Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot

Week #29

Welcome to another edition of Weekend Traffic Jam. Look for the link up to go live Thursdays at 9:30pm EDT. Melynda, from Scratch Made Food for Hungry People, and Lisa, from Boondock Ramblings, are joining me for the Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot. But, we’d love to have even more co-hosts. If you’re interested, please comment or email me!

I hope wherever you are in the world, you are doing well. As I type this, it is raining and a little chilly. There is nothing like a little rain to get you in the autumn mood! I am one of those strange people who looks forward to the days being shorter and the nights longer. The house just feels cozier that way. Jack, however, is not a fan of rain. He doesn’t appreciate getting his feet wet. He does, strangely enough, like snow and loves to play in it. But, we aren’t going to talk about snow right now!

Thank you for your patience as I get things ironed out with this link party. I now have unlimited numbers of links. Last week, some of you may not have been able to link up. So, please link up your favorite posts! They can be fashion, DIY, food, lifestyle, travel, you name it! And, please visit a few of the posts linked! Please spread the word about Weekend Traffic Jam!

Featured favorites from last week:

Most clicked
Erin has put together quite a cozy Halloween list!
Anyone ready for vacation?
This looks delicious!

Co-hosts wanted…

And, now, it’s your turn!

Please link up your favorite posts, DIY, baking, gardening, fashion…you name it…as long as it’s family friendly! Link up with me, visit a couple of others, and leave a comment or two! No worries if you don’t have a blog, just look around! You may find a new blog just waiting for you!


  1. The portuguese town photo is so gorgeous! Ahhhh!

  2. Thanks for the co-host opportunity, I can’t wait! Have a great week ahead.

    • I’m so glad you’ve joined me, Melynda! Have a fabulous weekend! I hope your weather has been better.

  3. I am a new host and forgot to have the post up on time, but I will get better! I promise! Ha!

  4. Thanks for hosting Marsha! Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Thanks for the party!

  6. Ah, I am like you, I like when the days are shorter too. Yes cozier and also easier to sleep. In the height of summer when it is still light and blazing hot at 8 at night it really throws off your system. I wish they would do away with day light savings. They are predicting a lot of snow I need to get some snow boots.

    Allie of

    • Oh, it’s always nice to know there are others who enjoy the dark, cozy nights! I think daylight savings time is ending permanently soon, but that could be wishful thinking. My snow boots are on their last leg (pardon the pun) so I’d probably better look for some soon, too!

      Thanks, Allie, for coming by!

  7. Marsha,
    Thanks again for hosting this wonderful party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! I hope you have a great week!

  8. Thanks so much for co-hosting this party, Martha. it’s always a pleasure to visit. Appreciate the feature for “Fall in the Den.” It was a fun mini-makeover for the room. Have a great week.

  9. Thank you for featuring my Buffalo Chicken Rice Bowls! Have a wonderful week!

  10. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.