Welcome to the Weekend Traffic Jam!

Party #327




Upload your old online posts and more on Traffic Jam Weekend!

Link up your content, connect with others, and learn something with us.


The bloggers bringing this fabulous party to you:

Kimberly: Being A Wordsmith (NEW URL!) | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram

Tracy: View From The Beach Chair | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest I Instagram

Michelle: My Bijou Life | Instagram | Pinterest

Hazlo: ThExtraordinariOnly | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram | Flipboard | Facebook | Pinterest | Keen | Mix | YouTube

Marsha: Marsha in the Middle | Pinterest | Instagram  

If you would like to become a permanent or guest co-host for this link party, complete this short form.


These are the featured posts from Traffic Jam Weekend Link Party #326

    Kimberly chose Friday Favourites: Books, TV, Podcasts from Is This Mutton? “Found a book recommendation on this list that I am eager to read.”     Marsha chose Graduation and Complex Feelings from Lauren Sparks. “I was a special education teacher for the first half of my career in an elementary school so I was really interested to read this post after discovering the graduate had been in special education. The blogger writes from the heart and shares both her joy and her grief about her daughter’s future.”     Hazlo chose Greeting Cards, and The Fashionable Side of Etiquette… from Lucybertoldi.com. “Love this blog post because of all the technological digitization, it is so easy to lose personalization of a ‘Thank You!'”     Michelle chose Teenage Entrepreneurs Paying It Forward from our very own Being A Wordsmith. “I love it when anybody does work to try to ease suffering and generally make the world a better a place. But when kids do it, it gives me hope for the future.”     Tracy chose Quick and Easy Mason Jar Crafts for Father’s Day from Creatively Beth. “I love this idea for giving ‘dads’ a gift card. Super creative and fun! Also easy to do for us last-minute gift-givers!!!”     The post with the most views was Old Habits Die Hard & Link-Up from It’s All Fine…Whatever Tickles the Fancy.     Thank you featured bloggers for sharing! Your posts will be pinned to the Traffic Jam Weekend Link Party Pinterest board. Please grab the HTML code for a special Traffic Jam Weekend featured button below to display on your blog.
Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

Just a few rules for the party…
  • Grab the HTML code for a Traffic Jam Weekend button below for your site
  • Link up as many of your old posts as you like below
  • Take some time and visit the other posts
  • Create some traffic jam for the hosts of this party
  • Share this party on social media with the hashtag #trafficjamweekend
Instructions: Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML


  1. Hi. Thanks for the party!
    I linked an older post.
    I will add you button on my blog.

  2. I need to check out those mason jar crafts! They all look so cute!

    • Oh, I’m trying not to look at Mason Jars anymore…I’ve painted more than my fair share!!!