What do You Mean…Only Clothes!

Still no pedicure!

Just clothes…

In some parallel universe, I know there is a Marsha who truly thinks what she’s wearing isn’t important. She just grabs any ol’ thing in her dresser (because her closet is truly closet sized) and wears it all day long. This Marsha thinks, “They’re just clothes so their only function is to keep me from being nekkid and to keep me warm. They don’t even have to match.” Yeah, that Marsha is waaaaay different from this Marsha with the exception, maybe, of not having to match!

See, this Marsha doesn’t believe that other Marsha could even think such a thing!

Are they though…

I admit there are times I look in my closet and wonder at how all of that got there. OK, there are a lot of times I look in my closet and wonder how all of that got there. For one thing, I rarely get rid of anything. I like to think of my style as a bit on the classic side…hahaha!!! Well, there are some things that are classics! The bigger reason I don’t get rid of things is I like them. I Marie Kondo-ed my closet before we moved and after. Everything in my closet still sparks joy. Granted, most of it doesn’t fit right now. But, I’m giving myself the grace of another year before I admit defeat. Another reason for my large closet is my abundance of tee shirts…white specifically! I love a good white tee and have several in different styles. So, my clothes are not just clothes to me. They’re a reflection of me.

When you look good…

You all know how to finish that sentence, right? When you look good, you feel good. I’ve heard that old chestnut for years, but I never really gave it much thought until lately. I’ve read a lot about dopamine dressing. Many bloggers and influencers have taken that to mean bright colors. The reality, though, is dopamine dressing is wearing what makes you feel good. If grey makes you feel good, then you would be dressing the dopamine way just as much as the next person who might be wearing neon green.

Not necessarily the best…but get a load of that ornery grin!


Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, or chemical messenger, and is partially responsible for a range of things including learning, motivation, sleep, and mood. It also affects how we feel pleasure. It’s produced in your brain especially if your diet includes things like almonds, avocados, bananas, beef, chicken and eggs because they contain L-Tyrosine, the protein needed to make dopamine. Activities like exercising and meditating as well as getting enough sleep and just thinking about the good things in your life will aid in the production of dopamine.

The connection…

So, it only makes sense (and dopamine) if we are wearing something that makes us feel good, our dopamine levels will rise and we will feel even better…if we feel better, our dopamine levels rise…kind of a non-vicious cycle, right? As with all things, moderation is key. Too much of a good thing can lead to aggression and poor impulse control.

Unscientific conclusion…

I very much believe in the power of dopamine dressing. I can see it in my eyes. What? Not the mirror? Nope, it’s the eyes. They give it away every time. As I look through my archives of photos, I can tell the times I absolutely loved what I was wearing. My eyes are shining. One would even say I was smizing! This article does a wonderful job of laying out the way we should shop. Will I be employing these methods? Nope! I love the thrill of the hunt. If you like to read the science, here’s another article with a little more information.

The outfit…

Two years ago, I didn’t own a single kimono. I told myself I couldn’t find one that fit me right. Now, I realize it was more I felt uncomfortable in them. I felt like I was wearing a costume. But, I’ve embraced my own style. You can read a little more here about my style. Fashion rules would say I shouldn’t wear flowy, full pants with a flowy, full top. Pshaw! I like flowy with flowy! These are the Studio Wide leg pants from Athleta in a wonderful greyed out lavender or lavendered out grey. The kimono has a color similar to it running through the pattern. Interestingly, I’m wearing them in the post I linked above with another kimono! I couldn’t find a top that spoke to me so I went the safe route and wore a white tee. You may notice the tee appears to be different lengths in the photos. We took the first set with it tied at the back to shorten it. I didn’t really like that look so I went with it longer in the others. I’m still scanning my closet for a better match.

Zia Stella…

Today’s outfit features this gorgeous Sunshine Short Kimono from Zia Stella. As with Kantha Bae, I can’t link to my exact kimono because each piece is unique. Zia Stella is a woman-owned business (her name is Becky, and she’s sweet as can be) located in Indiana of all places. You can read her story here. She is running a sale right now for 20% off with the code SPRING20. I purchased my Kantha coil bracelet and necklace from Becky earlier this year. You can find her on Instagram here.

Look at that print! And, it has pockets!

The Lewk!

It’s strange I picked these Jack Rogers sandals considering they are the same as the ones in Tuesday’s post! Still going with the purple theme, I chose amethyst jewelry to accessorize the look. The necklace with the large chunks of amethyst is very old and from Coldwater Creek. The earrings are also old and from eBay.

Wrap it up, Marsha!

A year ago, I hadn’t even heard of dopamine dressing. But, that doesn’t mean I haven’t been doing it! I have always known when I was wearing an outfit that made me feel good. I’ve also known when my outfit was a flop, and my mood reflected that. So, can we talk? How do you feel about dopamine dressing? What colors or styles make you feel good? Have you followed a plan or formula for shopping in order to guarantee you’re increasing your dopamine levels? Or, do you think it’s all a lot of malarkey? Please leave a comment or two, and we can talk! I promise to respond as soon as possible.

