Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot!

Week #66!

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Traffic Jam. Look for the link up to go live Thursdays at 9:30pm EDT. Melynda, from Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household, Lisa, from Boondock Ramblings, and Sue, from Women Living Well After 50 and I are the hostesses for the Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot. Sue’s post goes live in Australia on Friday at 12:30 pm.

How has your week been? Mine has been pretty OK. Now that we have some answers, I feel much less stressed. Nigel is still a bit worried he won’t pass some tests he has to take before surgery, but I have confidence he’ll do just fine. The weather had been really hot. Then, yesterday, some storms rolled through, and the temperatures dropped. We actually got rain which was badly needed. I was able to plant some more things on the hump because it was damp. Our ground here is clay…as in, we could make bricks, clay! I’m actually kinda surprised anything will grow in it.

The four of us would like to see the Weekend Traffic Jam grow bigger, so please link up your favorite posts! I’m especially looking at my fashion friends! We are woefully underrepresented in the link up! They can be fashion, DIY, food, lifestyle, travel, you name it! Please visit the other co-hosts as well as two or three of those linked! You just might discover a new blog. I know that’s how I’ve discovered so many and found new friends. And, please spread the word about Weekend Traffic Jam

Featured favorites from last week:

Most clicked!
I’ve always wanted to make this!
Emma is always colorful and glamorous!
An interesting idea for a tour!

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Don’t forget some of your older posts might be just right for this time of year! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Marsha,
    Thanks so much for hosting!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!!
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  2. I will be keeping Nigel in my prayers! Do they have a date for the surgery?

    And I am glad you got some rain for your plants!

    • Thank you, Erin! His first is scheduled for the end of July which seems forever away. The second is tentatively schedule for about six weeks later.

      We got even more rain today (Saturday). Yay for not having to lug out the hoses!

  3. I hope Nigel passes his pre-surgery physical! Thanks for the party.

    • Thanks, Amy! I’m sure he will, but it’s one more thing for him to worry about! And, you’re welcome!

  4. Thanks for hosting us all, Marsha! So appreciated! Wishing you a great week ahead and praying that all goes well as Nigel preps for his surgery!

    • You are very welcome, Laura! I’m so glad you link up with us. Thank you for the prayers; we appreciate them.

  5. Our temps are downright chilly today but it’s a nice relief after last week’s heat wave.

    • It’s supposed to cool down a bit next week. We had a huge storm blow through today (Saturday), but that just left it even more humid.

      Thanks, Joanne!

  6. Of course, the one day I watered something outside, it rained! So glad you all got some answers. It was camp week for 3 boys and orientation day at the college for one. Busy week for us!

    • Thanks, Mireille! We were pretty sure about the diagnosis, but we weren’t sure there was anything to be done about it. Yes, that’s the way it always happens, right? You definitely had a busy week!

  7. I’ll be keeping you and Nigel in my prayers.

    • Thanks, Daenel. I am confident things will go well, and we can resume our lives. I’m looking forward to traveling with him again!

  8. Thank you so much the feature Marsha, I really appreciate it! I hope everything goes well for Nigel.

    Emma xxx

  9. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week,

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