Week #86!
Welcome to another edition of Weekend Traffic Jam. Look for the link up to go live Thursdays at 9:30pm EDT. Melynda, from Scratch Made Food! & DIY Homemade Household, Lisa, from Boondock Ramblings, and Sue, from Women Living Well After 50 and I are the hostesses for the Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot. Sue’s post goes live in Australia on Friday at 12:30 pm.
It’s snowing! I told Nigel this morning if it had to be cold, it might as well snow. And, it is! Of course, next week, we’ll be well above freezing so it won’t last long. We’re having a new shower installed, and the guys got here this morning bright and early. Well, they were bright and early. It’s amazing how long a day can feel when you get up that early! Two other guys will be here tomorrow to finish the job. It will be nice for Nigel to just walk right into his shower without having to raise his foot over the edge of the current walk in shower we have. Thank goodness Jack isn’t a dirty dog. Our other Westies loved to dig holes and got frequent baths. We won’t have a bath tub in the house anymore. Should we have done this when we built the condo? Probably, but sometimes, a certain someone has to be convinced another certain someone was right all along, right?
The four of us would like to see the Weekend Traffic Jam grow bigger, so please link up your favorite posts! I’m especially looking at my fashion friends! We are woefully underrepresented in the link up! They can be fashion, DIY, food, lifestyle, travel, you name it! Please visit the other co-hosts as well as two or three of those linked! You just might discover a new blog. I know that’s how I’ve discovered so many and found new friends. And, please spread the word about Weekend Traffic Jam
Featured favorites from last week…

And, now, it’s your turn!
Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Don’t forget some of your older posts might be just right for this time of year! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!
Snow – no, no, no, no, no. I really hope it won’t be happening here. Cold, fine, but no snow!
I know a couple who did the same with the shower and I totally get it. Good decision. As much as I love a bathtub, but it can get hard to get in and out if you’re a bit wonky on your feet (like I sometimes am).
Ah, it’s just a dusting and will be gone by the end of the weekend. I think it’s going to be quite warm for December next week. I cannot tell you the last time I took a bath. It’s literally been decades! We had a huge garden tub at our last house, but it was a pain because I had to step into it to hang up my towel! My granddaughter liked to swim in it when she was really young.
Thanks, Cat!
Thanks for hosting Marsha and hope to see you on my Fancy Friday link up party!
You’re welcome, Nancy! I’ll be there later this weekend! Time got away from me today.
Lucky you getting snow!! Meanwhile we swelter. Safety first I guess, as sad as it is to lose the bath.!
Well, it’s already gone! It has been so cold so I thought it would stick around a bit longer. The shower is now finished and looks so good. It has to “cure” for a couple of days, but it will definitely be so much safer.
Thanks, Lydia!
I love the fact that it’s snowing there Marsha! Hope the new shower went in easily and Nigel enjoys the extra convenience. Thanks for hosting, you are a star of the blogging world!
Thanks, Debbie! The shower is complete, but it has to “cure” for a couple of days. Mike has been in and out of it and is thrilled. It honestly looks so good!
The boys and I keep talking about how we want it to snow. If we don’t get anything before February, we will drive somewhere for a few days to see some snow!
We have gotten more snow this year than previous years. I mean, it hasn’t been a lot of snow, but it’s more than we’ve had by this time in the past few years. You probably only have to go to the mountains, right?
Thanks, Mireille!
Snow sounds wonderful! It is chilly here but warming up soon, I always like cooler weather to help it feel like Christmas! Thanks for the link up!
You are so welcome, Kellyann! Our snow is already gone except for in those shadows where the sun doesn’t reach this time of year. We haven’t had a white Christmas in all the years we’ve lived down here. We hadn’t had many when we lived up north, either. It seems like January and February are now the months when we get the most snow.
My Link Ups are # 34,37 and 39 for this week’s party!!
Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful party!! I really appreciate the time and effort that goes into it along with visiting all the links!! I hope you are having a great week!!
Debbie-Dabble Blog
You’re welcome, Deb! I’m very glad you link up with us!
We had a bit of snow this week and our temps dipped down into single digitis yesterday! BRRR! Thanks for hosting this fun link up, Marsha! We always learn so much when we visit. Good luck with the docent interview, too! Sounds like a fun venture! Have a great week!
Thanks, Laura! I’m so glad you link up with us! Oh, we haven’t dipped into the single digits (except for maybe real feel). But, I know that’s coming! And, thanks for the well wishes on the interview!