Affiliate links and such:

Just a reminder that Marsha in the Middle may use an affiliate link. Those links are usually italicized. If you click or make a purchase from an italicized link I provide, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support. As of right now, I also have an affiliate code for Kantha Bae! Use MarshaintheMiddle in the promo code box for $5 off any order (excluding Bestie restocks)! I have also become a Halftee Partner. Use the code, MARSHA2098, for 20% off any purchase. I am now an affiliate with Clara Sunwoo. You can use my code, MARSHA10, for 10% off your entire order. In case you didn’t know, bloggers must disclose the use of affiliate links. That’s why I include this in each post.

Thank you!

I am so thankful you are here however you got here! Thank you to those who subscribe, comment, and email. I truly do appreciate you! If you’d like to follow me on Instagram, you can find me here.

Oof! That’s a close up!

Where you can find me:

Linking up with Nancy’s Fashion StyleMy Bijou LIfe, Fine-Whatever, Is This Mutton, Shelbee on the Edge, Chez MireileThe Grey Brunette, and Away from the Blue. I also link up with This Blonde’s Shopping BagDoused in Pink, and I do deClaire and Mummabstylish. Please check out these wonderful ladies and their blogs! I also am a co-host for Ageless Style on the third Thursday of the month and Songful Style on the last Monday of the month. I co-host Traffic Jam Weekend with Michelle every Thursday. I also host Final Fridays on the last Friday of the month as well as 10 on the 10th on the 10th of the month! I do hope you’ll check out all of these blogs and link parties!


  1. I totally agree. I see it to in my eyes if I’m wearing something that is not really my thing, watch tomorrow’s post on my blog…… and for me dopamine dressing is monochrome black, lol.

    • Hahaha!!! Hey, if you feel good in all black, then that’s dopamine dressing! I’ll check out your post soon! I’m running a bit behind!

  2. Nice one Marsha, I agree dopamine dressing is what we feel good in and I love your new word ‘smizing’. I do it too 🙂

    • Thanks, Debbie! I can’t claim credit for smizing…that’s from America’s Next Top Model and Tyra Banks.

  3. Marianela Beauty Tips

    Nice and comfortable choice. Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

    • Thanks so much! I’m afraid I don’t speak Spanish otherwise I would love to read it. I’m so sorry.

  4. The pink kimono is fabulous on you! Unlike me, pink is your color – at least this shade. I’ve slowly been collecting kimonos too. I’m still not sure about them, although I love the way they look on others. I think it’s that I’m just not used to them yet. I’m a big fan of dopamine, and dopamine styling. But I have never ever upped my dopamine with exercise. I’ve exercised for a big chunk of my life before I got sick, and the only dopamine I received was from the relief when it was over. 😀 Anyway I need to check out Zia Stella.

    • Thanks, Michelle! I can wear pinks as long as there is a strong blue undertone. Otherwise, I just get lost in the color. Oh, yeah…I never got that runner’s high (though I never ran) when I did aerobics or any other type of exercising. It just isn’t fun for me at all! I totally get the kimono thing. I just couldn’t find one that worked right…and, then I did!

  5. I remember feeling that way with kimonos years ago. I was used to more structured pieces and they were so different. But trust me, living in AZ has changed all that, haha.
    Love this post Marsha. Just clothes, BWAH,

    • Thanks, Jodie! I’m not sure if it was the unstructured feel, or if I just hadn’t found the right ones for me. Now, I love them, obviously!!

  6. Beautiful kimono! I love the color!

  7. That orchid color is gorgeous and looks great on you. Love the silver sandals bookending your silver hair. I think wearing color improves my mood so I say “yes” to dopamine dressing.

    • Thanks, Sally! I’m not sure if it’s the specific color that makes me happy, or if it’s the article of clothing. Either way, I always know when I’m feeling good! Oh, you have such a sharp eye! I didn’t even realize I had bookended my look!

  8. I always thought dopamine dressing meant wearing bright colors, but your definition is so much better. We should all be wearing what we feel good in! Your kimono is fabulous! Love the color!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    • Thanks so much, Jill! That’s what I always thought, too. Perhaps, it’s because those bright colors made the people feel better! I just know I feel better when I know I look good…oh, that sounds so egotistical!

  9. I love this color on you and yes, your eyes sparkle in these pictures! I am very grateful for my large closet so it probably looks like I have less clothes than I do (except my kids were contradict that statement) and I think I have gotten to the point that I like pretty much everything in my closet. I do know I like every skirt and dress I have.

    • Thank you so much, Mireille! My problem I like everything in my closet, too. But, I need to do some serious purging! I love seeing you in your skirts and dresses…and how you change them up!

  10. What a great post, Marsha! You’ve inspired me to create a video for Think Like Queenie on dopamine dressing!
    I LOVE that you wear what you want to wear…I like flowy with flowy too!
    Big hugs
    Suzy xx

    • Oh, I will check it out in just a sec!!! I am trying to be more authentically me. It’s only taken 65 years!!! Thanks so much, Suzy!

  11. I definitely believe in dopamine dressing! For me it’s mainly bright colours, but also luxurious textures and a bit of sparkle! I love your kimono, the colour is gorgeous. Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  12. Dopamine dressing is definitely not malarkey! You can see it in the eyes! Haha. That is so true, the eyes tell it all. I love this kimono and those fun pants. They pair so well together. I also like flowy with flowy, as you knowy! Fabulous outfit and super fun post, my friend. I am going to check out Zia Stella now…


    • Thank you, my friend! I loved the way the look came together for the most part. I need to find a different tee to wear under the kimono, though! You will love ZiaStella!!!