to diagnose my husband’s symptoms. It ended up being an autoimmune condition and I remember the BIG sense of relief once we had some answers, a team that we trusted and a plan in place. Best of luck to you on your journey! Thanks, as always for hosting us all! Today we are sharing #49, #50 and #51. Wishing you a great weekend ahead!

    • Thank you, Laura! The surgeon did raise some questions that will need to be addressed after his surgeries, but we are on a path to some semblance of normalcy again. I’m glad you were able to find answers as well as a team you trust! That’s so important.

  7. I am sure it was so nice to finally have some answers and a plan of action!

    • Thanks, Joanne! It was lots of stress unloaded because Mike was worried nothing could be done. Now, we have a plan.

  8. I love the shark bike! How cool

  9. I hope all goes well for Nigel and he feels better soon. Thanks for the link up!

    Emma xxx

  10. It looks like you’ve had a challenging week with Nigel’s health, but it’s good to hear there’s a diagnosis and treatment plan in place. Wishing him a smooth recovery after his upcoming surgeries. It’s great that you’re encouraging more participation in the Weekend Traffic Jam! Sharing and supporting each other’s posts is what makes these communities thrive.

    • Thank you so much, Doris! This week was actually much less stressful as we now had some definitive answers. We were pretty sure it was AVN, but we didn’t know the severity. He was afraid the surgeon would tell him there was nothing to be done because it was so bad. I just can’t wait to see him up and walking like he used to. I would love to have more and more posts on the Traffic Jam. Thank you again, Doris!

  11. All the best to your husband. It’s always a relief to get a diagnosis. Have a good weekend.

    • Thank you, Gail. We were pretty sure what it was just not how bad it was. The surgeon said he’d never seen a case that bad. So, we will be pursuing other things once his hips are replaced. I told him he’s going to be the bionic man! I hope your weekend is fantastic!

  12. So glad to hear you have some answers and a plan of action. It’s much better to be doing something positive to fix a medical situation. things will start to get better and Nigel will be back in good health soon. Thanks for the party this week.

    • Thank you so much, Lynne! I am already seeing a difference in his demeanor as he now knows something can be done for him. And, you are very welcome for the party! I’m always glad when I see your posts!

  13. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.