Enjoy your snow! The short lived kind is always the best kind.
I’ve been wanting to redo our bathroom; we have a walk in shower that feels kind of claustrophobic since it’s one of those all in one units with a small step up and sliding glass door… but we have a huge whirlpool tub right on the side of it that I haven’t used since the boys were small. I’d love to rip them both our and put in a true walk-in tiled shower but so far I can’t convince the hubby that it’s the right way to go. Maybe someday when we’re all done paying for college we can hire someone to tackle that!
Thanks, Joanne! It’s already gone. We had redone our bathroom in our house up north by ourselves…from tiling to putting in new walls to designing the layout. I loved it, and then we moved. Our last house had an amazing bathroom. The shower was a walk in but not one of those really huge ones. We also had a huge garden tub that was used maybe two or three dozen times, if that. Sometimes, you just have to draw out what you want, and then he’ll see the magic! Good luck!
I sometimes wish I had a bathtub but you know it isn’t easy to get in and out of baths as you get older – sigh. Baths were nice though. But needs must (that’s all of us!) and I do hope Nigel gets really better soon and of course enjoys his shower!
And snow! Wow, nothing like that in the south of England. We have had nothing but gloom all week! I don’t mind the cold if we could just have blue skies and some sun. Never mind, the weather will change soon, I believe.
Have a lovely weekend, Marsha X
Thanks, Penny! Our snow is already gone. It was a light dusting which we get quite regularly. I miss the days of getting several inches. No global warming, though! We had a huge bathtub at our last house. It was called a garden tub, but I haven’t taken a bath in decades. They don’t relax me at all. My granddaughter used it more than anyone, and then she grew up. Mike would occasionally take one. We won’t miss it at all. He has already practiced getting in and out of the new shower and is quite happy with it. I’ll be glad to have my shower back! I keep pushing him to walk more and more. But, then he’s sore because he’s using muscles that aren’t used to being used…vicious cycle. You’d think, as a left brained electrical engineer, he’d get the connection! The problem is our street and sidewalks are all so rough so he’s afraid to walk on them with his walker…afraid he’ll tumble over. I don’t know which he’s most bothered about…damage to his body or to his ego!
I’m in California, which I love most of the time but I do wish I could have snow in December. It just seems right for the holiday season! And your comment about the shower guys being bright and early made me laugh. I work in home renovations (I do cabinets though, not showers) and I often start projects early so that there is time to get it all done, especially if something unexpected comes up. I know it can be a pain for homeowners though! I hope you and Nigel enjoy the ease of your new shower!
Thanks so much! Honestly, we haven’t had a white Christmas since we moved here almost 10 years ago. And, we had very few in the last few years we lived up north. But, it does seem to make the holiday more special. Actually, they didn’t get here until 9:00 or so, but I needed to move my car out of the garage as we were completely blocked in by their equipment. Nigel is usually awake, but it would take him a bit to get to the door. I just need to learn to go to bed before 1:00 am!
Snow! I wouldn’t mind seeing a few flakes drifting down but at least we are in the 40’s and 50’s now…a bit more seasonal. We’re talking about redoing our bathroom as well and like others who commented we have a big tub that needs to go to expand our walk-in shower. It will be so nice to have that larger shower. Thanks for hosting, Marsha and thanks for the feature for the “All is Bright” table setting. Wishing you a very happy holiday week.
You are welcome, Lynne! Once we made the decision (and the deposit), I thought about what would happen if I ever needed to give Jack, our dog, a bath. He’s too big for any sinks we have except for maybe the one in the garage. He has to be on a leash all the time, though, so he doesn’t get dirty. I hope you have a wonderful holiday week!
Oh, thanks so much for featuring my Turkey Run post! I so appreciate it. I sure hope I can get back there someday and explore more. Thanks for the party!
You are so welcome, Amy! I have spent lots of time at Turkey Run. It’s a beautiful place.
Marsha, Thank you so much to you and the other hostesses of all your work hosting! and thank you for featuring my “Christmas Morning” Tablescape. I’m so glad you liked it! It means so much to be featured. I hope you and each of the other hostesses have wonderful, merry and blessed Christmas! Thanks so much! – Patty
You are so welcome, Patty! I’m so glad you link up with us! Your tablescapes always make me smile. They’re so joyful. Have a wonderful holiday season!
I wish that we had snow instead of rain. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
I hear you, Patrick! After that snow (and bitter cold), we then had two days of rain with more forecast. The weather is just bonkers, isn’t it? Have a fabulous week!