When I picked out this outfit, I knew I wanted to pair these boots with this pinafore. But, there was a gap between dress and boots, and I’d made that mistake once before! It was hot the day of the photo shoot so I really didn’t want to go all the way back upstairs to take off the boots and find a pair of tights that would work. Then, I had an AHA moment! I would just put on a pair of my husband’s dress socks. They only had to cover those few inches, right?

When I pulled this pair out of his sock drawer, I knew I had a hit! Some of the stripes matched the pinafore exactly! So, I pulled them on my lady size feet…the heel is halfway up my ankle! And, in theory, I thought they looked cute! (Violet Chachki and GottMike disagree on whether or not cute is a good thing!) But, in looking at the pictures, all I can think of is the Wicked Witch of the East…she’s the one the house dropped on, right?

Take a look at these boots! I am developing quite the love for L’Artiste boots! These are the Water Lily boots in the green colorway. It’s amazing how a pair of men’s dress socks can make a pair of boots a scosh tight. I wouldn’t be able to walk in these wearing these socks…le sigh! Because even though I think “Wizard of Oz” when I see the pictures, I kinda dig the look! And, for as high (for me anyway) as the heels are, these boots truly are made for walking!
Would you wear a pinafore?

There are some who would question whether or not a 63 year old woman should even be wearing a pinafore. But, this 63 year old woman loves the look, and she’s going to wear it! This dress…ah, I love it. It’s the perfect shade of lavender…grey/blue undertones, lightweight, big pockets, and can be worn as a dress, duster, long vest. I like the blanket stitch details around the neckline and armholes. Those are shell buttons, too! It’s also as comfortable as an old nightgown!

The big plant is an upright jumbo elephant ear aka alocasia. I’m so happy it’s finally growing! That’s my infamous weed plant…not that kind of weed…it just started growing so I twined it around the armillary. I like the wildness of my front garden. Those marigolds came up voluntarily this spring. The begonias are in a cement urn you can just barely see. Sprinkled in are several different caladium plants in varying shades of greens and pinks. I also love to make rock cairns. When we first moved here, I would scour the part of the neighborhood that was being developed for interesting rocks. Nigel wants to glue them together. I think part of the fun of a cairn is finding those perfect balances so the rocks stay put.

The Lewk!
I promise! I do have clothing from other retailers! This pinafore is from April Cornell, but I can’t find a link to it anywhere. Sorry! I knew I wanted to wear some type of ivory or cream colored tee under it. I went searching in my closet where there are any number of white or grey tees. I had to really search to find this little gem! It was perfect with that little bit of embroidery and cutwork at the collar. Unfortunately, this, too, is no longer available. It’s a Talbots tee from probably four or five years ago! The jewelry is all old and was purchased on eBay. For a period of time when I was still teaching, I bought lots and lots of earrings, bracelets and rings on eBay. These are all amethyst set in sterling silver. The one bracelet, though, is by Premier Designs and is called “The Gift”. It looks like the only thing I can give you a link for is the pair of boots! https://www.shoemall.com/product/spring-step-waterlilly-women-s-/1104663-2?CAWELAID=330007400013674940&gclid=CjwKCAjw4qCKBhAVEiwAkTYsPL_c0aMETvT67zgOdgMMi158OlFmQ_D-KEYWiTeodnfLShbrwXNbkhoCwuEQAvD_BwE

Yes, I know that welcome mat says, “Welcome Spring”, but it’s so close to the time when I’ll change it out for fall! This summer seemed to drag, and yet, here we are in the last few days of September! I’m slowly transitioning the decor, but the front porch is the last to get done.
Just trying new poses! A little hair action…always a good thing! I really like my smile here…confidence being gained?

