Week #85!
Welcome to another edition of Weekend Traffic Jam. Look for the link up to go live Thursdays at 9:30pm EDT. Melynda, from Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household, Lisa, from Boondock Ramblings, and Sue, from Women Living Well After 50 and I are the hostesses for the Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot. Sue’s post goes live in Australia on Friday at 12:30 pm.
Wowza! I know the calendar says winter isn’t here for a couple more weeks, but Mother Nature has her own plans! It has been frigid as in highs in the 20s (-7C) and windy. Last night, my deck box blew over…and it was full! The electric blanket wasn’t of much good either since the power went out. I’m not sure when it came back on though my dishwasher started back up at some point. I’m cheap…I don’t run it until after 11:00pm! I didn’t get my elephant ear lifted so who knows whether it will survive or not. I’m also a little worried about my beautiful David Austin roses. But, life will go on, right? How has it been where you are?
The four of us would like to see the Weekend Traffic Jam grow bigger, so please link up your favorite posts! I’m especially looking at my fashion friends! We are woefully underrepresented in the link up! They can be fashion, DIY, food, lifestyle, travel, you name it! Please visit the other co-hosts as well as two or three of those linked! You just might discover a new blog. I know that’s how I’ve discovered so many and found new friends. And, please spread the word about Weekend Traffic Jam
Featured favorites from last week…

And, now, it’s your turn!
Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Don’t forget some of your older posts might be just right for this time of year! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!
Thank you for hosting!
You’re welcome, Cat!
Thanks for the linkup Marsha. Have a great weekend xx Do join my linkup, posted a little late this week.
You are welcome, Jacqui! And thank you for the link up! I’ve already joined.
It’s a stormy few days here and next week or will be freezing. Which I hate a lot! Ha ha, I want summer! Thanks for hosting the party!
You’re welcome, Nancy! I know you hate the cold weather. I usually like it, but this has just been too cold and windy. I almost said I wanted to move to Florida…but you’d have to pay me much more than a lot of millions to do that!
We went to our Christmas parade last tonight and it was so cold! Thankfully we were pretty well dress, but my feet were freezing by the time we got home. We should have brought a blanket.
I bought some wool socks this summer for my trip to Ireland and Scotland because I’d read they were good at moisture wicking and not smelling. I didn’t even think about them for cold weather…duh. I put them on the other day, and they’re so nice and toasty. It’s weird they weren’t hot this summer, though.
Thanks, Mireille!
Thanks for hosting, Marsha!
You’re welcome, Kellyann! Thanks for linking up!
Thanks so much for the link up and feature!
You are so welcome! I’m so glad you linked up with us!
We’ve had frigid weather in our neck of the woods, too, Marsha! I knew it was coming but, BRRR! Thanks so much for hosting! We’re sharing #32, #33 and #34 today. Wishing you a festive weekend ahead!
You’re welcome, Laura! I think it was the gusty winds. We had mulch in places that shouldn’t have had any…I told Nigel we must have had a little tornado on the front porch!
We got that wind storm and bitter cold here too! Thanks for the party.
Luckily, it has warmed up this weekend, but it’s still brisk! You are welcome for the party!
My Link Ups are # 45, 46 and 47 for today’s party!!
We have had low temps. in the 20’s and teens in the mornings with high’s around 30 for the past week….A bit of a warm up predicted for next week…
Thanks so much for hosting this charming party!!! I truly do appreciate it as I do know the time involved with it….I hope you and your family are well!!
You are welcome, Deb! We are warming up this weekend with some dips next week. But, I don’t think it’s going to be as gusty for a while now.
Sounds like you are having quite a time with all this frigid weather. It’s not fun losing power at any time let alone the middle of the night. Wishing you warmer days, Marsha. thanks so much for the features this week. My daughter will love seeing “Beaver” in the limelight. Wishing you and your family a very merry holiday season.
Thanks, Lynne! It has warmed up a bit and will be warmer than last week. That was really shocking to everyone! I saw lots of sandhill cranes making their way south…love hearing them!
It’s not that cold here in the UK but we are going to have another storm from tonight until the end of Sunday. We will get high winds and masses of rain. Thank you so much for hosting X
We are going to have a bit of a warm up and then down again, but it won’t be as cold as this past week. I think it’s going to be dry, too.
Thanks, Penny! Stay warm!
It’s been cold and windy and snow here too! Thankfully after a few power blinks/surges yesterday morning ours managed to stay on. Friends of ours in a neighboring town lost their power for 15 hours yesterday!
Oh, 15 hours would be bad! I was able to read on my iPad, but Mike would have gone nuts without being able to watch tv (or have the noise on) during the day. I can remember power being out for days when I was a kid. Mike was actually a lineman for the local (up north local, that is) electric company. Then, we really didn’t like when the power went out anywhere. He would have to go out in all kinds of weather.
Thanks, Joanne!
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
You are so welcome, Patrick! I hope your upcoming week is amazing!