Wrap it up, Marsha!
When you were younger, was there a special movie you always enjoyed? I remember waiting and waiting for “The Wizard of Oz” to be on tv. I think my favorite scene is when it amazingly switched from black and white to color! Did you maybe, just a little, root for the witch? I think, as I got older, I began to understand and empathize with her. It’s funny how your perspective changes over time, isn’t it? Is there a look you think you shouldn’t wear, but you do anyway? I’d love it if you’d leave me a comment or two. Let’s have a conversation! And, if you enjoy my blog, won’t you consider subscribing? Thanks, as always, for dropping in!
After black, green is my favourite colour so I do love those boots.
Aren’t they just delicious? I received them early this spring so I haven’t really worn them much this year. I can’t wait to see where they lead me!
Thanks for coming by, Nancy!
Lilac is a great color on you, Marsha, and I did get a laugh about the Wicked Witch of the East! NOT! Your husband’s socks look quite cute but they may be the reason you felt “wtichy.” Lol! Those boots are incredible!! LOVE the green and the design. You can make lots of outfits around those, my friend. BTW, your flowers and plants are just gorgeous. Not a green thumb, indeed!
xx Darlene
Thanks, Darlene! I thought they added a bit of whimsy to the look which was trending a little dowdy. I adore these boots and can’t wait to wear them this fall. I got them early in the spring so I didn’t really have any place to wear them then.
Ok, that may have been a bit of a white lie…I’ve always had a green thumb. I had just been neglecting it for a bit. In our neighborhood, everyone has the same basic landscaping. Since I didn’t want to kill what was already there, I just started experimenting with different textures, heights, and shapes. It’s a work in progress always!
Thanks for coming by, Darlene!
Those boots are amazing Marsha. I have seen that brand for a pair of heels, and I almost bought them.
And the socks are totally fun!! It’s heartwarming to find fun with our style, I always think.
I bought my first pair a few years ago. With a messed up left foot, comfort and support are paramount! I’ve found L’Artiste to have both as well as a lot of fashion! There are some that are way over the top.
I really was just looking for some solid color socks when I spied those! It was serendipity!
Thanks, as always, Jodie!
That boots is definitely something! And looks really timeless. Amazing outfit Marsha
Thank you so much!
Thanks for coming by!
You look fab in this pinafore, and I really like the color on you! The boots are cool, and your hair looks great!
Thanks so much! I’m beginning to think the hair needs some shortening and shaping, though! I do love this color! It’s just the right shade of lavender…I love that’s it’s a bit on the moody side, too!
Thanks for coming by!
Love the look! Love the boots! Love your blog! Love you! Your yard is gorgeous, too.
Aw, thanks, Hope! Love you, too! The yard is always changing. Hopefully, you’ll see these boots at church some day.
Those boots are so fun and I really liek them with the dress! you layer it well, and you can’t beat a dress with pockets! It’s the ultimate wardrobe staple!
I think the socks are a fun touch as well – I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the stripes, it looks good with a bit of print under the dress and it’s a clever solution when you want to cover up your legs but don’t want to wear leggings or tights!
Thanks for joining the #WeekdayWearLinkup! Hope you have a good weekend ahead of you. Another busy but fun one here
Thanks, Mica! I hope your weekend is lots and lots of fun! I’m not sure what ours will entail…grocery shopping and other fun things like that! I was really just kind of goofing around with the socks at first. But, when I got done, I actually really liked the whole look! Since I’ve started blogging, I’ve also become much more experimental!
Have a fabulous weekend!
Marsha, you are a beautiful woman, and absolutely should wear anything you please! The pinafore is adorable, and the striped socks and boots so much fun. I love it! I enjoyed the photos of your garden. Just moved cross country to a new house with lots of potential for gardens. I love the inspiration I get from your front garden.
Oh, gosh, now I’m blushing! I have gotten to the place in my life where I do wear what I please. But, I still want it to look good, right? Moving cross country? Wow! That’s huge…at least, to me. I miss having a big yard and try to pack as much punch into the little space I do have. I’m glad you like the front. I can’t wait to see yours!
Thanks for coming by!
Cute boots, and I like the pinafore on you, Marsha. I am not a pinafore person, but I do get the allure of a comfy dress! Love the witchy socks!
Aren’t those socks the best? I’m going to have to get some of those toe tubes you’ve written about and wear them with the boots to stretch them out because I really like these socks!
I think the socks are really fun with the boots and dress! Very creative to shop your husband’s closet. I’ve never liked the Wizard of Oz movie but actually like the new version which is called Oz I think?
Those socks were just a happy accident! I hadn’t even remembered them having that lilac stripe in them. Oh, I loved the Wizard of Oz. There was a series on a few years ago which was fun…something with Emerald in it, I think.
Thanks, Mireille, for coming by!